Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi there and welcome to the Proper Golfing podcast.
Speaker 1 00:00:02 I'm Julian Miller.
Speaker 0 00:00:03 And I'm Joe Cameron. Head of membership and customer experience here at Proper Golfing. And
Speaker 1 00:00:08 We're about to be joined by our new member. Come on Chloe.
Speaker 0 00:00:11 Come on. Here's our little dog. If she haven't met her before, her name's Chloe. So she's coming off anyway, today we're talking about something really quite controversial and its relationship to golf, aren't we?
Speaker 1 00:00:21 Yeah, it's very prominent in the golfing world, but maybe it's not the right thing for you to be doing.
Speaker 0 00:00:27 Yeah, I heard anyway more on that in a minute. But we've been on an adventure, aren't we? It started 2025 and we've been on an adventure already.
Speaker 1 00:00:34 Yeah, we've been looking at a a location in America.
Speaker 0 00:00:37 We have. Yeah. 'cause we are there in April, so we needed to walk through every single detail, didn't we? But we did have a bit of fun. I mean now the, the, you know, like everybody out there has probably been to America before and you probably are American. So weird. Like the Brits arriving in America at Atlanta Airport was a whole new level.
Speaker 1 00:00:56 Place is huge, isn't it? Oh
Speaker 0 00:00:58 My God. So we ended up getting the wrong way on the train, on the underground train at airport. Didn't we? Honest to goodness me. I wonder if, I wonder if somebody's like watching us, you know, like watching our mistakes or something.
Speaker 1 00:01:10 I think there'd be a few laughs. So
Speaker 0 00:01:12 No. Anyway, we're back. Jet lags gone. Yeah, jet lags gone. I'm gonna be there in April. But yeah, it was beautiful wasn't it? What
Speaker 1 00:01:18 We doing there in April?
Speaker 0 00:01:20 We're running a golf retreat for senior golfers.
Speaker 1 00:01:23 Yeah. I cannot wait. That'll be,
Speaker 0 00:01:24 It's What was your favorite experience from late June Luka?
Speaker 1 00:01:27 The venue is unbelievable. The lake is so gorgeous, isn't it? When we don't have to see places like that here in the uk. The hotel where we're going to do the coaching and the golf course are just wonderful. The people are great. Can't wait to get started. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:01:44 I know. The mountains, the great Smokies. Oh what?
Speaker 1 00:01:47 That's special.
Speaker 0 00:01:48 We were proper tour for a week, in fact, like we used to go in the shops and go, they'd go Welcome in. Which was very nice. You don't get that in the uk, welcome in. And then I would go, oh hi, I'm a tourist. And they sort of give you the side eye, like really?
Speaker 1 00:02:02 Never.
Speaker 0 00:02:03 I dunno what was a dead giveaway, but it was a dead giveaway. But it was amazing, wasn't it?
Speaker 1 00:02:06 Yeah. Brilliant. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:07 We can't wait to go back in April. So anyway, the topic today is very controversial topic. It is. And we made, it was before New Year's resolution. Actually a big shift in mindset for us is that we have done what
Speaker 1 00:02:22 Stopped drinking. We are completely stopped drinking. Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:02:25 Which may or may not be a big thing. And you know, I've seen people online going, oh I'll stop drinking and stuff, but, and we were weekend drinkers in the uk We do have a lot of this overriding culture of like, you know, drinking at weekends.
Speaker 1 00:02:39 Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:02:40 Definitely. But we thought we'd just do a little podcast on it just to spark some thoughts in your own mind. Now this is a personal journey, so we're not saying what we should and shouldn't do. Definitely not. It's just been really quite profound Really, isn't it?
Speaker 1 00:02:51 Really profound. So we, you know, factually we know that stopping drinking is better for your health and why
Speaker 0 00:02:56 Do you stop? What, what happened? Because is right, I've been talking for ages about stopping 'cause I just wasn't enjoying it anymore and it was making me feel tired and blah blah blah. So I wanted to stop for ages and I kept saying, I wanna stop, didn't I? And then typical Julian Styley, you never really know what's coming up next. But then on the 24th Christmas Eve you just stopped.
Speaker 1 00:03:16 I did, yeah. Just make the decision. Something flicked in my head and I go, I just don't wanna do this anymore. And I decided to stop drinking that day. And I have to say not thought a great deal about it since
Speaker 0 00:03:28 Know, but what did he come in? Has it been brewing for a while or not? Not brewing. He's just been thinking about it.
Speaker 1 00:03:32 I would say that you don't always feel a hundred percent, you don't always feel on your game. Come come the Monday morning sometimes. And I didn't like the feeling of not being a hundred percent and I've just had enough of it to be honest. So I don't need it anymore. It's, it's, you can replace it with other flavored drinks or non alcoholic drinks if the, so it's not like you don't have to experience the, the way of drinking, but the, the benefits of stopping are already proving to be tremendous.
Speaker 0 00:04:04 Well we've, so, so he stopped and then I thought, okay, I've been wanting to stop for a while. So he stopped on the 23rd and then on Christmas day I had my last one. And I'll tell you what, I feel like a new person, like I say, this is not us saying you should do this. It's just, just sharing a personal journey. Definitely. And if you've been thinking about doing it and you've been putting it off, we'll just say give it a go. Right. We're only three weeks in but I feel like, I feel like it's been 30 years since I've been off in a good way. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah. I feel
Speaker 1 00:04:30 Like I've got more time to do things. I no, that
Speaker 0 00:04:32 Is the weird thing.
Speaker 1 00:04:33 So the other, dare we say side side benefit of it, if now I would join the gym, I've joined the gym Joe time.
Speaker 0 00:04:40 I mean I was already mental wasn. I,
Speaker 1 00:04:42 But I'm really enjoying going to the gym and there's, it's like ying and yang, isn't it? Suddenly you feel better, you feel healthier, feel fitter and it's a hundred percent helping me with my golf.
Speaker 0 00:04:52 But don't you think that like, it's easier in the gym now as well? I'm fine doing my, I was in the gym really early this morning and I just find it's really easy as well. Like I say, it's only three weeks in, isn't it? But the, since that we've been doing a whole lot of research about how it improves your body. 'cause at proper golfing we are about your golf swing, but we just about more than that, you know, we're about lifestyle, wellbeing and all that sort of stuff. Yeah. And, and I've realized, you know, just how bad it's for your liver, you know, and all sorts of things anyway. Yeah. Like I say, we're not, we're not preaching to you. This is what you do. It's a personal story but I, I have to say I didn't think I'd feel so good so quick. Did you? I mean, I didn't, I don't know why I didn't do it to feel good. I just was feeling just tired on it and just, you know, wanted to stop.
Speaker 1 00:05:35 Yeah. But the, almost like the awareness, your mental awareness has been raised. Mine has definitely, I, I'm, I've definitely got a clear vision not because of I've not had a drink, but I've like got a clear vision of what I want to do and what I want to achieve and how, how we can do that. Sometimes I think when you've had a drink you can feel a little bit lax, a little bit a blur and you don't have that same buzz about you.
Speaker 0 00:06:00 Yeah, a hundred percent. I think it's the energy. It's definitely the energy. Yeah. I definitely found that I'm less touchy about things, you know, I don't get so don't get so wound up, you know, things might bother you in the day, but I don't, it doesn't seem to be such a big thing anymore. Like you say the time and then just the fun things like, which I never ever thought you'd do is like, so we're into a bit of a fruit smoothies now. Right now Julian is a you, you don't like his greens don't really like, I don't don his greens but so I nag him all the time. Like, you know, your wife might about making sure that you eat your greens anyway. We know we're now having these fruit smoothies with spinach in it. I mean whatever.
Speaker 1 00:06:38 You can't taste the spinach, which is great, but they're really healthy for you so you've kind of replaced putting something bad in your body for something good. But we haven't really done it to go, you know, look at us. It's more just personal thing. I know. It feels so
Speaker 0 00:06:53 Much better. I know. So much better. So much better. I know. Yeah. So we, we we are not going back. It's not a not a road. We're gonna go back there. So what's brilliant, well I was gonna say that
Speaker 1 00:07:01 Before you finished out, you've done a lot of research now I know Yeah. On how it's going to help you with your golf game.
Speaker 0 00:07:08 Well you know, we are about golfing, aren't we? So you know, like you say, it's not only benefiting your physical health but it benefits your mental health as well. Yeah, definitely. So I'm gonna read off some factors because you know, like at public golfing we like our scientific backup. So apparently right This, I mean this is huge. Your swing speed is reduced by up to 40 15%
Speaker 1 00:07:33 By drinking.
Speaker 0 00:07:34 Yeah. And that's from the journal of of Sports Science and Medicine.
Speaker 1 00:07:37 Well if you think about if you've had a drink and you feel a bit wobbly, you're gonna try and stabilize yourself. And if you're doing that too much in golf, you're not gonna move as efficiently. So that would totally make sense to me. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:07:49 I mean just reminding you there's three key components of the proper golfing method, which is what we're all about. Okay, so swing tension free. Yeah. Coordinated release and then a six second finish. So you know, what you do off the golf course is obviously gonna affect what you are on. But there's three key, three key components. They all relate to this to don't know, this all relates to improving your golf. I mean we, you know, you are to fix people's golf swing, but proper golfing work about more than that. And I've just, before I forget, you can download the proper golfing methodology of the website, proper golfing.com and you can have a free sample of the book as well. Yeah, that's cool. Public com. So make sure that you check those out as well. 'cause there's no obligation to do anything. They're all free. And then put in accuracy. Oh, what do you know? Like again, Scott got to be true sports. So sports medicine in 2016 said that the variability increases by 20 to 30%.
Speaker 1 00:08:46 Wow. That's, I mean that's significant number isn't it? I used to be the pro at a golf club not too far away from here. And there was one of the members, wonderful golfer, very, very capable who, who had a, an issue with, with alcohol and he would drink during the round, but at the end that's when his performance fell off a cliff. And the, I mean that's, he have won. Yeah. He he wasn't able to.
Speaker 0 00:09:13 Yeah. I mean that's, that's difficult, you know? Yes,
Speaker 1 00:09:15 Definitely.
Speaker 0 00:09:16 You know, well I, I know people in my extended family that have had these difficulties. Okay. And it is really difficult. So we're not Yeah, definitely. We're not making light of this topic at all. At all. 'cause it is very, it is very difficult, you know, for some people. And, and it's a problem. So we don't wanna make light of that either, do we? Correct. We're just raising some questions, you know, asking you what you think really. I mean we a thought.
Speaker 1 00:09:36 Yeah. You know, have a think about things.
Speaker 0 00:09:37 Yeah. And if you, if you stop like let's inspire everybody else, say what happened. I have to say we do have to give a big shout out to one guy. We won't won't say who it is, but you know, like sometimes things stick out at you when you're not really expecting 'em. And one of the people that came on one of our programs, he'd stopped a while back and he said, when you drink, a light goes out in your brain. And I thought, oh my days. Mm. That stuck with me a lot. Do you know? And now I feel like the lights aren't coming up. It's
Speaker 1 00:10:05 Like turned on.
Speaker 0 00:10:06 I know. So like, I'm just, I'm repeating myself here. So you know, some people do have a difficulty if that's, if that's you, you know, we're suggesting you seek some expert out. We are not. This is just our little personal story about it, isn't it? Yeah. And then I think a senior golfers as well, what's really important is hydration. Yes. Okay. So you huge, your body gets more dehydrated. So if you've seen us talk about it before, it's very important that you drink more water. But the it I, you know, if you, if you drink, you are gonna need to keep hydrated. And then, and then the the alcohol as well, which go the lu more. So you've also got that problem as well.
Speaker 1 00:10:42 Yeah. So you dehydrate almost double
Speaker 0 00:10:44 Double, isn't it? I know, yeah. And then muscle recovery is obviously a factor as well. So according to another academic journal in 2014, so I mean I de I definitely don't ache as much 'cause alcohol makes it infl, it causes inflammation.
Speaker 1 00:10:58 Inflammation. Yeah. I I would say a
Speaker 0 00:11:01 Bit more bendy, a bit more fluid. Do you
Speaker 1 00:11:02 I would say my golf swing already feels more mobile.
Speaker 0 00:11:07 Do do you know, that's what I was gonna say. We're gonna just probably repeat this in a month to see. I wanna really see like what happens with your golf swing.
Speaker 1 00:11:13 It's gonna be interesting. So right now with the driver, if I'm just swinging at my normal speed, I'm around about 104 hundred five miles per hour, which is okay, I don't need to push. I can go a little bit quicker, but then it feels forced. Yeah. What will be interesting is to measure that speed in a month's time to see if that changes. And I, and I promise you when I do the experiment, I won't fix it.
Speaker 0 00:11:41 Yeah, you can't. Well you can't.
Speaker 1 00:11:42 There's no point. There's no point in doing that. But it will be interesting to see if anything's happened. And I, I would also say as a, as a, a really nice side effect of stopping it, I also feel like I'm losing a little bit of weight and I haven't done it for that particular reason, but I definitely feel a bit better Yeah. About myself. So do you, do you know what's
Speaker 0 00:12:04 Gonna help with golf? Do what else? I'm gonna measure in you right? Is your flexibility because we did a little video on hamstrings. Right. And somebody did call you like the, he's got very tight hamstrings anyway, telling you if you wanna know what they called him, we'll do that as a side. Okay. But anyway, you've got very tight hamstrings, aren't you? So I'm really interested to see where you are. Well, I'm off camera. We're gonna measure you right. See how, see how can you get, touch your toes? 'cause you couldn't mean some people can't. Some people can't. Right. Because of their body shape. That's
Speaker 1 00:12:34 Right. Yeah. I I've got really long legs and very short arms, Joe.
Speaker 0 00:12:39 So I'm gonna measure how far you can get and let's see where you are in a month spot
Speaker 1 00:12:42 In a that time. Yeah, definitely.
Speaker 0 00:12:43 But we just wanted to share with you a little something different today. We're all about making the most our life to be honest, aren't we? So if that, you know, resonates with you, that's great. I think
Speaker 1 00:12:52 It's nice. I would say I'm quite a fortunate person. I'm, I'm quite a positive person anyway. Yeah, a hundred percent. I think we've all had dark days and dark, dark times of our life, but I tend to see the light a little bit quicker than in other people. But I just, I dunno, I just feel better.
Speaker 0 00:13:09 Yeah. I feel so
Speaker 1 00:13:09 Much better, but I feel more confident that I can play golf better. Yeah. Without even changing
Speaker 0 00:13:15 Anything. It, it definitely takes the edge off any nervous, you know, like any edge
Speaker 1 00:13:20 Calm, isn't it? Yeah. I mean, for golf, if you're getting upset and snappy golf clubs as I used to do a long, long time ago, your golf's going downhill, isn't it? And if you need a, a drink to make you feel a bit better then I don't know, maybe you need to have a a think about that.
Speaker 0 00:13:36 Well, I just reflect
Speaker 1 00:13:37 It might not be right.
Speaker 0 00:13:37 Yeah. Reflect who, who knows. We are not like, we are not saying what's right or wrong in anyway life, are we, but I, I was just laughing to myself when I've been doing some research on it is that for women, actually it's there, there's some people say there is no safe limit for alcohol with women. I wish I'd have known that a long time ago. Mm. Do you know that, that seriously worrying for like cancers and staff, that there is no safe limit for women. I, you know, everybody's got their own different position on that. But something that I was reading is that a glass of wine is equivalent to three pieces of toast. So how often would I ever have three pieces of toast?
Speaker 1 00:14:13 I've never have three pieces of toast. Never,
Speaker 0 00:14:16 Never. But somehow in some cultures, especially in the uk it's assumingly all right to have like a glass of wine. But I'd never have,
Speaker 1 00:14:24 I've had three and do nobody compares the two, do
Speaker 0 00:14:26 They? I've never had two pieces. I like a great big piece of chocolate cake. They lot of sugar. I'd never do that. No,
Speaker 0 00:14:30 No. Yeah, I'd easily have a glass of wine. Yeah. It's fascinating stuff, isn't it? But yeah. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed our little conversation. We're really keen to know if you've done that and the experience, the benefits. So, and like I say, if you're thinking of stopping and you haven't quite found the motivation yet, we hope we've done a little way to sort of help you, you along with that, you know, we're at proper golfing do com where you can join the virtual academy, you can join our master's program. He definitely knows how to fix your golf swing. So that goes without saying, but our pop golfing, we're just a bit more than fixing your golf swing. So we hope you've enjoyed it.
Speaker 1 00:15:02 Yeah, I mean if you, we would love you to get in touch with us if you're the first time watching, you've never heard of us before, we've been about a little bit, you know, we, we kind of know how to fix golf swings. That's, that's what we do day to day. But like you said, Joe, sometimes it's a bit more than just fixing a golf swing. Yeah. Hundred percent. And if we can help and inspire some people, and if you, if you just need to get in touch with us and go have you done it, you know, by all means messages, you know, we, we are here to inspire and help as many golfers as we can. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:15:34 A hundred percent. Yeah, a hundred percent. So hope you enjoyed it today. I say I'm Joe Cameron. He's Julian Miller. The web address is proper golfing.com. So we hope to see you around either in the UK or in Spain or in the US a Yeah, definitely. So take care.
Speaker 1 00:15:48 Take care, have a lovely
Speaker 0 00:15:48 Day.
Speaker 1 00:15:49 Bye. Bye.