I halved my golfing handicap at age 78

Episode 3: I halved my golfing handicap at age 78

Senior Golfer Michael from Dallas shares his inspiring story with Julian Mellor and Jo Cameron of Proper Golfing

Show notes

This week, [Jo Cameron], [Julian Mellor] and [another person] cover [Golf News, Gol Tips, Effortless Golf].....

Topics discussed:

  1. Senior Golf
  2. Golf Strategies
  3. Play Golf Properly

Links mentioned in this episode:

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm



Jo Cameron

Jo Cameron

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Julian Mellor

Julian Mellor

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello, Michael, can

Speaker 1 00:00:02 We hear Joe? How are y'all doing? Let me get this full screen. I was scrambling on my end to try to get this to work. This has been, this is great. I'm, it's fantastic. My wife Norma. Hi.

Speaker 0 00:00:16 Hi. Hi, Norma.

Speaker 2 00:00:18 Good to see y'all. I feel like I know you. He talks about y'all all the time.

Speaker 0 00:00:22 I feel sorry for you. Oh,

Speaker 1 00:00:24 Not at all. Now you've become my new best friend. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:00:29 I love it. I love it.

Speaker 3 00:00:30 We're waiting to try and see you on the video.

Speaker 0 00:00:32 So on the bottom left, sometimes it says video. Yours might have a line through it.

Speaker 1 00:00:38 Oh, okay. Wait a minute. Oh yeah. Let me, let me,

Speaker 0 00:00:43 If you click on that, it should work. Hi, we go.

Speaker 1 00:00:48 Hey, now you get to see who, what we look like. Oh, we

Speaker 0 00:00:52 Can't see yet. It's black.

Speaker 1 00:00:55 Yes. Do wine.

Speaker 0 00:00:57 So it's a black screen at the moment.

Speaker 1 00:01:00 Oh, all right. Well, I clicked on video.

Speaker 0 00:01:04 Okay. Oh, thank God.

Speaker 1 00:01:07 Now did it work?

Speaker 0 00:01:09 No, no, it's still, it is still black. Have you, have you got a camera on your device? Do you know? Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:01:16 Well, I thought I did.

Speaker 0 00:01:18 Yep. Use

Speaker 1 00:01:20 The zoom before. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:01:21 We have. Gee, that's a strange one, isn't it? Well, we're talking anyway, which is always great news.

Speaker 3 00:01:29 You were there and then you went, didn't you? Well, we do, we didn't see you, but we saw plaque screen and then you won again and the screen went.

Speaker 0 00:01:36 Yeah. Maybe.

Speaker 1 00:01:37 I'm trying to see. I don't know. It says video.

Speaker 0 00:01:44 What? So if you just press it again, just see if that

Speaker 1 00:01:48 Yeah, it's on off now.

Speaker 0 00:01:51 Yeah. So if you press it on again. No, it's just gone on blank again. Okay. Don't worry.

Speaker 1 00:01:57 Oh, shame. Well, I'm sorry.

Speaker 0 00:01:59 No problem. No problem. So more, more importantly, how impressed are we with you? Yeah,

Speaker 1 00:02:05 My goodness. Well, I, I, I've got to tell you, this has been quite an experience. You asked me some questions, Joe and I I did, and I've got those, I've got those, those answers for you. About six months ago, I think it was that I, I was just sitting, looking through YouTube. I've gone down every rabbit hole just a real quick go back. When I was about, when I was in my fifties, I got down to about a nine handicap, and then it just kind of started going away. And I thought, well, it just my age. So then I started looking for every answer in the world. And I think I've heard you, Joe, talk about going down rabbit holes. I've been rabbit holes, I've been down every rabbit hole. Tried several different methods of this guy and this guy, this technique, that technique. And one day, about six months ago, I was just looking at YouTube and I saw one of your older videos.

Speaker 1 00:03:23 Yeah. And what caught my eye was the thing that, and it was, you're not a professional. You're never going to be a professional, but you need to just enjoy golf. Just enjoy. And I thought, well, this, this guy sounds pretty good. I've heard every, every, every cliche you could think of. So I watched it and you were doing the simple setup technique. Yeah. And I thought that that makes sense. It made sense to me. So I started watching all of your youth for a couple of months, and then I finally decided, I just told my wife, I told Norma, I said, Hey, I'm going to, I'm gonna join. So I got got on with you guys on the training program. Now I've been working in the training. I sent you some videos in my backyard. I gotta be honest with you, I hate the driving range. I just literally don't like to go to the driving range. I wind up banging my head against the brick wall. Yeah. But I promise you, I will do one for you. That's because I'm feeling, I'm feeling so, so much better than I used to.

Speaker 1 00:04:52 And I'll tell you what happened. This is what's happened so far. I started following your simple techniques, and then I got the training program and really started working through the training from one, from the first one through it, through the next one. And I've worked around and I'm down around, I'm down in the putting, which I really need. Yeah. The putting test. But, well, here's how this all went together for me. I was, I do keep my scores on a thing called app called Golf Logic. Yeah. And I've got somewhat something like 290 rounds of golf on there. And I was running average of 86 to 87 around average 1718 handicap.

Speaker 4 00:05:59 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:06:00 So I started following your techniques and your method, and I did the, the, the, the simple setup got me to the position I needed to be with the ball.

Speaker 4 00:06:17 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:06:18 That was the first step. That was the thing that really was the key. The next big. And I mean, this was the revelation for me. You asked me what Joe, what revelation I had. It was turning the body and making the arms go with the body.

Speaker 4 00:06:41 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:06:42 Turning the body inside my barrel. Yeah. So over onto the right foot and, and not taking and swinging the arms. Yes. Swing turning the body and the arms come with it. That was probably the major revelation for me. What,

Speaker 0 00:07:06 What did that do for you, Michael?

Speaker 1 00:07:09 It, I was taking and just going all over the lot with my arms, because when I would take them back, I was, I was constantly trying to do something I can't do. I was trying to hit the ball and I was not, it just wasn't working. Nothing. I did. But when I took the, when I made the turn, I actually went up on my toe Yeah. And made my turn, turn. I found my, if I kept my, because with the setup, my arms were resting on my body to begin with. Yeah. So I turn the body, the arms come with it, the Columbo comes with the, with the hands. And then the next revelation was the bending of the right arm, the right elbow. And just bringing the club up. Yeah. Then it was, then it was to turn back through. And I, being in the right setup, I was able to hit the ball. Now, let me say this. I, I was, I was pretty good before I started, started it hitting my driver. There's not a lot, other than my driver has been more consistent with this, with this technique or with your teaching. My, it is been more consistent. I'm hitting a lot more fairways. But the biggest change in my game has been my iron play. I'm hitting, I've gone from 20 to 25% greens in regulation to over 55% average. Wow.

Speaker 1 00:09:04 That's

Speaker 0 00:09:06 Impressive.

Speaker 1 00:09:07 That is the major change is, and it was just simply keeping my arms connected. Going back, yeah. Coming through and making sure I come back to the same spot where my club is square to the ball I'm hitting. It's Yeah. Where I want it. I'm aiming one of your videos talked about, don't worry about where the pen is so much. Try to put the green, the, in the middle of the green. Yeah. There was a golfer, there was a, I think he was British or a European golfer, and I can't remember his name. I always remember he talked about when he won tournaments over here in the States, watching him on the t tv, the television. He, he made the comment, he aimed for the center of the green because it always gave him a shot for par, but he had also gave him a shot for a birdie. Yeah. And so I'm really focusing on the center of the green and getting on the green in regulation.

Speaker 0 00:10:23 And how far, if I get on Michael, sorry to interrupt. How far, how far would you say you average, let's say, is seven iron and your driver?

Speaker 1 00:10:31 Alright, my seven iron, it's beginning to start to come back to where I'm hitting it closer to 150. I hit my seven iron somewhere between 140 and 150 yards.

Speaker 0 00:10:48 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:10:50 And I hit my, I hit my pension wedge. I, I'll tell you this one. I played one of the hardest courses in Dallas. It's actually one of the top 10 courses in Dallas called Tenon Highlands. T-E-N-N-I-S-O-N, tenon Highlands. And it on a, I hit my drive, hit a good drive right in the middle of the fairway, hit my five wood because I don't hit a three wood off the ground.

Speaker 0 00:11:28 Good.

Speaker 1 00:11:29 Five wood left myself. I was 115 yards out and the pin was toward the front, and the front edge was a hundred out. So I hit my pitching wedge hit on the front of the green into the hole. Yes.

Speaker 0 00:11:51 Whoa.

Speaker 1 00:11:52 One, one of my, one of my few ever eagles.

Speaker 0 00:11:57 Whoa. I've

Speaker 1 00:11:58 Had, I've had one hole in one in my life, and that happened a few years ago. But anyway, the, the major change in my game is greens in regulation.

Speaker 0 00:12:13 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:12:14 I'm working through with you on the training on putting

Speaker 0 00:12:22 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:12:22 One of the things I found that you did that has helped my putting is bringing the shaft of my club up closer to 90.

Speaker 0 00:12:33 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:12:34 Lifting the tail of the club off of the ground. Just a hair. Yeah. Straight back, straight through. I primarily put, I primarily put with a spider.

Speaker 0 00:12:48 Okay.

Speaker 1 00:12:49 Tailor-made spider. Yeah. Most of my clubs are tailormade sim two max.

Speaker 0 00:12:56 Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:12:59 And I, I, I'm loving them a lot more than I used to. Wish my wife is really,

Speaker 0 00:13:06 I'm thinking I data set.

Speaker 1 00:13:08 My wife is much happier about that because that way I'm not gonna go spend money on a new set of clubs to try to figure out and, which is another rat hole, you know? Yes. It, it's not, it's a full friend of mine. He's 86, doesn't play golf anymore. He always said it's not the era, it's not the bow, it's the Indian.

Speaker 0 00:13:35 Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And with, with the cutting, just coming back to the whole thing, how, how's physical tension affect Yeah. How's your body affected? Yeah. How's your body?

Speaker 1 00:13:51 Wonderful. I, it is so good. Let me tell you this quick little funny story. Norma and I go three days a week to a exercise class.

Speaker 0 00:14:04 Brilliant.

Speaker 1 00:14:05 And it's called Silver Sneakers. Silver for the hair and the sneakers that you wear. It's a, it's a real workout. Yeah. Okay. Real workout. But one, and I wish you could see me on my, I'll do this on my phone the next time we do use a band, and you take the band and you put it straight out, you spread your feet, put the band straight out in front of you, and you pull with your arms straight and you're flexing your chest and your shoulder muscles. And then you turn to the right and turn to the left. And I thought, whoa, I've heard this before.

Speaker 3 00:14:51 So, yeah. Sounds

Speaker 1 00:14:54 Funny. So I started, so I started doing my la dance, do goth

Speaker 0 00:15:00 Cool. And

Speaker 1 00:15:02 In the class. And the instructor came over after class and told, said, you know, I, I caught you out of the corner of my eye. You are doing a very fluid motion, but everybody's got their feet flat on the floor. I said, I'm practicing my golf swing. And she said, well, well, we are trying to get you to open your hips, you know? And I said, well, I'm really open on furthering anybody else in this class because I'm turning a whole lot further than they are. She said, okay. She could tell I wasn't, she wasn't going to change me, that I'm going to practice that. And that's the thing I do. I do it in the house. I'll be standing doing things. I do the, I love if people ask me, what are you doing? I said, I'm doing let dance do golf.

Speaker 0 00:15:57 Cool.

Speaker 1 00:15:59 Michael,

Speaker 3 00:16:00 Can you, could you do us a favor? Is like, if you can record yourself doing it, because funnily enough, today we were just talking about little practice drills and exercises you can do at home. And you were gonna record some this week, weren't you? Yes. But that'd be so cool to have Michael's video of you, you know, doing the same thing. That'd be so cool.

Speaker 1 00:16:18 I'll do it. I'll send you,

Speaker 3 00:16:20 That'd be cool.

Speaker 1 00:16:22 I'll have normal video. Me doing the, the, the dance do goth. And she laughs at me when I do it in the house. But she can tell you I do it all the time. And what I'm trying to do is to just train myself to do it on every swing. Yeah. And not think about it. Not have to think about it.

Speaker 0 00:16:46 Where, where's this dedication come from? Because you, I can hear you smiling as you, I can almost imagine you smiling as you're hitting the golf.

Speaker 1 00:16:56 I am. I'm, I'm, I'm just grinning from ear to ear.

Speaker 0 00:16:59 Yeah. You can tell

Speaker 1 00:17:01 Just I I I've always had anything I did or I do, I do it a hundred percent. Okay. When I was a teenager, I, I water skied in competition. They don't do that much anymore. I used to do slalom and, and I just, it's, it's, you, you determine you're going to do it. You're gonna, you're gonna really put yourself into it. Yeah. And that's the way I do everything. Right. I did that in my job. I say I did that in my marriage, but my wife might not agree. We've been married 55 years.

Speaker 3 00:17:44 Wow. No way. Michael, would you mind sharing how old you are or not?

Speaker 1 00:17:48 I'm, I'm 78.

Speaker 0 00:17:50 Wow.

Speaker 1 00:17:51 I'll be 79 next month.

Speaker 0 00:17:55 That's amazing. What day?

Speaker 1 00:17:58 The October, the 11th.

Speaker 0 00:18:01 Oh.

Speaker 3 00:18:01 Nearly then. Nearly a Libra. Wow. Yeah. You're

Speaker 0 00:18:04 Libra. I'm the, I'm the 25th.

Speaker 1 00:18:07 Oh, you're the 25th.

Speaker 3 00:18:09 Yeah. And Georgia, our daughter, she's on the 15th. The 15th of October.

Speaker 1 00:18:12 Oh, how wonderful. My, my, I've got a, I've got a pair of twins by my daughter. Our daughter has a pair of twins born on my birthday.

Speaker 0 00:18:25 No way.

Speaker 1 00:18:27 This, when I turn 79, they will turn 18.

Speaker 0 00:18:32 No way. What a Yes.

Speaker 1 00:18:35 So as my wife tell, as Norma tells me, she says, you don't get any more birthdays. You've had your birthday.

Speaker 0 00:18:44 Yeah. Save them.

Speaker 1 00:18:46 No more presence for you.

Speaker 3 00:18:49 Yeah, exactly. So Michael, in terms of like your, so you are physically finding it easy, you know, good to play golf and easy to play golf then like backs, knees, hips, and that sort of thing. It's a, it's a body sort of friendly swing for you. Is that them

Speaker 1 00:19:02 They are. Now, I will tell you this, using some of the other techniques that I tried, I hurt my knee Yeah. And I hurt my back.

Speaker 0 00:19:12 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:19:13 With this, with this using this, it, i, it is so smooth. Mm. I'm turned inside that barrel. I put about 85 90% of my weight over on my right leg. But I've got to be inside the bar, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. You know what? I'm inside ready turning it and then turn back and I wind up with about 95% on my weight on my left foot and, and 5% on my toe of my right foot.

Speaker 0 00:19:50 And imbalance.

Speaker 1 00:19:53 Imbalance, imbalance. Pretty much imbalance. This is, and this is one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. It's one of the things that I am struggling with is the finish.

Speaker 0 00:20:06 Yep.

Speaker 1 00:20:07 The finish I have, do you remember Arnold Palmer?

Speaker 0 00:20:12 I, do

Speaker 1 00:20:13 You remember his finish?

Speaker 0 00:20:15 Yep.

Speaker 1 00:20:17 I have an Arnold Palmer finish.

Speaker 0 00:20:19 Okay.

Speaker 1 00:20:21 And it's hard to get that to come on up over the shoulder and stay there. It wants to the habit years, years and years of habit of jerking that back.

Speaker 0 00:20:35 Right. Okay. Okay.

Speaker 1 00:20:37 So I'm working on that every day because it's, it's, I'm trying to break a habit and let that flow on up.

Speaker 0 00:20:51 Hmm. Have your friends commented on your swing or your game?

Speaker 1 00:20:57 Oh, yes. They have commented quite a bit about the fact that, that they've asked me what happened that you're all of a sudden hitting the greens and scoring so much better than they are. And 'cause I play with a group of guys my age.

Speaker 0 00:21:17 Right. And

Speaker 1 00:21:19 If they break 90, they've done good. Now, a couple of times I've broken 80 playing with them. And they don't particularly care for that. No, they

Speaker 0 00:21:31 Won't like you anymore. You will have to find a new group of friends by the sounds of things.

Speaker 1 00:21:36 Well, I played with these guys for a long, long time. Wow.

Speaker 0 00:21:42 But

Speaker 1 00:21:42 They,

Speaker 0 00:21:42 They need to, they must be pleased for you. Oh,

Speaker 1 00:21:46 They're, they're, yeah. They're, it's, they've, one of the guys is a, you know, has asked me and I've seen him, you know, shared some of your videos. You know, I don't, I don't try to push it.

Speaker 0 00:22:03 Yeah. I,

Speaker 1 00:22:04 But when one of them asks me, I don't mind telling them what it is that I'm doing. Yeah. And they laugh at me when I tell them, and I do my little dance for them, you know,

Speaker 0 00:22:19 In, in doing that one exercise, Michael, the six things that are happening when you're doing that, so the first thing is, is turning the body right and left. Yeah. The second is a weight transfer right and left.

Speaker 1 00:22:34 Yes. The third

Speaker 0 00:22:35 Is rhythm that people don't often associate with lead downs, the golf, but it helps with the rhythm. It also helps with that coordination. And it sounds to me like the coordination has made the biggest difference, you know, the arms and body up, which is a wonderful thing. What I like to do as well, when I'm practicing LA dance, the golf is to hold my finish for six seconds. So when I turn onto my left side, up onto my right toe, hold it there for six seconds. That trains us to stay in balance. Okay. Which is superpower. So six seconds hasn't come about by accident. It's roughly the flight of the golf ball. That's how long it's in the air. So if you can, if you can potentially hold your finish for six seconds, you've done an awful lot of things Correct before that. Right. Now, I'm not saying on a golf course you have to hold it for six seconds, but you should be able to hold it for six seconds, if that makes sense. That's

Speaker 1 00:23:37 What I'm trying, that's what I'm trying to do.

Speaker 0 00:23:39 And it sounds like you're doing a great job. And, and then the, the sixth thing would be is to do that in more of a relaxed state where you feel nice and comfortable. If you try doing the dance to golf and feel really tight, it's really difficult to do. So it helps with relaxation as well, which is a wonderful thing. I exercise is awesome.

Speaker 1 00:24:04 I I do a lot of, before I step up to the ball on the tee box or on out on the fairway, I breathe. Mm. Wonderful. Deep breaths. Relax. Brilliant. And I try to make my, my movement is smooth. I, you call it coordination, I call it synchronization. Yep.

Speaker 0 00:24:28 Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:24:30 It's the same thing.

Speaker 0 00:24:31 Yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker 1 00:24:33 Synchronize. It kind of goes back to my skiing days. Oh, cool. You synchronize your, you've got to, when you're on one ski, you've got to make sure your body is synchronized with your legs and feet.

Speaker 0 00:24:48 Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:24:49 So I'm synchronizing my body and my, and my swing. And that's what's really helped me. But I noticed that when I, the first time I noticed I really had found something good was when I struck an iron using your method, and it went where I wanted it to go. The smooth feeling, the, I mean, the snap of the ball off of the, off of the club face it, it's, it's, it's pleasure.

Speaker 0 00:25:27 Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:25:28 Michael, it really, I know we talk on our website a lot about transformation, but it sounds like you've been completely, your golf has been completely transformed, doesn't it? And this isn't a short period of time, I think as well.

Speaker 1 00:25:38 No, this is, this is working on it all summer. I have worked on it

Speaker 3 00:25:42 All summer. Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:25:43 But one of the nice,

Speaker 3 00:25:44 But that's such a, such a rapid transformation that I, I thought that's a quite a short time, really. You, you know, when you say all over summer, you only joined, you joined proper gold in when, not not very

Speaker 1 00:25:57 Long ago. It was amazing to me. Yeah. It's been kind of amazing to me that I have, I found a little app and I don't remember what the name of it is. I found this app that you can put in your scores and the, the, the slope and the rating of the course. It, so actually my handicap on that over the last 12 rounds is 8.7.

Speaker 0 00:26:31 Nice. I, I'm, I'm just blown away. I mean,

Speaker 3 00:26:34 I, I, I, when I, when when we started emailing each other, I remember when you first joined and you were like, you were really excited to become a member and we were excited as well. Well, so we were exchanging emails and then you said, oh, I've got a busy family time. And then it was quiet and then all of a sudden Michael's, Michael's emailing Why Michael's emailing and Michael's got half his handicap. I was like, what? Why does that seem like five minutes ago since you were saying hello? How are you? And I'm busy over summer.

Speaker 1 00:27:01 It, it's, it, it's, it has, it's been very quick.

Speaker 3 00:27:03 Amazing.

Speaker 1 00:27:05 It's been quick, but it's been fun. And I want to, I, and my, my thing now is I want to continue with it to, I want to improve my putting and I want to continue so that I, you know, I can feel comfortable playing with anybody. Yes. I don't, being my age, I don't, I don't refer to it as the ladies tee. It is the forward tee. Yeah,

Speaker 3 00:27:36 Absolutely. Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:27:37 Absolutely. Or for, for senior citizens. Yeah. Yeah. So, but it, it, you know, it's what I have to, it's to enjoy it. And you, you've gotta play where your game takes you. Yeah. I, and I just can't, I can, I have figured out by going to a local PGA superstore and using their bay with screen where it actually tells you I hit my driver somewhere in the neighborhood of one 90 to 200.

Speaker 3 00:28:16 Brilliant.

Speaker 1 00:28:17 A little over 200, sometimes a little less than one 90 sometimes. But I've gotten much more consistent.

Speaker 3 00:28:27 200 I would imagine less effort as well. Effortless sort of thing.

Speaker 1 00:28:32 So much less effort. Yeah. So much less effort. I, I'm comfortable. I, I enjoy my golf. I enjoy going, I enjoy playing. Yeah. And I enjoy watching it

Speaker 3 00:28:49 Before. Yeah, I was gonna say that.

Speaker 1 00:28:50 Do what? Say it again.

Speaker 3 00:28:52 More so than before.

Speaker 1 00:28:54 Oh, yes. I would get so frustrated with my game. I've been, my wife can tell you when I, she could always tell how I played by how I came in the door. Yeah. If I had a, if I was pleasant, then I did fine. Yeah. If I was, if she would head the other way. If, no, not really. But

Speaker 3 00:29:18 She,

Speaker 1 00:29:19 She, she didn't want to hear, didn't want to hear about it.

Speaker 3 00:29:22 Who, I nearly said that at the beginning when we started the call, when Norm Norma was joining us. And it, when you said you were really happy about your golf, I I was nearly gonna say I bet Norma is as well. Oh

Speaker 1 00:29:33 Yeah. Yeah. Did you hear She is, yeah. She is really happy. That I'm happy.

Speaker 3 00:29:39 Yeah. Hundred. Just thrilled.

Speaker 1 00:29:43 Now I wanna I wanna approach you with real quickly, and I know y'all have got other things to do. One of the things that Norma is really encouraging me to do, because, because she wants to, is if we maybe could work out, maybe next spring, I could, we could come and I could do a day or some kind of work with you, because we love coming to the, to to England. We've been over there, we've done a, we've traveled around and, and we would love to come and, and maybe, you know, have some time Mm. Yeah. Where

Speaker 0 00:30:30 You can Yeah. That, that, that would be

Speaker 3 00:30:32 Great. We'd absolutely love you to come. We, we live in a very, really, really nice part of the uk. We're very, very blessed to live in a very, in a beautiful place called Royal Lemington Spa. It's only one of three places in the UK that allowed to call itself royal. But it's like a, a regency town. It's got a lot of historic castles. We're, we are next to a place called Warwick Castle, which is, I think the, the, the most visited historic castle in the uk. It is just a really historical place to be. It's beautiful. I'd absolutely love to show you around. There's rivers, there's parks, there's Regency. It's just beautiful. It's beautiful. We're right next to a beautiful hotel as well. So Yeah. We'd love to have you be amazing. How

Speaker 0 00:31:11 Far are you away from North Carolina? I

Speaker 3 00:31:13 Did that. Yeah. Having said that, we'd love to have you over, but they're not that far away, I don't think.

Speaker 1 00:31:19 And North Carolina is, is a flight. Yeah. Usually flight from Dallas to North Carolina, but easy. It's a fairly easy get flight. That's a fairly, fairly standard into what's, what's the big city in Carolina? Charleston Char No,

Speaker 3 00:31:43 You can point to Oh, well, yeah.

Speaker 1 00:31:48 Anyway. Yeah, we, we can get to North Carolina. I have a son, I have a son that lives just north of Atlanta. So that's just up the road from Atlanta.

Speaker 3 00:32:02 Yes.

Speaker 0 00:32:02 Right. Okay.

Speaker 3 00:32:05 Well, yes. Breaking news really, isn't it? Break breaking news that when you say next spring, we, we have a, somebody similar to yourself was watching Julian on YouTube and said, this is amazing, this thing, you've gotta come to America. So we're just working on a plan that us in North Carolina after the masters, right After

Speaker 0 00:32:24 The

Speaker 1 00:32:24 Masters. Oh,

Speaker 3 00:32:26 The month, the

Speaker 0 00:32:27 Monday after

Speaker 3 00:32:28 The, so after Masters finished on Sunday. And then we are gonna do, at the moment it's looking white. We're gonna do a two day program and another two day program, and then have a rest on Good Friday, and then a one day program on the Saturday, but yeah. In North Carolina. So we're working on the plan. We can't wait. We're really just so excited. Could that cool. For such a long time, aren't we? Yeah. So excited.

Speaker 1 00:32:50 Fantastic. I'd, I would love to do that. And I know that there, I'm married to someone who would like to also come to England sometime. Hundred

Speaker 0 00:33:02 Percent. Perfect.

Speaker 1 00:33:03 Yeah. And do that too.

Speaker 3 00:33:04 Yeah, a hundred percent. It is. So, well, I think next year, well, I, we, I meant I'll get to say to you today that previously we used to run quite a lot of one and two day courses where you can stay over, you know, and, and tag on some and stuff. So I think, I think fairly, you know, before the end of the year, we might put out some dates for the years. So you can join in one of those courses, but we'll do them is Oxford. So, and then you've got the, you know, that again is Oxford is beautiful. That may may or may not be the venue, but, but I think, I think with the book coming out, you, you've probably heard we got a book coming out with the book coming out. Yeah. We, we, we think I It's a hot Yeah. But some one or two day courses on over here. But they, before lockdown, they, we used to get people from everywhere. A lot of people from the United States, from Australia had one couple stay for six weeks. Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:33:54 Six weeks. Oh, well, I I'm not gonna stay six weeks, but, well,

Speaker 3 00:33:59 They weren't gonna it either. They

Speaker 0 00:34:01 Stayed for two days.

Speaker 3 00:34:02 He, he was retired. They were from Canberra. They were from Canberra. So he, his wife said bit like, bit like Norma, his wife said, look, you know, you need to go and see Julian, you know, take the pilgrimage to go and see Julian. And, and he, he arrived on the first day, didn't he? And he said, oh, my wife, she's not really interested. She doesn't want, and Julian said, well give it a go. You know, anyway, so they, they canceled all their talk. They canceled all their plans to go anywhere else. And they literally stayed for six weeks, didn't it? It's

Speaker 0 00:34:29 Amazing, wasn't it

Speaker 3 00:34:30 That

Speaker 1 00:34:31 Norma would do, my wife would do. Norma would do that in a heartbeat.

Speaker 3 00:34:37 That's amazing.

Speaker 1 00:34:39 So, but yeah, I definitely would like to, like to spend some, some time and that's, that sounds good. We will have to look at the North Carolina and maybe, and maybe doing the England at a later date. And, but I am, I am really pleased. I'm happy. I feel like I can, I can step on the course and play fairly well and not go home aggravated or upset.

Speaker 3 00:35:14 I think that's amazing. Of

Speaker 0 00:35:16 A, an old coach of mine, he's not an old coach. A guy, a guy I used to go to and I used to play a lot. He's actually one of the top three coaches in the world now. Pete Cowan, his name.

Speaker 1 00:35:27 Yes. Yes.

Speaker 0 00:35:28 So Pete's quite a blunt character. And I used to have a terrible temper as a player. This is when I was a lot younger. And I used to throw my clubs and get angry and things like that, and

Speaker 1 00:35:40 Been down that road.

Speaker 0 00:35:42 Yeah. And, and Pete said to me, I threw my club one day and he says, he looked me straight in the eye, says, Julian, you're not good enough to get angry. Get curious. And from that moment on, that's really where it sparked me into to figuring out golf really. You know? And I've been through the pain. I've had lower back pain. I've had chronic left knee pain knees. Yeah. You know, I've, I've been frustrated. I've cried on the golf course. I've walked off golf courses and it's not a nice place to be. And, and I've, I've, I've never been happier playing golf, but I've never been happier coaching golf. Yeah. And, and your story's so inspiring. No, it's amazing. And and there's a lot of golfers similar to you out there who are behind you and going, you know, they're in that frustrated state and we want to show them there's a better way. And your story's so that's brilliant. You know, it is. I wanna share this with people. Yeah. I love it. I think it's brilliant. Inspire people. Please

Speaker 1 00:36:40 Do. Please do. I have no problem with that. I, my, I tell you, I learned my lesson. You got it from a coach. I got it from my son. I got upset years ago, and he was playing golf with me. And I was, he was taking golf lessons and he's a, now he's somebody that had each really stayed with it. This is a kid that could have been really been good. But his school came first. But I, I got really angry, slamming my club, cursing, doing all kinds of things. And I turned around and he was nowhere to be found. He was driving the golf cart. And I, and I asked some of the other guys, they said last we saw him, he was gone back toward the clubhouse. I walked back up there carrying my club, got back up there, and he told me to my face, I never want to play golf with you again, dad. Wow. Unless you can, until you can change your attitude.

Speaker 0 00:37:52 Wow. What a lesson.

Speaker 1 00:37:53 Now that was a revelation. Yeah. So I've, I, I really changed my attitude. But he and I, I'll tell you this, because he turns 50 in November. Wow. And I turned 79. I play with a group of guys that twice a year we go away to a place up in Arkansas.

Speaker 0 00:38:19 Hmm.

Speaker 1 00:38:19 It's called Glenwood. And it's a Glenwood club. They've got lodges got a lodge where we can stay. And we play 108 holes of golf in four days. Oh, right. 18 on Thursday afternoon, 36 on Friday, 36 on Saturday, and 18 on Sunday. And then drive home.

Speaker 0 00:38:50 Wow. Wow.

Speaker 1 00:38:51 And for his birthday this year, I'm bringing, I'm paying, bringing him from Atlanta. And he is going with me. He's never gotten to go to this. Oh, wow. And he's gonna go with me and I am going to show him a different golfer.

Speaker 3 00:39:09 Oh, that

Speaker 0 00:39:09 What a wonderful thing to do. Wonderful. And

Speaker 1 00:39:13 I am

Speaker 0 00:39:13 That's impressive. That's powerful.

Speaker 1 00:39:16 And I am really happy to get to do it.

Speaker 3 00:39:19 Yeah. Oh,

Speaker 1 00:39:21 So he and I are gonna have a really good

Speaker 0 00:39:23 Time and the shiver down me. Yeah. That's the important, that's awesome. Yeah. I know, I know how important that is to you. Yeah. You know, I remember the last time I played with my dad and, you know, I was having to push his, his cart around and, you know, and, and help him up the holes where I never used to. And yeah. You never forget those memories. And that's a wonderful thing to go and experience together.

Speaker 1 00:39:47 And I hope they won't be the last time we get to do something. But we haven't had a chance to really do much together because they live north of Atlanta. Yeah. And we live in Dallas. Our daughter lives over here near, not far from us, and her four children, and then him and his wife, he and his wife, they have three children. So, you know, we go, we drive over there, but you just, you know, you never have time. Yeah. So I'm going to make time.

Speaker 3 00:40:21 Yeah. Wonderful,

Speaker 0 00:40:23 Wonderful.

Speaker 3 00:40:24 Yeah. I remember the last time my dad, my dad's still with us, isn't he? But he can't, he can't play golf anymore, can he? But the last time I played with him, I took him to the Canary Islands in, in Tanif. And he's never played, does he? But it was, it was, it was amazing. We, you know, we got invited to go and play this golf course, which is a really aspirational golf course for my dad. And Yeah, he'd never played to, he'd never played after that. Has, he'd never flown after that either. 'cause that was before lockdown. But I think yeah, that's, that's what it's all about, isn't it?

Speaker 0 00:40:51 Fond memories. Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 3 00:40:53 A hundred

Speaker 1 00:40:53 Percent. That's great.

Speaker 0 00:40:55 Yeah. Well, Michael, you're such an inspiration. Accomplish,

Speaker 3 00:40:58 Honestly, it's amazing. We've

Speaker 0 00:40:59 Told quite a few people about you and, and you know, we said we are gonna hop on this call today. And I've, you know, I've taken quite a few notes of what you said, and I'm just, I'm just inspired. That drives me to do

Speaker 3 00:41:13 Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:41:14 More and help more people. Well, both

Speaker 3 00:41:15 Of, yeah. Both of us. A hundred percent. I mean, I'm, I'm hoping that the audio, the audio sounds really good from here. Yeah. I'm hoping that I can maybe take the audio off and then put it out maybe as an audio, like a podcast or something like that. Hopefully if the sound policy is okay.

Speaker 1 00:41:30 I'm sorry. I'm sorry I don't have the video. I don't know. Don't

Speaker 0 00:41:34 Worry,

Speaker 3 00:41:34 Don't worry. No, I think, I think it's been such a really good conversation for people to want to listen to anyway. Regardless of the, and sometimes when you are listening, it's almost better because you're not distracted by anything going on in the background or whatever. So fingers crossed.

Speaker 0 00:41:48 Yeah. I, I, you know, I sounds like if you get the pudding really nailed down and, you know, we can easily exchange amazing content on that as well as other things that we can do. But in the members area where we have the Zoom meetings on in the library,

Speaker 1 00:42:09 Right. If you

Speaker 0 00:42:09 Ever go, if you ever go through that, there's one with Stan

Speaker 3 00:42:13 Ley. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 0 00:42:15 Who's with whom? Stan Ley, UTLY. Uley.

Speaker 1 00:42:20 Okay. Stan

Speaker 0 00:42:21 Ley. So he was an American coach, but he was a guest speaker and he holds a world record for the least amount of puts in nine holes, which was seven. So Stan is a good friend of one of the members, a guy called Stuart Bernstein, and he invited him and Stan, you know, we chatted for an hour and it was just really interesting listening to him. And he's got some good things in there with pudding. So that podcast is well worth. It's not a podcast. Sorry. It's a, a member zoom meeting. It's not show.

Speaker 3 00:42:50 Okay.

Speaker 0 00:42:51 It's well worth looking in the library. There's 75, 76 videos in there. So you go go through it guy. It must be probably 18 months ago. Oh, easy. Easily. Might even be two years ago. Do

Speaker 3 00:43:04 You know, do you know where we're talking about Michael? Yeah. In the Yes,

Speaker 1 00:43:07 I do.

Speaker 3 00:43:08 At the bottom

Speaker 1 00:43:10 Members.

Speaker 0 00:43:12 Yeah. If what I'll do is if link, if I come across it, we'll send you the link. Yeah, yeah,

Speaker 3 00:43:16 Yeah. I can send you

Speaker 1 00:43:17 The link. Alright.

Speaker 0 00:43:18 It's an interesting one to, to listen to. Stan's a quite an interesting character. Yeah. But you know, I, he was credited for, do you know Charles Barkley?

Speaker 1 00:43:29 Yes.

Speaker 0 00:43:30 So he had a very strange wing and Stan helped him play much better. He had the yips in his golf swing and he changed it. Oh,

Speaker 1 00:43:38 Absolutely. He's got the worst swing I've ever seen in my life.

Speaker 3 00:43:42 It's the new,

Speaker 0 00:43:42 It's better now. If you, if you see it now, it's better, but yeah. Worth, worth having a, a look at that one. Definitely

Speaker 1 00:43:50 Did. Didn't you go to school with Charles? No, he was younger than. Okay. Charles went to the same university that my wife graduated from. Oh,

Speaker 0 00:44:01 Cool.

Speaker 3 00:44:01 Wow. Goodness.

Speaker 0 00:44:03 Oh, that's gorgeous.

Speaker 1 00:44:05 My daughter and my son. Thank you

Speaker 3 00:44:06 So much. Thank you so much for today. Oh my goodness me. It's amazing. Yeah. If we can get the audio we'll, we'll share it all. Yeah, definitely. We'll find a way to tell the story, which is a fantastic inspiration. Do

Speaker 1 00:44:16 Whatever you can. I, I, I appreciate it. That you would want to, that really, really honors me that you would, that you But I, I am so happy with my, with my golf swing right now. I can only hope and pray that it continues to, to get better.

Speaker 0 00:44:37 It will do. It will do. I'd like

Speaker 1 00:44:40 To break 80 on a consistent basis.

Speaker 0 00:44:43 I love it. Just remind me not to play you for money. Well, wonderful mic.

Speaker 3 00:44:51 Thank, thank you to Norma as well for being, for being. So I enjoyed this thing

Speaker 0 00:44:57 And,

Speaker 3 00:44:58 And you, if you can send us a picture of you two as well, so then we know, so we know what you look like. That'd be amazing.

Speaker 1 00:45:04 All right. We'll see if we can get, when I, when I send you the video of me do doing that, I will. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:45:12 Brilliant. That'd

Speaker 1 00:45:13 Be picture of her and me both.

Speaker 3 00:45:15 Brilliant. Michael, oh, you've been an absolute star today. Thank you so much. Very dark here now. So thank you so much you guys, and we'll see you again soon.

Speaker 1 00:45:23 All right. Bye-Bye. Take care. Bye

Speaker 3 00:45:26 Bye-Bye.

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