Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:04 Wow,
Speaker 1 00:00:07 This is a great, they're
Speaker 0 00:00:08 All, everybody's
Speaker 1 00:00:08 Muted turnout. Okay, perfect.
Speaker 0 00:00:13 Right. Hello. Who do we know then? Jeff? Hello, how are you? We're gonna unmute you so you can say hello. Where's Jeff gone? There's a lot of people. Oh, Doug,
Speaker 1 00:00:20 How? Doug, how are you?
Speaker 0 00:00:22 Hey dog. Everybody's muted. Yeah, good. Just to let you know everybody, because we've got a heck of a lot of people on tonight. So you're all automatically muted at the moment. But please don't, that's not that we don't want you to speak, we just wanna get everything underway and then we can unmute you. You can put your hands up and stuff like that. There's Jeff. We're gonna say a quick hello to Jeff because what I expected to see him. Hey Jeff, hang on a minute. We're gonna unmute you. I think we have to, we have to unmute you there, Jeff.
Speaker 2 00:00:52 About three foot of snow.
Speaker 0 00:00:55 How are you? Alright.
Speaker 2 00:00:57 I'm all right. Yeah, I mean, it's a bit of a sad occasion, but there we are. Thank you for your best wishes. That's very kind of you.
Speaker 0 00:01:03 Absolute pleasure. We weren't expecting to see you. So you're in the USA somewhere, aren't you? Today?
Speaker 2 00:01:08 I'm in Buffalo near the Canadian border.
Speaker 0 00:01:13 Oh. And it's cold and snowy.
Speaker 2 00:01:16 It is cold and snowy. The rest of the f the, the, the, the, the, the sons and daughters are talking to the pastor about the service tomorrow. So I don't need to do that. So I'm doing something a little less, you know, sad. We're sending our joining in with you.
Speaker 0 00:01:35 Yeah. Sending our thoughts to everybody as well. So nice to see you John. As I was just explaining to everybody, we are gonna keep everybody on mute 'cause we've got loads of people today and, and it can be quite disturbing, you know, if the dog comes in or the door opens. So I'm just gonna put you back onto mute, Jeff, but we have got like the Okay, that's fine. Yeah, if that's okay. It feels really rude. We're not, it really, we're not used to it.
Speaker 1 00:01:55 Yeah. So I'm just keeping an eye on everybody, making sure we're letting everybody in.
Speaker 0 00:02:01 I'm just gonna select some people randomly. I'm gonna, Jacqueline, I'm gonna say hello to Jacqueline. I'm asking you to unmute. So you unmute and you say hi if you want to.
Speaker 1 00:02:11 That's actually my sister's name. Jacqueline, there you there's, yeah, so we, we were looking at our register and we've had over 50 people register for it, which is tremendous. So there's obviously a little bit of interest in what we have to say. So we're just keeping an eye on everybody, making sure that we get everybody in before we make a start. So we won't be too long before we, before we get going
Speaker 0 00:02:44 Last, we're gonna say hello. Too old here. We know. Okay. Hello to Doug and Doug. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:02:50 So Doug Ritchie, we've not seen you for some time. How are you?
Speaker 0 00:02:54 So ask to unmute there we are. We're gonna unmute,
Speaker 1 00:02:58 So just ask Doug to unmute so hopefully you can,
Speaker 3 00:03:02 Hello there? Yeah. Hey.
Speaker 0 00:03:03 Hey, how are you Doug? Alright,
Speaker 3 00:03:05 I'm good. How are you? Two?
Speaker 0 00:03:06 Yeah, really good, thanks. We really good. Explain where, tell everybody where you are today
Speaker 3 00:03:11 In Edmonton, Canada, in Alberta.
Speaker 0 00:03:14 What's it? The weather's like, what's the weather like up there?
Speaker 3 00:03:16 Well, it's been down to minus thirties at night. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:03:24 I thought you said minus 30 then.
Speaker 3 00:03:26 Yeah, minus 30.
Speaker 0 00:03:28 I was complaining the other day that there was two degrees last night. Oh my days. That was, yeah. Cold. But yeah. Oh, oh goodness mate.
Speaker 3 00:03:35 It's been been chilly.
Speaker 0 00:03:36 Yeah. Nice to see you Doug. Anyway, I'm gonna, you pop on mute so we can just have a quick chat. I see a couple of other people as well. Let's see. Tom,
Speaker 1 00:03:46 Tom.
Speaker 0 00:03:46 Hello Tom, how are you? You can unmute it yourself. Say hello to everybody.
Speaker 4 00:03:49 Hi, I'm from ba, I'm, I'm from Bury in Oxford. You're in England. Perfect.
Speaker 1 00:03:55 You should popped in. Tom,
Speaker 0 00:03:56 Do you know, I thought that, I was just thinking to myself, because we're based in Royal Lemon Far, which from Thomas is about 40 minutes.
Speaker 4 00:04:02 Are we?
Speaker 0 00:04:04 And I was just thinking where, where we are based, there's not really any reason for people to be parking outside, but there is a gym on site, so I was thinking we could have just invited some people in. So we might just do that next time. Tom, for the people.
Speaker 4 00:04:17 So where do you normally play?
Speaker 0 00:04:19 Sorry? Where
Speaker 4 00:04:20 Do you play?
Speaker 0 00:04:21 Well, I haven't got time to play and to be honest, Julian hasn't got time to play either because we've been, we've been absolutely really busy. So how did you hear about us Tom?
Speaker 4 00:04:33 I saw it somewhere when I was online. I, I can't remember. It might have been on Facebook. I don't even know. I can't
Speaker 0 00:04:39 Remember. Yeah, well literally we're 40 minutes away. We're in Royal Ter Spa. Oh,
Speaker 4 00:04:43 I know where it is. Yeah, yeah. I play at Tad Martin Heath, which is probably even even a bit closer.
Speaker 1 00:04:48 I coach, I coached a few people from there
Speaker 0 00:04:50 Too. Yeah, few people from there from,
Speaker 4 00:04:52 Do you?
Speaker 1 00:04:52 I do indeed. Yeah, we get about a bit.
Speaker 0 00:04:56 Yeah. So there's a very nice hotel next door called the Mallory Court. A lot of people know the Mallory Court, so, but that's not far away. But anyway, so you can pop in now Tim and people will be very jealous 'cause you can just pop in and say hi.
Speaker 4 00:05:08 I'll do that. Yeah, most
Speaker 0 00:05:09 Definitely. Absolutely. Tom. I hate muting people. I'm just gonna put you on mute again if that's okay. Fine. I can just say hello to a couple of other people. Like I say, we've got a busy one tonight. Who have we got here? Who else?
Speaker 1 00:05:21 So let's just go into that. I'll do it. Oh, there we go. Just, oh,
Speaker 0 00:05:25 Sorry. We're letting people in. Yeah, more people. Oh, it's Matt. Matt.
Speaker 1 00:05:30 Just keeping an eye on everybody. I don't want to upset anybody. Not letting them all in. Got one.
Speaker 0 00:05:36 Everybody in.
Speaker 1 00:05:39 Oh, what are we? Everybody seems a little bit chaotic when you first do this, when there's so many. Do you know what? It's not normally. So Matt's gone quiet on us, which is fine.
Speaker 0 00:06:01 Hello Matt, how are you?
Speaker 5 00:06:03 Oh good. How are you doing today Joe?
Speaker 0 00:06:06 I feel like I've seen you every day. I feel like every
Speaker 5 00:06:08 Day.
Speaker 0 00:06:10 Matt, just say, just introduce yourself to everybody where, where you are and a bit about your golf.
Speaker 5 00:06:16 Matt Bird. I'm in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. It started to snow about 10 minutes ago. Oh no. And I'm looking forward to getting back to golfing. I've been with Julian probably since 2019 I guess. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:06:30 It's been a while.
Speaker 5 00:06:31 And seen a pretty good improvement in my game. So pretty happy with that.
Speaker 1 00:06:36 That worked for
Speaker 0 00:06:36 Us. I think. Matt, you are one of the ones from the beginning, aren't we? That's why we know, we know Matt so well. In fact, we're in the USA in April running some events and Matt's one of our facilitator stroke helpers. So we've been busy bringing him up to speed with everything beyond the scene. So welcome. Anyway, Matt, we're gonna, I'm just it to everybody. We're putting everybody on mute because it is a busy, busy session, but there will be plenty of time to ask questions and stuff. So I think you can mute yourself. Can you, Matt? Or we can do it. It just feels a bit rude, but anyway, mute. Ah, rude. Okay,
Speaker 1 00:07:08 Rude. So in a second hopefully we're going to need a show of hands. We're gonna ask a, a couple of questions so we might need your camera on and all you'll have to do is, is raise your hands. So we'll be able to, to just get a show of hands when I ask a strange question coming from me.
Speaker 0 00:07:31 Yeah. Or even, you know, just the ones that are on the camera. Great. Put your hand up if you're not, just put a little hands up in the chat. We're just letting more people as we go in. We've got still people joining. As we said, there was 50 people registered for this. Julian's very used to doing the members masterclasses each fortnight, but 50
Speaker 1 00:07:50 Fifty's a good number, isn't it? So let's hope we can share some wisdom and, and help you guys with your golf even if we're not seeing you in person. Yeah. So what we'll do now, Joe's just gonna very quickly mention what is coming up. Yep.
Speaker 0 00:08:07 Okay. So tonight we're gonna be covering three things. So if you, you may or may not have been on the website, but our specialty really is, a lot of people say that they're losing distance as the age. So the first thing we're gonna explain to you is how you get more distance with less effort. And those two things are absolutely possible. The next thing that we're going to start to introduce you to is a golf swing that your friends will admire. So we've been doing this for a while now, especially with senior golfers, and we get a lot of people saying, you know, how happy they are to have their swing admired. So firstly, it's about getting more distance with less effort. Secondly, it's about developing a golf swing that you are, that people will admire. And the third one is our very special if you, you like question, it's a bit of a challenge statement, a bit of a question to everybody.
Speaker 0 00:09:01 And we want you to ask yourself, you know, about surprising yourself about how good you can get. 'cause we do a lot of talking to our people and members and clients and stuff like that. And often, you know, as the numbers tick on with our age, a lot of our people that come to us as like set settle for average or what was the other goal or survival goal swing. Well, today we're gonna ask yourself like, how can you surprise yourself about how good you get? That's our little little motto is about surprising yourself. So those are the three things we're gonna cover. I know we've, we're just letting some more people in. So, hi Nick. Hi Dave. Just to recap, three things we're gonna cover is to get more distance with less effort. Secondly, to get a golf swing that people admire. And thirdly, always George and Alva.
Speaker 0 00:09:46 And then thirdly about surprising yourself. Surprising yourself about how good you can get. So those are the three things that we're gonna start introducing to you today. Before we do that, because we acknowledge that's some people on here that we know, but some people that we don't know, like Tom who just said he's literally down the road but never really met us in person before. So if you wouldn't mind, and for people that haven't met us, it's a good idea for us to introduce ourselves. So those are three things that we're gonna cover. And our methodology, the proper golfing methodology has three streams to it. So firstly it's attention free golf swing. Secondly, it's about coordinated release. And thirdly, it's a six second finish. Those things are ingrained in our veins,
Speaker 1 00:10:29 In our DNA
Speaker 0 00:10:30 And our DNA. So hopefully they will be in yours. But firstly, we're just gonna intro and I'm gonna take a break while he introduced himself and then he's gonna do some demonstrations. I'm gonna go next door out of the way 'cause it can get a dangerous situation. And, and then he's gonna do your demo. So do you wanna introduce yourself first?
Speaker 1 00:10:46 Yeah, so, so for those who don't know me, my name's Julian Miller. I've been a golf pro since I was 16, so started playing when I was eight years old. My dad was a king golfer, so it's kind of been bred into me to, to pick up this, this game at the age of 40, I thought I was gonna have to stop playing golf altogether. Chronic lower back pain, chronic left knee pain thinking it was my age, never questioned my technique. And when I actually discovered that it was my technique that was causing the problem, that's when magic started to happen. And this is when we've, we kind of hit YouTube a little bit. So I was one of the lead coaches at, at the Easy swing and I just felt there was some things that I needed to see in a golf swing that ne wasn't necessarily there.
Speaker 1 00:11:42 So I love the philosophy of the easy swing. It's a great way to play golf, but sometimes we need a little bit more information, especially if we're not hitting the ball as well as, as as we can. So I decided to kind of leave the easiest ring and set up proper golfing. And I have to say it's been one of the best things that I've ever done. I've helped more golfers, I think, in a, in a nice way or in a strange way Covid o's helped because it broadened my thinking. We're able now to help golfers all over the world via communication tools that are available to us. So yeah, I'm, I'm very pleased to say that we're able, able to help a lot of golfers now and people are getting surprised by what they're actually capable of rather than, okay, I'm getting older now and, and that's how it is. It doesn't have to be that way at all. So that's me and I'm gonna share with you some of my thoughts on the golf swing as we, as we keep progressing. Yeah. So Joe,
Speaker 0 00:12:45 Sure. Thank you. Yeah, so just plugging a few gaps there. So the easiest swing you may or may not come across, as Julian said, there was a guy called Brian Sparks who wrote a book a few years ago and he came up with the idea of a, an easiest swing. So he was put together mutually by a mutual business friend and, and then yeah, somebody said to Julian, I'm not quite sure what this means, can you put a video together? So he, Julian just bought, he came a bit of an accidental YouTube really wasn't it? He just basically very much put his phone on a Boogie just to video the principal's an easiest swing. And he came home to me, he's like, and he just, just to generate the link and oh, here's Michael as well, just to generate the link. And then, and then basically he came home.
Speaker 0 00:13:29 He's like that that video that I did was had 10,000 views and then it had 40,000 views. So in 20 18, 20 17, 20 18, 20 19, we had people literally coming like Matt, people like Matt from America, we had couples coming from Australia, literally all around the world. And then lockdown came, as Julian said, golf courses were closed. I went off doing something else because everybody had to do something else. A bit of a pivot during lockdown. So literally two years ago then we opened up our indoor academy, which is what you see behind us now based in Ton Spa Tom. So the people that are outside of the uk, we are based in a very leafy rural place. It's next to Stratford upon Aven. It's literally 20 minutes away from there with what you know, obviously William Shakespeare link. So yeah, since the last two years really we've been really focusing on proper golfing, you know, what that means for senior golfers, particularly what we can do in the, in the online, in the videos that we produce and the, and you know, the online content.
Speaker 0 00:14:31 I suppose where I came in or come in is that the fun little story is that Julie and I met in 2007. So we were, we were both single at the time. We were in our late thirties at the time. We both just had relationships that had moved on. You've all probably been there or maybe not. But anyway, and I needed a new hobby and went to learn to play golf and he was the golf coach. So instantly we just, we just hit it off instantly and, and I think for me, I always knew that I wanted to work together because my background's in learning development. So I'm an engineer and then I've got a master's degree in learning development. So I'm passionate about inspiration, about learning, about development. And that's where I think I bring the extra benefit is to like all of our learning programs.
Speaker 0 00:15:18 So, you know, like I'm a passionate learning development person. I'm used to work in the motor industry. I've also, since Julian and I met, I did, I went on a TV show in the, in the UK it's called The Apprentice, they've got it in America as well. I was there early days. So then I went into like some broadcasting with the BBC. So that's probably why you've seen us doing podcasting or whatever. Absolutely love broadcasting, I love doing events as well. So you know, as, as many of you know, we're in America in April. So I think I bring the, just the, the stuff that goes on behind the scenes really. But we, I think to be honest, we just make a really good partnership so he knows about his golf and because of my engineering and the support we've had from the team as well, that's where we have a methodology.
Speaker 0 00:16:07 So if you learn anything, you need to know where you are now and where you're going to. So if you've ever been for golf lessons before, you probably don't know where that is. So now we can know where you are, we know where you're going. We can translate that into the, I'm gonna say when I say online, our online is interactive. It's almost like we are with you in person. So when I mention online, I don't want you to be put off by that statement because it's interactive. Okay. So it almost feels like I say we are with you in your living room. We, Julian just coaching all around the world, you know, on FaceTime and Zoom and all that sort of stuff wouldn't, so Yeah. Works wonderful. Yeah, so together we, we literally live a five minute drive away, 20 minute walk away. We've got a little dog and we've got a 15-year-old daughter who is supposed to be taking some pictures and doing social media. But if anybody's got a teenager or know that she's not doing that, but that's okay as well.
Speaker 1 00:17:04 That's absolutely fine.
Speaker 0 00:17:05 That's alright as well. So, so that's where we're
Speaker 1 00:17:08 Now. Yeah. Brilliant. So as I said earlier, if possible could you put your camera on, we put everybody on mute just while we, we do a bit talking, if you could just pop your camera on a second because we're going to need a show of hands in a second.
Speaker 0 00:17:24 If you're not, if you're not comfortable, your camera don't worry.
Speaker 1 00:17:26 Just absolutely, yeah, you don't, you don't have to have it on by any stretch of the imagination. But if you want to that would be great 'cause it will just help me and hopefully you'll be able to answer a couple of these questions I've got just by raising hand. If not, by all means can you leave a message in the chat bit at the bottom and Joe's gonna read, I'm gonna go in there and, and if you've got any questions we'll start to answer them. So quick show of hands, how many of you have struggled with frustration and inconsistency on the golf course? Oh, got a few double handers going up there.
Speaker 0 00:18:08 Hand is two handed. Okay, Gary's a right Big handed in there. Yeah. Thank you Gary.
Speaker 1 00:18:15 Hands up those who've fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole taken lessons from there. We say experts and they've not worked or received too much information from your playing partners. So another show of hands in there, Joe's gonna ask you a question. Now
Speaker 0 00:18:38 Thi this one I really don't like to ask but I'm gonna ask it anyway 'cause we have a lot of people that follow our YouTube channels. Put your hands up. But if you've ever been for golf lessons or played golf and it's injured you, it's put your back out or your knee out or your anything injured yourself.
Speaker 1 00:18:54 I'm gonna say it has me. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:18:55 Okay. I don't, like I say I don't like asking that question, but research tells us that any one point in time there's 21 million golfers injured at any one time, that's because of the back injuries and you know, because the golf swing's got a lot of shear that goes into the back. So yeah, it sounds like we're in a community of people that A, get frustrated, B got injured and C lacking a bit of consistency.
Speaker 1 00:19:20 Yeah, definitely. Okay, quick show of hands again, who would like a swing that they really enjoy and potentially admired by your playing partners? Ooh,
Speaker 0 00:19:34 Nick too.
Speaker 1 00:19:35 That's quite
Speaker 0 00:19:35 A bit. Hi Nick.
Speaker 1 00:19:37 Nick's got a big show of hands. Okay, one last question. Do any of you really enjoy your golf swing? Okay, Doug definitely does.
Speaker 0 00:19:52 I would hope Matt would do
Speaker 1 00:19:54 Really enjoys you. Okay. And Jeff? Great Jeff, well done. Okay. Okay. So what we're going to do now is start to go through three the things that we're going to talk about that will inevitably help you improve your golf game. So are you going to go and I'm going next
Speaker 0 00:20:13 Door, so swing tension free.
Speaker 1 00:20:14 Yeah. So number one we're gonna talk about swinging the club tension free. Does any of you feel that you are capable of doing that or do any of you know what that actually means? Yeah, just a quick show of hands. Yeah. Okay, cool. So what I'm gonna do now
Speaker 0 00:20:32 And I, I'm gonna just disappear in there so I can keep rest of what you going on mute and make sure that you can hear in my, so I'll see you. We are gonna do might say three sections. Swing your free coordinated release, six second finish. And we will do a bit of a break in between. And the plan is to finish it about, sorry, I'm just letting in. Are you gonna let
Speaker 1 00:20:52 People in? Yeah, I'll just keep an eye everybody now I'll see you in there guys. Okay. So swinging the golf club tension free, a lot of people who come to me think that that means swinging the club without any control, without any effort and you'll often lose distance. Now the fact of the matter is you actually gain distance if you are swinging the club with a lot less tension and you can gain anything between five to 10 miles an hour extra cuphead speed if your body is tension free. Now one of the first places where tension happens is not necessarily the way that we hold the golf up, but it happens in here mentally. So we might be faced with a difficult shot. That first team might become a bit of a mental block for, for golfers or we're trying too hard or we're playing in a competition and we want to do really well.
Speaker 1 00:21:57 There's a mental tension that often leads to a physical amount of tension. Now the three things that we're going to talk about on their own, they won't necessarily make a big difference, but when you put them all together, that's when the magic can start to happen. So how do we learn to swing the golf club? Tension free is a question I get asked all the time. Now the first place that we have to look is your breathing. So I can, the people that I can see from here, can you all do me a favor? Can you all take a deep breath and hold it?
Speaker 1 00:22:41 You are all doing that. What's happened to your body? Do you feel, has it become more relaxed or has it become more tense as we breathe in and what happens when we breathe out? So can you all just do that for me a second, just the cameras that are on there. Just want to see you breathe in and see there's the shoulders rising and now just breathe out which feels most relaxed, the first bit or the second bit. Normally it's the breathing out and very few golfers actually think about their breath. They'll think about mechanics and technique and positions, but they don't actually think about their breathing. Tiger Woods was an absolute master at master in his breathing. We're not trying to be Tiger Woods, but it's interesting that he was totally in control of his breathing. So the next thing, I'm just going to lower the screen a little bit. I've got mine math here and oh, let me just zoom up a touch more, a little bit lower there. So this is the, if you've got a a pen and paper, this is the thir first thing that I would take a note of.
Speaker 1 00:24:00 The best way to understand whether you have physical tension or not is to create physical tension. And the best way of doing that is at set up hold the club as tightly as you can for two seconds. One, two, and then relax. Okay, so we're creating an awareness and then we relax. That's the first state to get into. So when you are addressing the golf ball, now you are holding it too tight for two seconds, ease off. And what you should get a sensation of is your shoulders, your arms, your hands will start to relax. I'm just letting this next one in and I'm going to hit a shot. So the first shot I'm going to hit, I'm going to tighten up. So I'm gonna hold the club at about eight outta 10. So 10 is the tightest, we can hold it. One would be the loosest. I'm holding this at about an eight. And what do you think to this golf swing?
Speaker 1 00:25:12 Oh, so I dunno if you heard that, but that was a very dull thud and it's just hit the bottom of the screen there and that felt hard work. Okay, because my muscles don't move very effectively and quickly when they're locked up tight. Again, a quick show of hands, the people who I can see if I've topped the golf ball, would you say that the common reason for that would be lifting, lifting my head with show of hands if anybody thinks that's true? Yeah, so it's mostly incorrect when, when people say that it's normally a tightening rather than a physical lifting. So when the muscles are tight, we've got nowhere to go and then it becomes a physical lift. But everybody will then say you've lifted your head. But most commonly you've tightened. Now I was asked today to put a percentage on how many golfers who come to see me are too tight when they're setting up. And I would say it's about 95% of golfers and the ones generally who aren't too tense are juniors or beginners because they don't really know how tricky this game can be. So 95%, I would say are too tight. So what I'm going to do now is just hit a shot. So now I'm going to tighten for two seconds. One, two, ease the shoulders and now I'll play a shot.
Speaker 1 00:26:57 So that felt so much more rhythmical than it did when I was locking up tight. Okay, so what I'm going to do now, I'm going to ask you guys, so let's just do a little question q and A on the subject of swinging the golf club tension free. So if you have a question, by all means unmute yourself. I think you should be able to do that and maybe from people who I don't necessarily know, oh, they can't do it. So if you've, if you wanna talk about swinging tension free, just raise your hand and I'll, I'll unmute it. So who's going in there? Right, go on. Bruce, you must have a question on swing intention free. You must have, I can see you looking very quizzical.
Speaker 6 00:27:52 Okay, can you hear me?
Speaker 1 00:27:53 I can hear you perfectly Bruce. Yeah.
Speaker 6 00:27:55 Oh good. So I noticed you do a, a little bit of a forward press. Does that help you release your tension a little bit?
Speaker 1 00:28:08 Yes, it, it would definitely do that. It's something that I've done since I was very young and I have no idea I do that anymore. But I was, I once had a real issue with starting the golf swing. I don't know if any of you have ever suffered where you're really confused, you stood over the golf ball, you don't know how to start the golf swing and life's not that great sometimes when you stood on a course, I actually walked off after three holes, I couldn't, couldn't even take the club away. And I asked Brian Sparks, what, how'd you start the golf swing? And his answer was perfect. He said, Julian, my motor is already running. And I said, I have no idea what you mean Brian, can you just demonstrate it? So if I just lower this a second, so I've got a golf ball here.
Speaker 1 00:29:02 So what he meant is what we never want to do when we stood over that golf ball is to freeze and stay there. 'cause that's going to start to build up that physical tension again. So imagine now just a little waggle and then off and then off we go. Rather than standing over there frozen and now it becomes much more difficult to make a free flowing golf swing, attention free golf swing. So I thought that was a wonderful description of how we should all be playing. We don't wanna be locked up over that golf ball. Yeah. Any, any other questions on that Bruce?
Speaker 6 00:29:45 I think that's good. Thank you.
Speaker 1 00:29:48 Have any of you ever tried swinging the golf club A little bit more relaxed? Hey Joe, have any of you tried? Oh yes Nick. Yes. Well we were here last week. Oh hang on. I'm just gonna ask you to unmute Nick there. That's it.
Speaker 7 00:30:09 Even though I'm trying, I'm having difficulty getting the tension outta my shoulders, particularly my right shoulder.
Speaker 1 00:30:15 Yep.
Speaker 7 00:30:17 And I dunno where the magic trick is to get rid of it. I'm trying
Speaker 0 00:30:23 What do off the, I think, I think Nick really as well is like what you do off the golf course as well. We just put out some recent videos on YouTube about doing arm circles. Sounds a really basic thing. But the science, we literally, generally when we put stuff out on YouTube, we are science back. So basically are doing arm, arm, what do you call it? Circle arm circles, like that circle. I think it increase, you look at people like 20% or something was
Speaker 1 00:30:47 That it goes up a considerable amount. Yeah. So in life we're very often maybe over a computer on our phones driving in a city position and our shoulders do tend to get tight. So anything you can do physically to start to loosen them up is a really good thing. Yeah, well
Speaker 0 00:31:06 The, I was listening to the radio today and there was a guy on there and he got a really bad, he was a sports guy, really damaged right shoulder. And the interviewer said to him, well how do you boost your, you know, how do you improve your shoulder performance? And he said, it's about working the muscles around it. And I thought, well I'm doing a, I've got a bit of a bad shoulder 'cause I broke my shoulder blade years ago. So you know, as you age they sort of didn't notice it before and that would do. So I'm training my left arm to do more of the stuff. So I'm drinking tea, my left arm to try and get the strength in that one to balance, balance it out, little things. Mm. But I just, I'll just popped in because I wanted to make the point about tension free golf swing and why it's really important for senior golfers.
Speaker 0 00:31:48 We don't mean senior citizens, I just wanna explain that. Yeah, it, senior golfers defined, you know, by the, the correct definition, which is over 50. But it's really, really important to take as much tension at your golf swing because as we age our muscles and our body gets more dehydrated. So, you know, if you've got elderly relatives, you know, they suffer from dehydration and my mom's have that problem, problem. So your muscles dehydrate and they shorten and they also lose things like collagen and in men testosterone and women. So it is really important that you get as much tension free as you can because the more tension you've got in your gold swing, the more likely you are to get injured. So we all always, you know, when we do our golf breaks and we take people away, we're always, you know, watching people how they're taught and we have three swing killers and one of those is, well junior can say what they are, but basically to try and have the golf swing that we had 20 or 30 years ago is gonna lead to injury.
Speaker 0 00:32:48 So that's why number one is tension free golf swing because of our, the chemical changes that are going on in our bodies that sometimes that we're not aware about. So I know we had one guy come in, he was like, Joe, I don't wanna hear about my bad back. I'm like, well I get that. None of us wanna hear about that, but the facts are the facts aren't they? You know, so that's why it's tension free because you're more likely to get injured the more, the more force you put in, the more tension you put in the back, you know, your back, your knee, all of it. So that's why it's important. I just wanted to come in and make that point that it's not, it's about the gold swing, but it's about what goes on in your mind and as you age your brain changes as well. So that's why we have like lose a bit of confidence as we get older.
Speaker 1 00:33:29 Yes, Matt.
Speaker 5 00:33:32 So Julian, we haven't talked about this much and I'm glad for Bruce's question where, what do you feel about a waggle?
Speaker 1 00:33:41 I think it's the most wonderful thing you
Speaker 5 00:33:44 Do. You, you, you do it well. So yeah. Okay, so you like with respect to tension free Yeah. You would, you, you're in favor of a waggle.
Speaker 1 00:33:56 I am, yeah. So okay, if, if, for those who don't necessarily know what a waggle is, if I just appear, it's just literally this. So you, you were just loosening the hands off. So if I lock everything up, you see how tight that becomes. So now we're practicing something that has no value. So a little waggle is really about keeping nice and loose and, and enabling us to swing that club nice and freely. So a waggle is something I would, I would a hundred percent encourage. Yeah. Do have any of you heard of a thing called the kinetic chain, which is the way your Jeff has? Yeah, Doug, definitely. It's really the way your body is designed to move as a human being.
Speaker 1 00:34:46 I'll explain it very quickly. Let me, let me lower this down again a second. Okay. So the kinetic chain starts from the ankle. The ankle is a mobile joint that should be nice and free. The knee is a hinge joint, it's a stable joint. The hips are a mobile joint. The lower lumbar spine is a stable joint. Your thoracic spine, your shoulders or a mobile and your neck is stable and it goes in this nice kinetic chain. So we have mobility, stability, mobility, stability, mobility, stability. So if I lock my ankle up, that whole kinetic chain starts to break and goes the wrong way round. And that's when we can start to get injured. So again, really important to understand swinging tension free does not mean swinging out of control with no flip head speed. What it means is let's get those muscles what we call long, loose and elastic and they will move much better and you will gain distance. There's no question about it. Your body will move better and you'll also become more accurate up to 30% more accurate just by letting go of some physical tension. I think they're big numbers. Just explain.
Speaker 1 00:36:07 Yeah. So I, so Joe's just asked me to talk about keeping your head down quick. Show of hands again, who thinks it's a great idea to keep your head down and your eye on the ball? Not Jeff, not too many. No, no raised hands so far yet keeping your head down is the worst piece of advice ever. If anybody ever says to you, keep your head down and your eye on the ball, say no, I'm not doing that because golfers really don't understand how the eyes affect the head movement, which affects the body movement. So if I just very quickly demonstrate now, can you just about see my eyes from here? So if I keep my head down and we're still talking about tension free swinging, if I keep my head down and now I'm stuck. The ideal scenario, what we're all looking for as soon as we strike the golf ball, if I just get one here is the second. As soon as we strike that golf ball, our eyes should follow the ball. Your eyes turn your head, your head allows your body to move. It also keeps that swing nice and free. Keeping your head down. It's a massive restriction. It's a, it's a hundred percent no-no in my book it's gonna cause you so many problems. That might be a surprise to some people, but it's absolute fact. Okay, again, just a quick show of hands. The ones I can see any more questions on understanding a bit, a bit more about tension?
Speaker 1 00:37:47 No, that's good. Randy, I can see you shaking your head. Jeff, you've got, you've you'd like to ask one. Oh, just on the bottom left, I think your microphone can't hear you just have to unmute it, Jeff. Oh, not working. Nope. If you pop, put one in the chat. We've got two questions there in the chat, Joe, to what what they've saying and I'll let you go and have a quick look at that. So yeah, tension. Super bad. Think of it as almost like I'm constantly told I've, I've lifted my head. Who says that again? Leslie? Leslie. It is not true. It's very common to see people tightening up, which gives a lifting effect but it's not necessarily lifting, it's, it's terrible. And the antidote to it is as soon as you hit that golf ball, look to towards your target. 'cause if your eyes are going this way, you can't go that way. Only when you're stuck, you run out of room. And that's when we tend to see the body lifting, but it's more of an effect rather than a fault. Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:39:06 So Lawrence is here. What about tension in the arms with longer clubs extended further from the body? Great question. So right here I've got, I've got an a time, but I'll swap that now for my driver. Okay, so and what's that? It's telling me I can't unmute that must be jack. Poor old, poor old Jack. Okay. Again, vitally important to keep those arms nice and comfortably relaxed again, just a quick show of hands. Who thinks that the left arm should, or the lead arm should stay stiff and straight in the back swing? Who thinks we should have a straight arm? Leslie. Leslie. Leslie and Mandy got the hands up. Yeah, Leslie Leslie's saying there. Okay, I'm going to see, I'm gonna zoom down a little bit now, hopefully you can hear me okay.
Speaker 1 00:40:03 Okay, so can you see, so I've got this club at the bottom of the golf ball and right now I've got zero grip tension. Okay, all I'm going to do now is tighten my grip up to 10. Can you see how that's lifting? I'll just drop it back in. So I've got no grip, no tension whatsoever now. And now I'll go back to 10 and you see how that shortens and that's all that is is a contraction of the muscles. So if I, if I let my arm hang, tighten it up, it shortens and comes away from the ground and that will start to lift the club off the ground. So in the back swing, if your arm is locked in straight, is it relaxed or is it tent pretty tight?
Speaker 1 00:40:58 So what I'm looking for is a relaxed arm. It can look long but it should never be straight 'cause it's going to be short. You see what's happened to my shoulders? So if I just relax my arm, my, sorry, my shoulders, my arm comes long. So with longer CLOs we should still be in that relaxed state and shouldn't be tight. You see how my shoulders are just locking up here. Just let them soften. So it doesn't really matter if your lead arm bends 'cause there's a lovely force in nature called centrifugal force that will actually straighten it back up again. So it'll do its job for you. But it, so I wouldn't excessively try to bend your arms 'cause that could potentially cause problems. But keeping it relaxed is an absolute must for the golfing. So if any really, again, if people say keep your arms straight, it's not great advice. I would, I would put that down in, in one of the swing killers.
Speaker 0 00:41:57 I'm just gonna like for when we get new people coming to us, they, they think, you know, they challenge us on these ideas about the left foot, the foot planted in the arm strait. And essentially what happens is when people go for lessons and they're taught that it's, we, you know, as our bodies age, we, we can't do these things. We get people come with bad arms and bad backs and they've been for lessons and they're comparing them. We've got one guy who's like 73 retired ambulance man and he went for lessons and they compared him to Rory McElroy on the videos that compared his swing. It's just, it just doesn't make any sense. It's a bit like, you know, getting Julian to run a marathon like Mo Farrow or Sprint like Usain Bolt, it doesn't make any sense. But as soon as we start to get into these ideas of the principles of proper coffee method, I think how on earth can anybody teach anybody to keep their arms straight or their back? It's just, it just makes me hurt myself. It just makes me hurt.
Speaker 1 00:42:52 There's a, there's a lot of folklore. Folklore, yeah. In, in the golfing world, but the important thing is to challenge those sometimes. So we often get people to hit golf balls with their eyes closed to start off with, which is always a bit of a shock when they first do it. We also have their eyes open and look away from it. So Jeff just asked a great question about should the head turn to the right in the back swing? So you do see some people who look away from the golf board. My answer to that Jeff, there's a massive difference between looking and seeing a bit like hearing and listening. So what a lot of golfers do is that they become fixated with the golf ball and nothing moves or they look away from it. I wouldn't advise that we look away from the golf ball in the back swing.
Speaker 1 00:43:43 You can still hit shots that way, but I wouldn't advise it. What I would like, what I do like to see in the golf swing is when you're swinging, you can still see the ball in your back swing, but that will allow you to turn and weight transfer. But as soon as you strike that golf ball, follow it with your eyes, your eyes turn your head, your head allows your body to move, keep your eyes pinned on that floor. We're snookered. Yeah, that's gonna make the golf scene so much more difficult. Okay, so the next thing, so we, we think of the three things, the three what we call the foundations of the proper golf swing, which is swinging tension free. Number two is what we call a coordinated release. What's a co what's coordination in life Joe? What's coordination? I'm gonna throw this at you. She's just here hiding that screen. What's coordination just in life,
Speaker 0 00:44:37 Joe? Well, the, the, the reason why we've got coordinated.
Speaker 1 00:44:40 No, what's coordination? Well it means
Speaker 0 00:44:41 Everything's moving in flow moving, everything's moving in flow and coordinated. So the reason why coordinated release again is really important as we age is that we found some really, really interesting statistics the other day that basically if all your body is moving in a coordinated way, you're getting the power and the flexibility and the strength from everything moving in your body. So if it, you know, if you're throwing a ball and everything's moving with it, you're gonna get a more efficient throw. And that's exactly what coordinated release is, is that everything's moving in unison 'cause it makes it more effortless, it makes it more coordinated and it'll flow a lot better,
Speaker 1 00:45:20 A whole lot more
Speaker 0 00:45:20 Efficient. And it's important as we age, like I say, that the whole body's engaged not just part of our body. Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:45:25 So you're gonna, so we did, because we've got the, the simulator here and we can check some numbers. We did, we did some experimenting to see what happened when the body wasn't coordinated so well and when it was coordinated well and what we found with the driver, we were anything between 20 to 30 yards longer off the tee when we were coordinated to when we weren't. So let's think about what coordination is very simply in the golf swing, two things happen. Number one is if you are right-handed goal for this is the body turns right and left, that's one. And number two, the club swings backwards and forwards. So if we put those two things together, start to get some sort of coordination, okay, watch what happens if I keep my head still and see how the club head overtakes my body. So I've just been coaching a new person today and pretty much all of his golf shots were going to the left and he was trying to swing more to the right to stop that happening and yet they were still going left.
Speaker 1 00:46:47 So I'm gonna face the camera now. In fact, I won't need my myself for a second. If I keep my head down, watch where my hands and arms go and see how they, my body stops and the arms go past my body and that is gonna make the the shot go to the left. Now if I follow the golf ball with my eyes and see how now my arms are more in front of me, more coordinated. So if we move everything together, we'll be more towards target. I keep my head still with left of target. Then if you get fed up with hitting shots to the left, then you'll start to hold the club face open and then you'll start hitting them off to the right and then people say you've lifted your head up. That's why they come off the right, but it's, it's often not the case if I was just swinging the club this way again go with it.
Speaker 1 00:47:42 That's coordination now where what we've, when we were doing the experimenting, getting the numbers and we looked at some science and, and this will be no surprise to you guys for the ones who know what we're talking about to, to send something a long way, we need two things. We need mass and velocity. So if we've got our body and club head speed working together, then we have effortless distance. But if I keep my head still, all I've got is club head speed but nothing to back it up. So that's where you'll lose that 20 to 30 yards off the tee if you are not coordinating your body. And we've got loads of ways that we help people with this coordinated release, but it's so important that you think about that in your golf swing. And again, if I just hit a shot, so this would be one of the most common faults that I see a golfer doing is hitting with their weight back here and the club going past their body.
Speaker 1 00:48:50 So we've got weight going this way and I'm trying to hit the ball in this way. So will that work? That's the question. Very rarely. Okay, so if I lean back, that one's actually gone after that. So I've got no mass behind the ball. The club's overtake my body and it actually shot off left. If I just do another one here that's move slightly further away. Okay. So if we can coordinate everything just becomes so much more effortless and that's a nice feeling when you're playing an effortless golf swing. Doesn't mean to say it's slow and inefficient. It's actually very efficient when you get that coordinated release again. So has anybody got any questions about, you know, you can either put it in the chat or raise your hand if you want to ask about the coordinated release.
Speaker 1 00:49:48 Let's, let's just think very quickly, what's a, what's a release? So the whole body is released so it's not stuck on there, but let's think about the risks because they're involved in this. So I just need to get my impact bag. One second. This is where it gets noisy everyone. This is where it could get noisy. Okay, can you just hang on the screen down just a, just a touch more. That's it. So I've got here, lemme just show you this. So I've got a little impact bag, hit my stick against it. So the release is when we set, when we set up to the golf ball, we're in great posture. Then the wrists tend to, you see there's an angle now between the stick and my wrist. So this is what we call setting and then we need to release that set. So there's a lot of people talk about what we call shuffling or lag.
Speaker 1 00:50:52 I don't like to see people trying to do that in the golf swing because they'll often hit the ball way off to the right because they don't release the cuphead correctly. Pause in the swing, pausing swing at backswing before the downswing. What do we think to that? So that again, if we're thinking of coordinated release, let me just come to here a second. So if I paused it here, do you think that would make you more relaxed or possibly a little bit less relaxed? We're pausing. Sometimes it can feel like you are increasing the physical tension, which is not what we want. What there is, in answer to your question is there is a change of direction from completing the back swing to the start of the downstream, which can appear like a pause, but all it is, all it should be really is just the change of direction.
Speaker 1 00:51:55 I wouldn't particularly encourage people to pause at the top for too long because that can build up that physical tension again. So let me just come back to hitting the back. So can you just point it down again slightly, Joe, just so we can see the screen. Okay, so the wrist set and release. Can you hear that now? Fine. Now. So this is, this is a fairly heavy bag and I've just got an alignment rod here. If I don't move my, if I don't use my body, I can make it make a noise. Watch what happens now when I use the body and the release together, see I was able to move the bag over and I didn't do that through force. That was just natural speed with everything moving together. Can I just do that again? So the wrist naturally set, we release it and then if we release the body as well, then we can start to hit that golf ball with not massive effort but maximum effect.
Speaker 1 00:53:04 So that coordinated release is, everybody can do it. I haven't had anybody here who, who can't do it. Nick has got, had a terrible injury, didn't you nick on, on your bike and yet I've, so there's movement, restricted movement, would that be a good way to describe it? And yet you are still able to coordinate that swing when you know exactly how to do it. So it really does help. Okay, so two things that you'll get with coordinated releases, extra distance, anything between 20 to 30 yards, more off the tee, but more importantly, again, through the data that we discovered about 25% more accurate. So if we're hitting that golf ball all over the place, you will become more accurate because everything's going in the direction of your target. But if you lean back or the weight doesn't work well, we're swinging the club offline and that will make hitting the ball towards target much more difficult. Yes, Joe, thanks. Number three. Okay, so is everybody kind of got a little bit of a grasp on on that? Okay, in your book you speak about cocking the wrist to take the clip horizontal. How is that coordinated with the back screen? That's a great question. Who just, who just wrote that? Lawrence? So as I, lemme just angle that down a little bit.
Speaker 1 00:54:39 So as I'm turning first and setting the wrist, what's happened is the completion of my tur and the setting of my wrist is happening at the same time. Now if I, if I don't turn my hips and then cop my wrist, I don't think that's very coordinated with the body. If I turn the body too much and don't use my wrist, then we're gonna lose out on power. So the coordination comes from the back swing and the wrist set completing at the same time. So the turning of the body, the wrist set at the same time, then we can get that lovely coordinated movement. I hope that's kind of cleared that up a little bit. So it's you, are you liking the book Lawrence? Are you liking the book? Are you letting momentum cop the wrists? Hmm, just one second. So if I was to throw something, would you, if so if you were throwing something just over your shoulder, would you say that's quite a normal way to move the wrists?
Speaker 1 00:55:41 Pucking? Yeah. So if I don't use my wrists, how much speed do you think I could generate or if I here? So, but something I love golfers to use is a hammer. Okay, so if I was knocking a nail in here, would you say that's quite a natural way to move this hammer or would I use the whole arm? So that's quite a natural way. Now obviously we are not hitting the golf ball into the ground. So if I now turn the hammer round to the side, but keep my hand here, it's set and released and that's where we can start to deliver that club with a little bit more energy, but also accuracy. So that's what we're looking for. Yeah, so it sets releases. I think if you're having, if you, if you've never really used your wrist in golfing, you tend to see this with people who play hockey.
Speaker 1 00:56:42 They tend not to use their wrists so much. I think because would I be right Joe in the, the B swing was restricted in hockey. It's been a while since I think sometimes you couldn't take the hockey stick too far. Yeah, no, that's right. Yeah, yeah. That became a bit more restricted. So you do see that with hockey players, but you'll also find that they move their body pretty good. But if we can just involve the risks and then release them, you're gonna have that extra speed without any effort. Okay, so the final thing that we'll talk about tonight, I mean we, we talk about a lot of things when we're helping golfers just very quickly. So swing killers, keeping your head down, keeping your arms straight, keeping your foot pin to floor, absolute no-nos for me. Make sure some things are working correctly. The second thing is a good setup.
Speaker 1 00:57:30 If you are set up to that golf ball correctly every time with every golf club, it's a bit like building your house on the best foundations, then you can make good golf swing. So setup's really important. The backswing is gonna be important. The start of the downswing. So many people start the downswing incorrectly. We don't want that happening. The release at impact through impact the finish of the golf swing and what we call the mental state. But what we're going to come onto now is if you all started to do this, I'll guarantee you will improve your golf game. And that is holding a six second finish. So what we've gotta figure out is where six seconds come from, have I have I put it out of there? Oh, so have I plucked it out of the air or is it really important? Okay, six seconds comes from the flight of the golf ball.
Speaker 1 00:58:32 So the time it's in the air, the time we make contact to the time it lands is roughly six seconds. Now that's not the same for Rory McElroy. This is probably in the air a little bit longer than that for the distance he isn't it, but it's roughly that amount of time. And I asked, in fact, somebody was, I was coaching yesterday, said, I'm gonna look really stupid holding my golf swing for six seconds when I'm playing with my friends. And I would probably agree with that. So if I, the way I like to describe it is you should be able to hold your swing for six seconds, then you are doing a lot of things correctly. So again, quick, quick show of hands. Who thinks the finish is not important? And there's no wrong answer, by the way. Does anybody think that the finish of the swing is not important? You think it's not important, Nick? Yeah, I can't think, oh yeah, I can't hear you. So sorry. You can always put a little chat in there. Does anybody think the, the finish of the swing is very important. Ooh, cool. Is anybody able to hold their finish for six seconds after they hit a shot? Roughly? Good. Bruce, that's good. Jeff can definitely seen Jeff do that a million times,
Speaker 1 01:00:01 Shall we? Let me explain to you now what you see, what I see as a golf coach, when I see somebody able to hold their finish for six seconds. So I'm gonna hit a shot, Mrs. Okay. I would say that's probably slightly longer than six seconds, but now I'm gonna do it towards the screen.
Speaker 1 01:00:35 So what can we see here? So number one is, where am I facing? I'm actually facing my target. Okay? My head's not stuck on the ground. I'm facing my target. Where do you think my weight will be when I move correctly on my front foot or on my back? Foot? Generally it's gonna be on your front foot. And can you see, I've just been able to lift my back foot off the ground. The third thing that we should look for is balance. Every time you hit a golf shot, you should finish in balance. Now, what a lot of golfers do, they stay in balance and there's a big difference. So if I hit this shot and stay there,
Speaker 1 01:01:20 I'm not necessarily move very well, so we should be able to finish in balance. Okay? The other thing that, I dunno if you can quite see this, but my right knee is now facing my target. Also, it would be very common to see the right knee pointing here. So it's actually just past the golf ball and the right foot slightly comes off the ground, but it's never all the way up on the turn. So if I'm seeing people finish a bit this way, that's a bit of an alarm bell for me. I need to make sure that they're, they're moving really well. And this, the another thing that we can check in the finish is how tight to the shoulders are we really tight or are they nice and relaxed? And again, another myth that we see in the golf swing is people say you've gotta have high hands.
Speaker 1 01:02:15 So if you get really high hands appear, that's gonna build that physical tension into your shoulders and slow your swing down. So it's, it's a false myth. The arms can finish nice and relaxed around the body. And most important is you're holding that finish until the golf ball hits the ground. Now, the truth is on the golf course we'll finish and then you'll probably recoil. And I wouldn't have a problem with that. But if you, my suggestion to everybody is, do any of you again, quick show of hands, who likes to practice? Quick show of hands. Yeah, this is good. This is what I like to see. I would encourage all of you to hold your finish on the practice ground until your golf ball lands and get very good at it, because I'll guarantee you'll improve your, the quantity, sorry, the quality of your ball striking.
Speaker 1 01:03:14 It'll get better and better and better. Yeah, it also, they've done a measurement and if you're able to hold your finish, you'll be 25, you'll hit 25% less mishit because things will be moving in a much more coordinated way and you're definitely going to hit 30% more fairways. I mean, that's a significant improvement that we can all make. So we can gain distance to have been relaxed, we can become more accurate, we can have less misses, and we can hit a lot more fairways off the course just by following these three simple principles that we'd like to see in a golf swing. Why Nick Ru says, why, why, why, what why is the finish so important? Yeah, because it comes back to coordination again, Nick. So if we want maximum distance, we need mass and velocity going in the same direction, the only way we can get that everything goes together and we hold that balance finish.
Speaker 1 01:04:26 So it is a like the blueprint to your golf swing if you are able to hold that correctly. Most things before that are working beautifully. Yeah. So it's, and a lot of people pay no attention to the finish. When, when I ask new people that I, I've never coached before, the maximum I get normally is about five out of 10, maybe four. And quite commonly it'd be, I don't even think about the finish. And, and yet for me it's a 15 out of 10. It's that important. So we should all be practicing holding that finish for at least six seconds. Yeah,
Speaker 0 01:05:03 Nick, just to answer that question as well, we found a really interesting scientific study a couple of days ago, which basically, you know, if you practice holding, you finish, it sets your muscle memory. And like Julian says, when, when you, there's a, I dunno whether anybody's into their books and stuff, but I'm an academic, I've got a master's degree, so I like my, my books and my, you know, peer review stuff. But there's a very famous writer called Stephen Covey, or Covey, you might have heard of him, but he basically wrote seven principles of Effective Leadership. And one of those principles is start with the end in mind. So in my head, because I can relate that to that, that's why I always think that is, is start with the end in mind and then you work backwards. And I dunno whether it's true, whether it's folk folklore, but Rory McElroy was taught his swing from, from the back, you know, from the end point rather than the other way around. So basically it's like, and just Nick, as you well know, like in in business, you set your goal and you work backwards. So that's, that's basically what it is, is you're starting with the finish set your muscle memory. But again, the senior, senior people, our balance does get a little bit affected as we age. So one of the things that we put into our library or developing further is how to improve your balance off the golf course as well. 'cause it's important to do things off the golf course as well. But
Speaker 1 01:06:20 Ask question, I've just, I've just got three questions here. Jeff says, mention the false finish. I think that's a wonderful thing. And how many people do I see here? Okay, so a false finish would be here, hit, and then that bit right at the end. Now if you do that, you are not in coordination, it's not in flow. So you'll see quite often people will hit it and then they'll finish right at the end. So that is, be careful not to do a false finish. The best way to check it is make sure you film yourself 'cause you're looking for that free flow and not hit and then a false finish. That would be incorrect. I've also got a questionnaire about the hips, the hip rotation. So if you've had two new hips, that can become an issue. A really important thing, I'm just gonna lower the camera down a touch more.
Speaker 1 01:07:14 If you've had, if you have hip issues, you can turn your toes out up to 45 degrees, that's gonna help open up the hip joint and that's gonna give you a little bit more mobility. If it's a real problem, finishing correctly as far as you can go without hurting yourself is absolutely fine. But, but never if you've got bad hips, never have your toes turned in. 'cause that is gonna put so much restriction on them, it will injure you. Almost no question about it. So just so we've got a question here about why don't we, why do we finish correctly in practice but not on the golf course? So Joe's gonna answer this one.
Speaker 0 01:08:01 Yeah, I think, I dunno whether it might be what's going on through your mind Generally, we, we had a guy only come for coaching recently and he puts himself under a lot of pressure. He is very, very successful in his career. He is a top surgeon, he is just brilliant. But on the golf course, he puts himself under too much pressure. By his own admission, he tries to be too perfect and when he hits a bad shot, he beats himself up. So I think the difference is what's going on in your head really, Jacqueline, you know, on a practice round you can get a perfect finish, but in a real swing. So probably tension creeps in expectations, fear of not doing well. It is that sort of thing really, because effectively it's the same, you know, we talk about a golf swing being a process and the ball getting in the way, but as we all know, when you put the ball down, things change in your mind. So it's, it is, and as we all know, golf is, is equally as a mental game as it is about technique, but I think it's probably what's going on in the head, would you say?
Speaker 1 01:08:57 Definitely. And also people don't give it any importance when they're actually on the golf course. Yeah, make it a 10, a 10 out of 10 view. Every time you make a full swing on that golf course, try and get that full finish. Hold it for six seconds, do it in practice though first. So if you're doing it without people, that's gonna be really important. So make it important to you. Don't just do it on the practice ground and pay no attention to it on the golf course. Golf. Okay, so time shoots by, doesn't it? I mean there's this, I could go on and on and on and on about the golf swing, but I think just today, just picking on these three things, it will help improve your, your golf swing. No question about it. Just getting a quick look there. What's your opinion on practice swings? Great question. Do it. If you feel comfortable, don't do it. If you don't feel you need to, I'm quite happy. I I definitely played in tournaments when I don't feel I need a practice swing and other times I feel like I need two or three. If you are going to make a practice ring, make it purposeful rather than just hitting the shot and or making a swing half hard to do it with purpose. It'll definitely make a difference.
Speaker 1 01:10:25 Yeah, so I mean we, we're very fortunate we get to, to coach golfers all over the world. Zoom, FaceTime, face, face, FaceTimes made it possible to coach people all over the place. So it doesn't really matter where people are. If you really want to take your game to another level, if you really want to improve your golf swing, if you're prepared to put some work in, I know that I can a hundred percent help you with your golf game. Okay, so what I'm gonna do now, I'm just going to share my screen and show you, we've created two forms of, of being able to help you help golfers improve, but not ones who can't be bothered because it won't work if you don't put a little bit of effort in. So I'm just gonna share my screen. One second. Oops to I think it's this one second.
Speaker 1 01:11:34 Oh yeah, I wanna go to this one. So can you all see that Okay, just about, okay there. So we've created what we call a master's level program and a foundation level program. So they've, they're quite different. So I'm just, if you, if you want to know more and you, after we finish this, you can hop onto proper golfing.com and you'll be able to see all this. But I just want go through this very quickly. So the master's level is six months coaching and as a year's worth of membership of the academy, that's number one on the foundation. One it's like eight weeks of coaching. So there's a little bit less coaching and access to the academy as well. We also, in between sessions, we also have calls and Joe does a wonderful onboarding. So for people who are not great with technology, you can actually, Joe will phone you and she'll talk you through everything that you get as well as how to use it, which is gonna be important.
Speaker 1 01:12:43 You really good at this. So Joe, yeah, so it goes into, I think you say you've just put something to chat. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I believe there's a link in the chat. So that's one. We also do a, a survey of where you are. So everybody gets that survey so that we know what, what you want to do, what you want to achieve more properly, how we can help you with that. Contact with me is unlimited when you join the master's level. So you can email, you can text, not a problem at all. I'll answer any questions you have with the other one. It's kind of limited to a little bit more of two per week because we we're having a lot of people now who, who are asking for help with us. In the masters one you get five one-to-one sessions. In the, in the other one we get three.
Speaker 1 01:13:36 We also look at key. So when we video golf swings, we look at key moments in there and we'll make comments on that. We also use a thing called Coach Now, which is a wonderful app where you can share your videos and information and we can exchange that so you keep a natural record of what you're doing. The metrics has been super important. So we've designed a way of measuring golf swings. Oh, just going to, somebody's just joined, but it might be a little bit late now. So we've designed a way of measuring golf swings and we call it the swing metrics. And we look at eight different things each one you can get a maximum score of four. So the, the highest any anybody can get as a golf swing when I'm measuring it is 32. The best I've ever had for myself is 29.
Speaker 1 01:14:30 So I've still got work to do and quite often it's probably around 25 for me, so I can always get that a little bit better. Another thing that's super important when, if you're trying to make the right changes is to have the practice plan. And that needs to be personalized because everybody's slightly differently. So after every session, not only do you get a score on your swing metrics, but you'll also get a personalized practice plan that quite often you can do that at home. You don't have to do that on the range. If you've got five minutes spare a day, I'll guarantee improvement. And that can be done at home. You can do 30 of some of the exercises you do in one minute. So imagine that if you've just got two or three minutes spare, you can practice certain things and I'll guarantee that you'll get better.
Speaker 1 01:15:23 So the practice plans are, are awesome and we cover all the eight different things. So there's always something that you can keep working on. And then we also have, every two weeks we have a, a virtual masterclass where we have a online call, all the members of proper golfing can join in and we talk about different golf related subjects. They're wonderful if you can't make them, they're always recorded and you can watch them at your leisure. And there's two different price points on there, which, which we can see because, because it's becoming so popular, we have had to limit how many people we can take in per month because we need to look after everybody properly. So we are limiting them to five masterclasses and five of the foundational programs as well. So we have had to limit it, just to be fair to everybody who's decided to join, and I believe Joe has put something in the chat where we're doing an offer, you put that in or you can, so let me, so we'll stop, we'll stop sharing this now. So there's, there's lots of ways that we can help you one-to-one lessons are perfect, but there's nothing quite, like, if you've got a goal, we can definitely help you achieve it, but it needs to be done in an organized way and that's what we pride ourselves in doing now.
Speaker 0 01:16:55 Yeah, I was just, I just think you're seeing the chat list. Sorry, I was diving in and out, I was just trying to find the, the best way to do it without interrupting Julian. So you've got the link to our homepage, which is proper golfing do com, and then you've got the link to the program says, we put a lot of hard work into making sure that we've got, you know, programs that actually take you from A to Zed in your golf. As I said, I'm a learning, learning development professional. So it's really important for us that you, when you come on any program, we clearly know where you are and that's what Julian was talking about, proper golfing metrics. So we clearly measure where you're at. Could you show one of those? Yeah,
Speaker 0 01:17:31 I and then we can clearly measure where you are now and where you need to go. So the most common question that we get asked, I think I mentioned at the beginning, it's about online. So we swapped the word online for interactive Academy. So we've basically got people all around the world, the states, New Zealand, Australia, all around the world that participate in our master's program. In fact, we've got some people that are online with us tonight that are doing so. So yeah, from as a learning perspective, you get everything. Say for example, you wanna learn to drive, unless you're like Michael Robertson who actually halved his handicapped just by watching the videos in our, which is remarkable, you know, if you're going to learn to drive, you need to have lots of different ways to learn. So, you know, we've got the book, we've got our holidays, we've got our masters level program, you know, there's a whole range, but, and then, so
Speaker 1 01:18:23 Yeah, I'm just gonna share this with you as well. So this is, this is what we've designed, this is our swing metric. So we measure it against eight different things. And this circle here, when you start to put the scores in, won't look like a circle. In fact, quite often it might look like a bit of a star, but the better you get, the smoother this becomes. But what it does is it highlights where you're strong, where you're weak, and we work on the weaknesses, not the strengths. Because if you're good at something, we need to work at some things that you are not so good at. Another question we get asked is, does it matter what let skill level you're at? No, it doesn't matter what if you are a beginner, if you are an advanced golfer, this works for everybody. So that's not an issue. And then a lot of people say, oh, think about it. Well, my answer's really simple. The sooner you start, the sooner you're gonna get better. We can all wait, that's not a problem. We can all hope, we can all knit back on YouTube and find some more what we call swing cures, but they often don't work because it's not structured. It's the structure that's so
Speaker 0 01:19:29 Important. My, my fa my favorite, some of my favorite, you know, people that come through here are like, do you know what they come for? They come for first session, they join a program and they say, goodness me, I wish I'd have done this ages ago. And it's a bit like anything, I know we've all been to been for things or like just delayed that, you know, trip to the dentist or trip to the doctor and say, do you know what? I wish I'd have started earlier. And we had one guy the other day as a member of three golf clubs and the guy said to him, you know, how much have you spent on golf lessons? And he's invested a lot of time in himself and he is like, to be honest, I can't see the point of being a member. One of 'em has Glen Eagles by the way, being a member of three golf courses and not playing my best every time I go out there. I can't, can't see the point of doing that. And that's why it comes regularly because if you invest in your, you know, your, your retirement stuff in the golf, in the golf club, you wanna be able to give it your best shot, don't you? So yeah, definitely. But we love what we do. We get so many stories every day, don't we? For people that have been out on the golf course and just been mind blown about what they can do, like did you share Richard's story? Did
Speaker 1 01:20:30 Sori Richard,
Speaker 0 01:20:31 I'm mind blown
Speaker 1 01:20:32 Is is new to us. He's only, we've only had two sessions so far. He's actually joined the program Global only had two sessions. His big thing, his big saying was when he first came in, I, I need to crank it up. And that for me is a nightmare sentence for me. Crank it up means you're gonna try really hard, you're gonna swing really fast and you're not gonna hit the ball very consistently. So I kind of talked him out of cranking his golf swing up, I got him too relaxed. He actually increased his swing speed. But yesterday he just sent this a beautiful message. He shot a 75 gross, he's never broken 80 before, and he's just lowered his handicap for the first time in over a year. So, and, and, and you know, we're not just saying this, we could, you know, we could show you the emails, but it's just nice that knowing that people can get better very quickly if they, and he, and to be fair, he's he's followed the practice plan to the letter. Yeah. And he is done that over two weeks and he's, he shot his best.
Speaker 0 01:21:28 He did not, as studio says, as part of the onboarding process, I get to speak to all you lovely people that come on the program, which is great because I just love meeting people and, and hearing about you golf and just talking to people. But I, I mean, I, I won't swear, but when I asked him about his golf, he said, Joe, I think I, I said to him earlier, he said, Joe, you know, I'm really good at my profession. I'm a perfectionist. I reap the top of where I am. But he did use an F word and an s word to explain his golf. He is like, I can't work out why I'm that golf. Let him, and, and now he's not because he sent us a message to say he's got the best round like that Paul, that makes us happy.
Speaker 1 01:22:04 So excited. Yeah, I know.
Speaker 0 01:22:05 Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I hope you've all enjoyed tonight. We've, we've overrun a little bit. We hope you to do it in an hour, but as Julian says, he and you lot could probably just listen to him talking about golf all night. But, but it'd be great to see some of you, you know, on the other side, so to say, for the master's program. We've got a little code there and if you wanted to just venture into the foundation master's level program, that's got some options too. So basically we've got, we've got a, a top middle and the bottom if you like. We've got the master's program, which combines all the academy, like four 50 videos. I think Julian just really underplayed his masterclasses every fortnight. So that's three years he's been doing every fortnight a masterclass on a different golfing topic. And I know Matt knows this, but for three years there's 90, nearly 90 of those in our video library.
Speaker 0 01:22:53 And, and he, and he turns up every fortnight with a different topic and people love them. And some people have been actually coming for three. So I think he underplayed those if I'm honest. So you get those once fortnight and you get all the one-to-one support from him. So you've got the master's level, then you've got the foundation program and then you've got the two that combines it in the middle. But wonderful. Anyway, you know where we are should you need any more help with your golf. Yeah. And thank you for your kind messages. Yeah, yeah, yeah. About the book. Oh, I'll put the, I'll put the link to the book as well because I know people are really enjoying the water, which really cool. Seems
Speaker 1 01:23:24 To be doing pretty good, so, which is really cool. But nobody have ever said I was gonna be in water, that's for sure. I job. But here we're,
Speaker 0 01:23:31 Anyway, hope you've enjoyed this evening, guys. Anyway. Have a great day. Take care, evening wherever you're in the world and we'll see you again soon. Take care. Bye bye. Take care. Bye.