I thought I need surgery until I changed my golf swing

Episode 5: I thought I need surgery until I changed my golf swing

In this episode, Julian discusses how he narrowly escaped the surgeon's knife and why he loves coaching golf so much

Show notes

This week, [Jo Cameron], [Julian Mellor] and [another person] cover [Golf News, Gol Tips, Effortless Golf].....

Topics discussed:

  1. Senior Golf
  2. Golf Coaching
  3. Play Golf Properly

Links mentioned in this episode:

This podcast is hosted by ZenCast.fm

Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hi there, and thank you for downloading some of our proper golf information. We hope you found it really useful. So today what we thought we'd do is do a little bit of an introduction to Julian, myself and proper golfing. So you know a little bit about our story. So I was just asking Julian, why did you do what you do? And he went, what do you mean? So I'm gonna ask him why. So why do you do what you do then,

Speaker 1 00:00:23 Joe? I absolutely love coaching. I get so much positive feedback from the golfers. They come in with a smile on the face once they've applied what we've taught them, and people are enjoying the golf so much better. And what's, what's not like, I know what's not to like about that, but you

Speaker 0 00:00:39 Absolutely just love it. Love. I love

Speaker 1 00:00:40 It. I love it. I love coaching

Speaker 0 00:00:41 All day, every day. So that's primary reason why we do what we do. But behind the behind that is a really interesting story of how we got to where we got to today. And it really starts from your knee and your back problems.

Speaker 1 00:00:55 Yeah, from my, from my left knee and my lower back issues. So I'm now 54. At the age of 40. I thought I was gonna have to stop playing golf. I had chronic pain in my left knee, chronic pain in my lower back. Never once did I question my technique. I just thought it was an age thing. It was my body was letting me down and I didn't realize that it was actually my technique that was causing the issue.

Speaker 0 00:01:17 Yeah, and that is absolutely true, right? You were really struggling with your knee, weren't you? And I'm thinking, oh my goodness me. But just explain the sort of golfer that you used to be before you discovered, you know, an easy way to play.

Speaker 1 00:01:30 So I was, I used to really enjoy my golf shots, but I can't honestly say that I ever enjoyed my golf swing. I put a lot of force, a lot of effort into my golf shots thinking that that was the right thing to do. I had no understanding of physical tension. I didn't really have a lot of understanding of how the body move naturally, what we call the, the kinetic chain and the spiral dynamic muscle chain. So I've, through research, we've done an awful lot of study and figured out exactly how best we can help senior golfers. And thankfully we have the formula.

Speaker 0 00:02:08 We do indeed. But that is absolutely true, isn't it? It sort of golfer that you were, it's completely not where you are now

Speaker 1 00:02:13 Because

Speaker 0 00:02:14 Absolutely. So the knee in the back thing, then at almost the same time, a mutual contact introduced you to somebody and a, and a way of playing golf, didn't they?

Speaker 1 00:02:22 Yeah. So I was introduced to Brian Sparks, who sadly has passed away, who started the easiest swing of which I was one of their leading coaches. But I always knew that there was some things that were missing from the easy swing that were really important, you know? And after many discussions with Brian, I decided to, to move away from the easy swing and start proper golfing. And now I would say that we've really nailed it. Mm.

Speaker 0 00:02:50 But just taking yourself back to the early days with, with Brian. So you had a introductory session with him, didn't you? Yeah. And you were completely convinced that there was a, a better way to play than what you were playing before.

Speaker 1 00:03:01 Yeah. And do you know what, Joey took eight shots. A hundred percent. That's all

Speaker 0 00:03:04 It took. And eight shots. I do remember you coming home actually, and you saying, wow, this is like a completely different way of playing golf. Yeah. And I've gotta share it with, with other people, didn't you? So yeah, the, I the other story that I like is that then somebody sent you an email, didn't they? And said, you know, Judy, this is swing thing. I'm not quite sure what it's all about. Can you put a video together? So completely not knowing what you were doing really back in 2014 or something like that. You took your, you took your phone, put it on a buggy at the golf course where you were based. Yeah. Just did this little video just to send the link to somebody. That was all you did. And then the weird thing was he came home, he's like, you know that video that I did, Joe?

Speaker 0 00:03:42 I was like, yeah. He's like, it's had 10,000 hits now on YouTube. At the time. That was quite a lot, wasn't it? And then it went to like 40,000. We're like, whoa, okay, there must be something in this. And then like you say, you just went from strength to strength. So people started coming from all around the world. Yeah. My favorite story is about the Australian couple that came for six weeks for coaching prior to lockdown, but then I suppose pivotal to that, like you say, that was, that was going really well. But then you realized and recognized there was more meat that you wanted to put on the bones, and that's what people say. So hence then, so spin forward after covid and lockdown, and then we opened up this place.

Speaker 1 00:04:18 We did. So we've got our own vir, wait, it's not a virtual ca, it's a, a proper academy. We use the foresight technology here. So feedback is tremendous. It's a private venue so you don't get interrupted. Some people are very conscious about being on a range and people watching them. You don't have that issue here. You know, we close the doors and, and it's one-to-one. So that works beautifully. It also doubles as a studio as well. We're able to, to make new content for, for the Academy library. And also to make content for similar to this. Yeah. To, to help people with information.

Speaker 0 00:04:56 I suppose. The weird thing was, so we got here for doing YouTube videos and then a few months ago we stopped doing YouTube because we got people coming through the door that were getting confused by YouTube and they were coming to you for, you know, a, a simpler way to play golf. Yeah. But then we were like, hang on a minute with all these YouTube videos, we are contributing to the problem. So we stopped. We stopped because you guys were telling us it was confusing. Yeah. So we stopped and then we took a long step back because then it was really important to take out the confusion of learners play golf. Now I'm an engineer, so in engineering terms we have a methodology. It's really important to collect all that data, all those golf swings that you've had over like years and years and decades and decades. Absolutely. Especially for senior golfers to say, well, how do we build together everything that you know about into methodology, hence the proper golfing methodology. 'cause the three fundamental things are really important for senior golfers.

Speaker 1 00:05:52 Yeah. So, so things that we see in golfers and golf swings when they do it really well are swinging tension free. That's a number one. Yeah. That full understanding of how to release the club head correctly. So many people get that wrong. Releasing the club head accelerates the club head, which gives you natural distance, but also it's gonna be much more accurate. And you need to know how to release that club head correctly and the importance of the finish. Joe, I love that. Six second finish. It's the blueprint to your golf swing if you are able to hold your finish. There's a lot of good things happening way before that. And I love that saying, start with the finish in mind. Yeah, a hundred percent. And, and when you realize the importance of that and the value that you'll get from holding that finish correctly will totally transform your game.

Speaker 0 00:06:46 Yeah. It's a very well known leadership guy called Steven Covey who absolutely starts with the end in mind. That's what it's like. Yeah, absolutely. I just, that's like the beginning, the middle of the end, isn't it? Yeah. The three fundamentals of the proper golfing methodology, but that is so important as a senior golfer, is that our bodies are changing. Our brains are changing. Yeah. The chemistry in our brains is changing and things like making sure hydration is so much more important than it used to be. Your brain is changing, like I say, your balance is effective. There's all these things that are going on as a senior golfer that are really important that underpin the methodology, which is where the mindset comes in. Which is something that you've never really sort of looked at before, did you? But yeah.

Speaker 1 00:07:26 And you realize that with, with the correct mindset change is really possible and it can happen rapidly. But you need to understand is your mindset holding you back a hundred percent. And if you've got a learning mindset and something that's gonna help you with your golf game, then you definitely are, are in the right place. Yeah, yeah,

Speaker 0 00:07:46 Yeah. So hopefully that's giving you a little bit of an insight into Julian and myself. You know, we work together full time in the business. Yeah. My specialty is leadership and management development. So it's really important in the virtual academy that we help you learn properly, fully, comprehensively, and completely with the right theories that underpin that. So suppose Absolutely. And then my role, which I'm as passionate about as you as a coaching, is that I wanna make sure that all our members and clients are really, really, really well looked after and I mean, really

Speaker 1 00:08:18 Well looked after. Yeah. And you do a great job with that too.

Speaker 0 00:08:19 I know, I was just thinking I as, I love that just as much as what you did, don't I, so, you know, I organiz the holidays and make sure that you are all onboarded correctly through the virtual academy, but that, that's my passion, is making sure that you are really happy with the, the offering that we've given you. So

Speaker 1 00:08:35 Yeah, and I suppose if you want to fast track into the proper golfing Yeah. We've just released the proper golfing handbook in here. We'll give you a, a really informative look at the methodology that we do. It not only comes with written information pictorial, but also 36 videos in there as well, over two and a half hours of video content. So if you want to, to get an idea of what we're talking about, learn, it's well worth buying a proper golfing handbook available on Amazon or through our website, isn't it?

Speaker 0 00:09:09 Yeah. That, that came with more videos on that another time I think. 'cause that's just an expected nice surprise as well. But you know, naturally we'd love you to be part of the proper golfing virtual academy. We are specifically designed for senior golfers, usually 45 plus or 50 plus. Yeah. You know, it's our passion to make sure that you a learn to play your best golf ever and you get the best service forever and connect with some of our members. They are so really, really, really nice people that are our members of our virtually helping, aren't they? Yeah. And all

Speaker 1 00:09:40 Over the world as well, Aren, they,

Speaker 0 00:09:41 Which is, which is really good. And so we wanna be able to open doors for more connections and inspiration and transformation Absolutely. Through the proper golfing academy and method. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1 00:09:50 And don't, and don't forget, this is not just a generic thing. This is all personalized as well. So we can really make sure that it fits well for you as an individual rather than a generic website, which happens for on on a lot of these

Speaker 0 00:10:04 Sites. I think that's a good point actually. There's over, there's hundreds of videos in the academy, but what we wanna do is make sure that you're guided through those. Yeah. So loads of them, hundreds are on there that are not on YouTube. But it's really important, like Julian says, that you get a personalized approach to that. So through your onboarding, we can take you through all that anyway. But yeah, so we hope to see you Sue. I'm Joe, he's Julian, and you can connect with both of us at team@propergolfing.com. So hope to see you again soon.

Speaker 1 00:10:32 Wonderful. Take care. Thank

Speaker 0 00:10:34 You. Bye. Bye.

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