Seniore Golfers : How to break 90 with Julian Mellor

Episode 4: Seniore Golfers : How to break 90 with Julian Mellor

In this inspiring Masterclass Julian delves into the details of breaking 90. One of our most popular Masterclasses

Show notes

This week, [Jo Cameron], [Julian Mellor] and [another person] cover [Golf News, Gol Tips, Effortless Golf].....

Topics discussed:

  1. Senior Golf
  2. Proper Golfing
  3. Breaking 90

Links mentioned in this episode:

This podcast is hosted by

Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:06 So tonight's zoom meeting is about how to break 90, quite a really interesting subject for a lot of golfers. I've got some great ideas here and it'd be interesting to, to hear what everybody else has to say. Let's just let everybody in. Nice. A great turnout tonight. Hi guys.

Speaker 2 00:00:36 Hi Janet.

Speaker 0 00:00:37 How are we?

Speaker 1 00:00:38 Hello. Good, thank you.

Speaker 0 00:00:41 That bit. Keep pressing the wrong button. Good to see you all

Speaker 2 00:00:46 And to

Speaker 1 00:00:47 You.

Speaker 0 00:00:48 Brilliant. How are we?

Speaker 2 00:00:50 Yeah, good. Good.

Speaker 1 00:00:51 Great. Going. Well,

Speaker 0 00:00:53 Mr. Stockton, good to see you. Brilliant. Interesting subject tonight, I think. Looks like we've got a bit of of interest going in. Hands up. Those who've broke. 90. Yeah. Oh, that's good. That's good. Great. Okay. We have got a lot joining tonight. Wonderful.

Speaker 1 00:01:19 I did today.

Speaker 0 00:01:21 You did it today.

Speaker 1 00:01:23 I did.

Speaker 0 00:01:24 You're obviously playing too much and not working enough, Tom.

Speaker 1 00:01:28 Well, I was forced to take a day off. Actually. I was supposed to be cutting grains today. Well, not cutting grains, cutting rough, but the rough mowers are down. So

Speaker 0 00:01:38 What, what a result.

Speaker 1 00:01:41 Wow. So the result is me having to take a forced day off. Darn.

Speaker 0 00:01:45 Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, good to see everybody. It's, it's getting dark here now. It's, it's nearly pitch black. So what's it like where everybody is all good? Nobody? Yeah. Oh, closed.

Speaker 1 00:01:59 Sun's getting up a bit earlier. Yeah, Brian in front of his weekend home there. Is that what that is? Just one. Just one. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:02:14 Wonderful, wonderful. So anybody got any thoughts on tonight's subject? How to break 90 before I, I rumble on a little bit. Yeah. I'm gonna pick on you, Barry, because we, we were together this week. So what's your thoughts? Very interesting with you guys. Well,

Speaker 2 00:02:33 Yeah. Well, for me, for me it's, I think there's three things involved. One, one is strategy, taking pressure off myself. Yeah. And so adding a shock to every hall for a personal path. And after that it's, it's all a case of staying out of trouble. I see everybody I'm putting, well, if I can do those two things, I've got a good chance.

Speaker 1 00:02:55 Mm.

Speaker 0 00:02:56 Yeah. And, and I would say Barry's a smart golfer. He thinks his way around very well and plays to his strengths and avoids the weaknesses, which is always nice. I think so plenty of them. Who else come? Can I pick? I'm gonna pick on you, Brian. So you, you've probably broken 90 quite a few times. What's your thoughts on it

Speaker 4 00:03:25 To keep an a, a good rhythm going and don't let a bad shot upset me. I'm, I can get quite volatile if I, if I'm playing well and then a bad shot creeps in. I tend to, well, I used to keep thinking about it, and if another bad shot comes in, then I'm immediately thinking I haven't got it on the right plane. And I start trying to analyze it and it goes from bad to worse. So I, I've got out of that. Good. And then my plane mate said to me, you know, if you're an 18 handicap, expect 18 mediocre to bad shots, just accept a bad shot. So, you know, you might strike it very well, but you've pulled it, it's still a, it's still a good hit. It's just accept it. Yeah. Pla get yourself outta the trouble and carry on. Yeah. And if you hit a nice

Speaker 0 00:04:23 Way to think,

Speaker 4 00:04:25 You'll break 90 if you have one par and all the rest are just double bogies. I mean, just bogies,

Speaker 0 00:04:31 Bogies. Yes. That, that will definitely do it. I'm gonna pick on Mike Rogers now. So Mike's a a, a lovely golfer. Breaking 80 is, is probably more, more your norm, Mike, but what, what are your thoughts on shooting a good score?

Speaker 3 00:04:53 Well, one, you gotta miss in the right spots. I have to have good misses. Yep. Yeah. I don't, I'm not gonna hit every shot perfectly. So if I can miss in the spot where I can recover from, preferably where I don't have to chip, I'm mute. This fine, actually I'll do Okay. Yeah. So I, in my mind, it, shooting a good score is less about making good shots as it is about not making really bad mistakes.

Speaker 0 00:05:23 Yeah. I like that. I like that a lot. It certainly served me well over the years. And I would say a lot of the elite golfers that we get to watch on telly are very good at that as well, aren't they? I think Tiger Woods would've been a master at where not to miss the ball. But we're not, we're not all blessed with that ability to, to know exactly where the golf ball's going to finish. And, and I think strategy is, is a really important thing. So, oh, how many years ago? A few, a few years ago now, I made a, a video that seemed quite popular on YouTube of how to break 90. But I, before I made that, I had a real good think about how we can do that and how somebody who can only hit the ball, let's say 150 off the tee, how, how could they break 90? And I worked it from the green back to the t rather than from the T to the green. Okay. So if we, if we're thinking of puts, how many puts per round would we like to, to make?

Speaker 1 00:06:34 2, 2 2

Speaker 0 00:06:36 Would be very good.

Speaker 1 00:06:44 That makes

Speaker 0 00:06:45 Breaking 90 easy. Paul, that does

Speaker 1 00:06:49 Break 60. That break 60

Speaker 0 00:06:54 Even I can shoot a good score with that. Yeah. Two, two puts per hole is a good thing. Yeah. And how, how do you think we can avoid it? Average two puts what, what's

Speaker 1 00:07:08 A good, very good short game? Well,

Speaker 0 00:07:10 We're thinking puts now rather than, than, than

Speaker 1 00:07:13 You've gotta be able to lag the ball very well. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:07:17 Speed, isn't it?

Speaker 1 00:07:18 Yeah. Well, speed. If,

Speaker 0 00:07:19 If you've got good speed put in

Speaker 1 00:07:22 Direction too,

Speaker 0 00:07:23 Well you, we definitely need both. But what, what I've found, if the speed's good, we are never going to be probably too much more than six feet out. We don't often misread greens by six foot, but if we, if the speed's good, that's gonna be better. But if your speed's off that can, that can put quite a bit of, of pressure on the per. So who practices speed? P

Speaker 1 00:07:49 Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 0 00:07:53 Cool. And how do you do that? I'm gonna pick on you Dick, Mr. Stockton. How, how would you practice your speed ping?

Speaker 5 00:08:00 I think a lot of it is for me is feel. Yeah. And that I, I want to make sure the tendency with is, is to be short sometimes too short. Yeah. And then you're left with, you know, with an X amount of foot footer that you have to make and you don't make the thing. So I think that you should be confident that you want to get the speed close to where the, the hole is and the, and, and, and maybe a little bit beyond, but not really rapid or really go too strong where, you know you're going to be in a lot of trouble. And I think the biggest problem are, are, are, you know, could be on downhill putts. Those are the toughest ones of course, because you know, you, you, you know, the tendency is that you hit a little bit too hard, you're, it's gonna be a three put deal. But so I, I try to get it to get it a little beyond the hole, but I'm not gonna go crazy with it. So that's what my speed judgment is.

Speaker 0 00:09:01 Yeah. And I was coaching somebody in here the other day, so it's, it's sometimes it's quite tricky to, to coach putting indoors because the simulator does a job and it can show you path and face and things like that. But this guy really struggled with speed control and I gave him one tip and he literally sent me a message the next day, the best buttoning round he is ever had. And, and speed's the issue was his issue. Any ideas what I gave him one tip, what to do when he was holding the putter. Any, any ideas what that might have been?

Speaker 5 00:09:42 Don choke it to death. Like, like

Speaker 0 00:09:46 Light. Absolutely. Yeah. He was, if we were to score it out of 10, he was nine. Wow. So he was holding it really tight. The tighter he started to hold it, the less the putter started to swing as tight as he could hit. He could never really get the ball to the hole because there was no momentum with his putting stroke. So light is better than tight. That's my kind of motto. So holding the putter lighter in your hands can enable that freedom with the pudding. So yes, speech really important. Confidence is an important thing with putting, so just again, as a tip, and, and this is actually in the library as well in the, in the training library. But go, go on Matt. You, you go first and then I'll, I'll answer the question.

Speaker 6 00:10:34 No, I would say with the, with the light putting grip, you really, really have to practice it because the, it'll go shockingly far. Yes. The lighter, the lighter you hold that putter, it shocked me how far it went.

Speaker 0 00:10:50 Mm.

Speaker 6 00:10:52 Yeah. So you can't just take it out of the course and try it.

Speaker 0 00:10:56 Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I'm just, I'm just moving you guys around a second. I'm just gonna get my putter. I'll just show you some things quite interesting. I just get this here. Yeah. So if I just set this off, that's actually moving quite quickly, isn't it? And yet, if I strangle it, that thing stops moving. So holding it very lightly that puts, has got quite a lot of momentum there. So something that I, I actually saw Tiger Woods doing this and he, he works on holding the putter lightly. And he's not been too bad, to be fair in his career, isn't if you could, but he did this. You see how he just lets that, that hang from there. It's almost like it's just dropping and then settled down into it. And that was enough tension to hold the put. So he definitely didn't hold it at this stage. So that was really a a, I just saw that as a tip. I thought that's nice. I like that idea. Yes, Paul.

Speaker 7 00:11:58 Yeah. I, one of the, one of the problems I face in putting is I'm holding the putter lightly, which is fine, but I have a big problem in judging the speed on me because sometimes you, on some days the greens are very fast, other days they're slow. Maybe because it rained the night before and trying to judge the, the speed of the put hitting it lightly is, is a difficult process. 'cause you just tap it and it'll just go way beyond the, the hole. And then you have to come back and sometimes you do a lot of three puts Yeah. Associated with that.

Speaker 0 00:12:38 So who, who, who always practices they're putting before they play.

Speaker 0 00:12:43 Tom does. That's good. Yeah. Dick does. Yeah. Brilliant. An absolute must to try and get on that. Putting green before you, before you tee off to get a feel for them. And we know confidence is a big thing with putting, so when I work on speed ping, I don't go for the hole I put to the fringe of the green because you can't miss the hole because there isn't a hole there. So we tend, the confidence doesn't tend to get a knock. But if you go straight to a hole and you miss a few, and then before you know it, you have another three and then you miss those, oh, it's one of those days. Is it? And before we know we're having a bad putting round. So, so actually practicing your, your speed putting to the fringe of the green and all you're trying to do is get as close as possible. So you're not trying to hold anything, you're just trying to get it as close as possible. I found that's been really valuable over the years. Practicing that first and then, you know, ideally put as length practice those, put a length puts, you know, and try and make, I don't know, six 10 before you leave the PUD green without missing them. Just builds up that bit of confidence as well. So speed definitely first. Yes, Tom.

Speaker 1 00:13:56 Not a, not a question. More of a comment, a little insider. So since I work for the heck of it at a golf course, it matters if the golf course that you're playing prepares their putting greens just like they do the greens out on the course. If your course isn't cutting the greens every day, if they don't aerify on the same schedule, top dress, everything we do our, we have four different putting greens and we treat them exactly like we do all the greens out on the course. So playing munis all my life, I mean, some courses, the putting greens I'd never used to practice my putting before I would go play. Because more times than not, the greens on the course were nothing like the putting greens were. Mm. And you know, you practice all you can and then you go out on the course and you go, wow, it, you know, it's a lot faster or a lot slower. You know, something like that. But yeah, it, it does matter if, if you, if you know. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:15:07 Yeah, definitely. So I think we, we all agree straight away that putting's really important, isn't it? If we're trying to shoot a low score, you know, I, I've picked the, the number of 90, it doesn't really matter if it's under a hundred, 110 under, under 80, putting still an important part of, of shooting a good score. And it's a, a part of the game we should all be practicing. No question about it. You know, I've had my pudding issues over the years, but it's never stopped me practicing because I know, still know the importance of doing it. So that's, that's one. So let's now think of a bit of strategy and oh, it's Benson. I'm just going to take you back into my academy because on here, let show you this a little bit. Okay. So I've got a, a hole on here that measures 303 yards. Just it, it just says up at the top there. So not a long par four. Okay. How, how do we shoot a a bogey on there guarantee ish. How are we gonna guarantee a bogey

Speaker 1 00:16:26 Well

Speaker 4 00:16:28 Play, play to your pitching

Speaker 1 00:16:29 Strength, right? Play play to your play to your strength of what your approach shot's gonna be. Yeah.

Speaker 3 00:16:36 I'd say miss the fairway, chip it back out on the fairway, hit it on the green of two, put

Speaker 0 00:16:43 No, that's what everybody does.

Speaker 1 00:16:44 You've been watching me guarantee that's

Speaker 3 00:16:48 Not a guarantee.

Speaker 1 00:16:51 I

Speaker 0 00:16:51 I love that. I just wonder if it's easy to show you on my little screen here. Can you see that okay or not?

Speaker 1 00:16:58 I, we can see it, but not, it's not, it's not.

Speaker 4 00:17:01 Yeah, it's

Speaker 0 00:17:03 Can I get in even closer? Not, not really. Okay. This, so on the, on the right hand side over here, I don't know if you can see that. Just over here is a bit of a map. It's a bit of a dog leg hole. So the good thing is with, with modern technology nowadays, who uses GPS or laser? So use, does everybody use GPS? Yeah. So do any of you guys use Google Earth? Google Earth?

Speaker 1 00:17:35 Not on the course.

Speaker 0 00:17:36 Never. Not, not on the course. Have you ever used Google Earth?

Speaker 1 00:17:40 Yes. Oh

Speaker 4 00:17:41 Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:17:43 And have you ever measured your golf course with Google Earth?

Speaker 1 00:17:48 Didn't know you could. I tried indeed. I tried. There's a, it was very complicated.

Speaker 0 00:17:53 Yeah. When I very, so a lot of the tour CAD is use Google Earth before they go to a new venue because they can measure carries. So we, we can definitely do it with GPS now, but sometimes you don't get that aerial view and, and know what you can and can't carry. So Googler for a really cool tool to use, but this whole, so it's 300 yards who can hit the ball? A hundred yards?

Speaker 1 00:18:20 Relatively

Speaker 0 00:18:21 Straight.

Speaker 1 00:18:22 Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:18:23 So who can

Speaker 1 00:18:24 Hit

Speaker 0 00:18:24 It? 120 yards relatively towards target. Okay. So two of those would, this is a bit boring now, but we're trying, we're we're thinking of strategy rather than, you know, trying to be a hero. So who can edit 120 yards? So pretty, pretty much everybody. So two of those, two of those leaves us. How far?

Speaker 1 00:18:49 60 yards.

Speaker 0 00:18:50 60 yards. Who can it at 60 yards onto the green? Consistently.

Speaker 1 00:18:55 Consistently? No. Yeah. There there was that, there was that qualifying word. Okay,

Speaker 0 00:19:04 So who practices 80 yard shots and under.

Speaker 1 00:19:09 Oh yeah. Yeah. That's, that's important.

Speaker 0 00:19:12 Okay, good. Quite a lot of raised hands here. How do you practice it? Do you pick, do you hit it to a, a green or do you hit it just on the range?

Speaker 1 00:19:23 No, well we've got a green on the ranch. Wow, cool. Okay.

Speaker 0 00:19:30 So for me, under a hundred yard shots are super important. 'cause if we can get that ball on the green from a hundred yards fairly consistently, we've got it, we've got a chance. If you can hit the ball 150 yards off the T. So how do we, how, how does it work out? So I'm gonna throw one in now I'm thinking of mathematics. Now math, you call it math don't you? In America?

Speaker 1 00:19:57 Yeah. No s we need

Speaker 0 00:19:58 An S We'll lend you an S.

Speaker 1 00:20:03 So we've got enough of us in the United States. Thanks.

Speaker 0 00:20:09 So the whole's

Speaker 1 00:20:10 400 yards.

Speaker 0 00:20:11 So I'm, I'm gonna pick on Mike Davis. So Mike's sitting there nicely, nice and quiet, but I'm gonna pick on Mike 'cause we've had quite a few face-to-face sessions. Mike, the hole's, 400 yards and you're pretty good at putting, so you're going to two puts. You're going to two. Put the green. Okay. How are we going to make a five?

Speaker 8 00:20:38 Well, for me, my, my driving's not too bad at the moment, so

Speaker 1 00:20:42 Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:20:43 So

Speaker 1 00:20:43 How far

Speaker 0 00:20:43 Would you hit it off the tee mike?

Speaker 8 00:20:46 Between 1 9200.

Speaker 0 00:20:49 Okay. So if you could guarantee hitting at one 70 Yeah. What club would you use?

Speaker 8 00:20:56 It would be a three wood for me.

Speaker 0 00:20:57 A three wood. Okay. Is that something that you would think about using offer t

Speaker 8 00:21:04 On certain hole? Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:21:06 Okay, good. Okay, so, so that's gonna go one 70. That's leaving us 230 yards. Okay. How are you from what club could you quite confidently hit 150 yards?

Speaker 8 00:21:22 I've got three hybrid, it'll do that.

Speaker 0 00:21:24 Three hybrid. So three wood, three hybrid leaves you 80. What what what club do you use from there?

Speaker 8 00:21:35 Probably probably a nine. Nine. But foot, this is from me. I, I, I hit. Yeah. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:21:44 We we're not, we're not thinking who can hit it far? Who can't hit it far? We're thinking of strategy. So if this hole's quite a tight hole, would that change the strategy? Maybe a little bit?

Speaker 8 00:21:59 Not for me. No. No. The moment I'm hitting it reasonably straight.

Speaker 0 00:22:05 Brilliant.

Speaker 8 00:22:05 One mouse and me mouse and meat clubs.

Speaker 0 00:22:08 Okay, so I'm going to, this is out to the pole. Who can hit it over 200 yards

Speaker 1 00:22:14 Every time?

Speaker 0 00:22:18 No, you're putting pressure on me to, so who can hit it 200 yards? Well, we know you can do it Dick. Definitely. You can do it

Speaker 4 00:22:26 Now then. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:22:27 Okay. Who can hit it? 200 yards straight ish.

Speaker 4 00:22:32 Oh yeah,

Speaker 0 00:22:34 Yeah, yeah. Today I was, yeah. Brilliant. So if you can hit it over 200. What, what club I'm gonna pick on on Mike Rogers. Now, what club would you use to hit it? 200 yards straight.

Speaker 3 00:22:50 Don't five wood,

Speaker 0 00:22:51 Don't say wedge.

Speaker 3 00:22:52 Five wood.

Speaker 0 00:22:53 Five wood. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, you, you, you're a good golfer. We, you know, I know that not everybody else knows that, but I, I know that. How is, is that a, a strategy that you would use when you're going round choose a five wood instead of the driver?

Speaker 3 00:23:11 Yes. Off

Speaker 0 00:23:12 The

Speaker 3 00:23:12 TI often hit and I'll hit or I'll hit a three wood off rather than a driver.

Speaker 0 00:23:18 Okay, good. So who stock shot is driver every time on a long haul? On, on a par four. Who always goes to driver? Matt? Yeah, Dick does. Yeah. Otto Paul. Okay.

Speaker 1 00:23:33 I do also, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:23:35 Okay. So, so we're thinking now. And does that driver put you in trouble?

Speaker 3 00:23:40 Sometimes. Sometimes.

Speaker 4 00:23:42 Sometimes. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:23:44 Sometimes. So who's ever kind of played the hole from the green back to the t? Mentally. Okay. So if I can leave it from, I'm good at say 60 yards and the hole's a hundred yards. So we've gotta carry, we've gotta get it to 340 yards in two shots. And who's ever broken that down into two shots as well. So maybe a, a 180 yards or one 60 leaving yourself a an 80. Yeah. Matt's got his finger up. Matt's definitely done some thinking about this. This is good. Well,

Speaker 6 00:24:17 Yeah, because I'm gonna, I'm gonna twist it around on you because I'm, I'm more confident with the driver than I can hit a 60 yard shot.

Speaker 0 00:24:28 Yep. Okay. Right. I'm gonna come straight back in at this Dustin Johnson. You're gonna look, you're gonna like this. Dustin Johnson went for a, a, a fitting for his golf clubs. And the fitter says, what club do you hit from 70? He says, I haven't got one. He says, well, you know, you need one. He says, no, I haven't got one, I don't need one. He says, well, you know, you do. He says, no 'cause I never leave myself 70 yards.

Speaker 6 00:24:58 He

Speaker 0 00:24:58 Can't, he's not very confident of that's shot. Yeah. So I never leave that distance. Okay. So you are not very happy from 60 odds. What are you comfortable at?

Speaker 6 00:25:08 90.

Speaker 0 00:25:09 Okay, so we're working 90 then back. Yeah.

Speaker 6 00:25:13 To the shop

Speaker 0 00:25:13 Before. To the shop before that one. Okay. Right. So getting

Speaker 1 00:25:18 A headache, just list, just thinking about

Speaker 0 00:25:20 That. I know, I know.

Speaker 6 00:25:22 Seems

Speaker 0 00:25:23 A little bit kind. It's, it's really thinking. I'm trying to get you guys to really think about your strategy. If you want to shoot a really good score, you might have to think differently to what you would do normally. So you don't want to be hitting it to 60 if you don't like 60. So how do you leave yourself the best options? What are you really comfortable with? Yardage wise? Club wise? Yeah. Have any of you ever played with five clubs?

Speaker 6 00:25:51 With the what sorry?

Speaker 0 00:25:53 Five golf clubs. Just just five. No,

Speaker 6 00:25:56 Three. I've played with three.

Speaker 0 00:25:58 You've done three? Yeah. Have ha has nobody played with five?

Speaker 6 00:26:04 No. In the winter? Yeah, sometimes.

Speaker 0 00:26:06 Yeah. Yeah. If you're having to carry them. Wow. I find that astonishing. When I was the professional at the golf club, which is just, just over the road from here, generally the lowest scores in the competitions were in the five club competition. Yeah. Why, why, why do you think that happened?

Speaker 1 00:26:26 Takes a lot of the decisions out of your hands.

Speaker 0 00:26:29 Okay. Are you gonna have a club in that bag that you don't like?

Speaker 6 00:26:33 No. No,

Speaker 0 00:26:35 No. So you, every club in that golf bag is one that you like. Might not be the putter, but you've gotta have one of those. Okay. So what do you think that's gonna do to your confidence?

Speaker 4 00:26:46 Yeah. Oh, not boost it. Yeah, boost your

Speaker 0 00:26:49 Confidence. Yeah, definitely. And, and what do you think that does to your strategy? So you've only got five to choose from and one of those might not be a sandwich, so you might be avoiding hazards. Yeah. Can I suggest all of you attempt to play around with five golf clubs? And I don't, it's it's your choice. I don't, I don't care what it is. Most people don't choose a driver. Quite often they would tee off with a five rule, but I'm not gonna lead you. It's, it's up to you what you would choose. I think you'll be astonished at what happens when you do that. You, it wouldn't surprise me if you shoot a really good score.

Speaker 0 00:27:34 The other thing is it takes out the, the question mark. Have I havet I got the right club? Because you either have or you haven't. 'cause you haven't got too many choices and you tend to commit to the shot really well. And I, I would say one of the reasons a lot of people struggled to shoot a lower score is they haven't got that commitment. Do stood over this. I wasn't sure whether it was a seven or an eight. And if you, if you play that shot half-hearted, chances are you're not gonna commit to it and probably not pull that shot off. So it's, it's a really important thing to, to I want you all to have a go at it. And when you do, I'd love you to let me know what happens.

Speaker 5 00:28:22 You know? Brilliant. Julian, that's brilliant. And I'll tell you, I was just thinking about this, especially on the shot. Say you have a a a, a pitching wedge and you don't have a sandwich and you don't have an a gap or 60, now you find yourself you're 60 yards away. Well you know what? You concentrate enough 'cause you have that pitching wedge and you know, that's the only club you have for that purpose of getting it on the green. It's going to affect how you swing, you know, and the speed of the swing and the length of, and all those things that come into play. And you're going to concentrate to say, look, I have this pitching wedge that's that's too much, but I'm gonna just do it enough. And I bet it. And I'm just thinking that that would be, somehow that would work pretty well.

Speaker 0 00:29:04 It, it, it, it's, it's, it's amazing how it works. And, and you don't necessarily try the hero shot because you haven't got the club that can produce the hero shot. So you suddenly getting it on the green from 60 is, is a great shot rather than trying to get it close to the flag because you wanna play a high lob shop if you can't do that because you haven't got the correct club to do that. And this is why it's, it's like the, you have a strategy before you even take those five clubs to the golf course is thinking okay on, on, on the third holes of par three. You know, I, I definitely need to, I I I might be a driver, but I always get in trouble. So I've just gotta take this club and, and it's amazing how you, how it makes you think before you even attempt to go and play. So I'm, I'm gonna pick on Derek Derek's, Derek's a he's a thinker definitely. Okay, you've got five golf clubs in your bag. One of 'em has to be a putter. What clubs are you taking out, Derek?

Speaker 9 00:30:11 Well I'm gonna, I'm I'm gonna take the putter driver,

Speaker 0 00:30:15 Right?

Speaker 9 00:30:17 'cause you're gonna need both of those. I think I'm probably going to take a sandwich because I'm a, I can create a lot of things with that.

Speaker 0 00:30:31 So you've got two left. My,

Speaker 9 00:30:32 My highest iron, which is a seven.

Speaker 0 00:30:35 Seven

Speaker 9 00:30:36 And my five hybrid. 'cause I can do some things with that. I'll leave the fairway woods out.

Speaker 0 00:30:45 You've got quite a gap from seven nine to sandwich. We

Speaker 9 00:30:48 Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:30:49 And you're very much loaded. Top end.

Speaker 9 00:30:52 Yes.

Speaker 0 00:30:53 Driver hybrid seven nine. Okay. So think now about your golf course. I don't know your golf course. Is that, is that where your the majority of clubs need to be longer rather than shorter?

Speaker 9 00:31:09 That's kind of a tactical thing for my golf course because if you can get it off, off the tee, the course is the, the home, the home course where we plays relatively flat, the course usually plays pretty fast. So you're gonna get some roles. So you're gonna have a lot of shots about the a hundred yard and in variety there.

Speaker 0 00:31:28 Hmm. And, and you comfortable with the sand? We from that distance,

Speaker 9 00:31:35 I can hit a seven iron, kind of a low punch that'll run. And since we don't have a lot of stuff in front of the greens, that can kind of work out.

Speaker 0 00:31:43 So that would work on your course. What happens if you played a different course that have have hazards?

Speaker 9 00:31:49 I would have to totally rethink it. You, your standard golf course you have, you have poked holes in my club selection that I could drive an armored vehicle through. So I'll, I'll leave it at that.

Speaker 0 00:32:01 And, and, and all, all I'm trying here is just to get us thinking slightly differently because we do what we've always done. We'll get what we've always got. Isn't that the truth? So I, I'm not being boastful Now the golf course, I used to be the pro at for the front nine, I shot level par with a seven nine. That was okay. Not massively long holes and, and you know, the par freeze I could easily get it on the green as

Speaker 9 00:32:36 Your only club.

Speaker 0 00:32:37 Yeah, yeah, just, just the one club. Yeah. So the thing you didn't, so you putted with it and everything. Yeah, but the thing with it, I had no choices. Right. I could only use that golf club. So it really took the thinking out of it. You know, I've played golf a long time and I could manipulate ball position and, and hand positioned it lower and further or higher and shorter and things like that. But that's something I quite often used to go, not go and shoot level par. But I, I did the, I used to go and play nine holes with one club. 'cause it would only take me about an hour to get round sometimes if had an hour spare. And I like to go out onto the golf course and be a bit creative 'cause it always taught me something. But that's when I really started thinking about strategies and, and, and honestly the, the scores in those competitions with five clubs were always amazing. It would wouldn't be uncommon for 42 44 points to win the competition. Of course, yes. Matt,

Speaker 6 00:33:41 Julian are you, you're leading us up to a worldwide competition within the next month. We should play nine holes with five clubs of report back.

Speaker 0 00:33:51 It's gotta it's gotta happen, doesn't it?

Speaker 6 00:33:53 Yeah. We just get everybody on this zoom to do it for nine holes, five clubs and report back, you know, the distance of the course and our handicaps or whatever. And maybe perhaps

Speaker 0 00:34:06 I want you all to do it now. I'm really, really intrigued with your

Speaker 6 00:34:09 Trophy.

Speaker 0 00:34:11 We got a trophy. I want you all to do it. Seriously, I really want you all to do it. I think let's do it. I think it's gonna teach you a lot about your golf.

Speaker 6 00:34:20 I think it just would be fun. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:34:22 Oh, it's definitely fun. It does take pressure off you, but club selection super important. You, you know, you've only got five to choose from. Yeah. So I, I'm going to pick on, on you Paul, in your bag. So how many clubs do you carry in your bag?

Speaker 7 00:34:39 Probably 12.

Speaker 0 00:34:40 12? Okay. How many of those could you leave out and still shoot a, a comfortable score do you think?

Speaker 7 00:34:50 Well, you know, I probably could get rid of five, five clubs. Those, I could a driver, I could use a seven wood off the, the tee seven iron and five hybrid putter and

Speaker 0 00:35:13 Some sort of wedge,

Speaker 7 00:35:14 Maybe a sandwich. We

Speaker 0 00:35:16 Interesting. Yeah. Really interesting. Yeah. What I, I can see a lot of head scratching going on. What, what you all thinking? So I'm gonna, I'm gonna pick on you Derek, what you thinking?

Speaker 9 00:35:30 Well, I mean, a kind of a, an approach would be to leave every other club out of the bag.

Speaker 0 00:35:37 Good. Yeah.

Speaker 9 00:35:41 You know, I've got two hybrids, I'll leave one of them. Take an eight iron and maybe the pitching wedge that gives you enough coverage and you can probably manufacture something out if you do happen to get into one of the bunkers or at least get it on the green. You know, you, you mentioned something about creativity and, and I just have to point out that I don't know about the others, but I, I'm always creative on the golf course out of necessity because I usually find myself in some situations that you don't practice very much. Oh, I gotta hit it low under this tree branch and bring it around to the right here. So yeah, we, we all have our, our our days and our ways I guess.

Speaker 0 00:36:29 Mm, definitely. So if, if whose golf course has got quite slopey greens Yeah, we got, yeah,

Speaker 4 00:36:40 No, not too bad, but,

Speaker 0 00:36:42 Okay. So again, if we are thinking you haven't got that many golf clubs, is the impor, is it important to hit it at the right part of the green depending where the pin is?

Speaker 4 00:36:54 Mm. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:36:56 So that,

Speaker 1 00:36:56 Yeah, but are you that accurate? Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:36:59 Well on paper we, you know, we, we we're thinking our strategy and, and we're able to try and hit the ball in the right place. So actually as, as Mike was saying quite, quite earlier is, you know, if you can miss it in the right place, it's better than missing it in the wrong place. So trying to leave ourselves an easier put, sometimes a downhill put can be easier than an uphill put. But, but trying to leave ourself an easy put. So, so if we're thinking back, let, let's say the green goes this way and the pins up here, and then we've gotta think back from there. How can we make the shot into the green as easy as possible? And before that, how can we put it in the right place to make that shot as easy as possible? And and really thinking outside the box rather than doing what you normally do can be really rewarding. Some, some of the playing lessons. You know, Dick, when, when we're away, it's gonna be very interesting to, to watch everybody's strategy when they're playing. So one of the things that we are going to do that you'll know about and not, not many, and and Derek also, so Derek Mink, Dick, Dick, mink, Derek, we, you know, you both come in, we are going to do one of those rounds with five golf clubs. That's part of, part of our early strategy. Can't wait. It's, it's gonna be good. Funny, Dick.

Speaker 1 00:38:23 Sounds excited.

Speaker 9 00:38:26 Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:38:27 Definitely. Yes, Barry?

Speaker 2 00:38:29 Yeah, just, just to support the point you were just making, I think I found this 'cause I've, I've joined a new golf course and the greens are very, very quick and very, very sloping. And one of the things I've learned is that I had no control at all trying to keep going on the green from 140, 150 yards in terms of whether I left it up, you know, at the top of the slope, bottom of the slope. But picking up on your strategy point, if I leave it 30, 40 yards short with my second say into a path four and I can hit my third shot from 40 to 60 yards, I've got a lot more control over where I leave it on the green.

Speaker 0 00:39:06 Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2 00:39:07 So, and, and if I'm, you know, above the hole on a sloping fast green, chances of free putting are quite high. Yeah. So again, in the right place, but a different strategy has been crucial to me. Yeah. In trying to get my scores down.

Speaker 0 00:39:21 Hundred percent. So there's two, there's two other things that I think will help us all. Lower scores. So the first one is eliminating penalty shots.

Speaker 0 00:39:34 Yeah. Not a bad strategy, is it? So trying to avoid, you know, the, that penalty that, oh, I've just hit it, I've hit it too well, or I've just hit it in the wrong direction. I've gone out of bounds, I'm in a hazard, I've gone in the water hazard, whatever that may be. You know, avoiding penalty shots is, is definitely an important thing. And the other one, an absolute must result is practice out of sand. We have to be able to be confident to hit it outta sand first time every time. You know, that requires a technique, which, you know, we, I can, that's all in the, in the training library you can easily look at that. But who goes and practices bunker shots, sand shots, trap shots, whatever you wanna call them. Yeah, good. Yeah. Benson, put your hand up. Come on, let's get you in that sand.

Speaker 10 00:40:27 I, I I I practice maybe once every two months

Speaker 0 00:40:32 And not, and it doesn't count. Practicing on the golf course does not count. Sound sounds really important. Ian, do you ever practice in, in the sand?

Speaker 12 00:40:45 We don't really have anywhere to do that.

Speaker 0 00:40:48 Right. Okay. Yeah, it's not, it's not easy if your venue hasn't got it, but it's, it's something that we sh we sh you know, it's just a good thing to be able to do if you, because if you can get outta sun, what does that do to the shots before you end up in the sand?

Speaker 1 00:41:08 You have more confidence. 'cause you know, if you go in the sand, you're gonna get out.

Speaker 0 00:41:12 Yeah, definitely takes a bit of pressure off that one. Yeah, it's for me and I'm gonna be boastful now it's the only shot in golf I'm a hundred percent confident with is sand shots.

Speaker 1 00:41:23 It's, yeah. There's something wrong with you.

Speaker 11 00:41:29 Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:41:30 I'm really good at as

Speaker 0 00:41:34 And, and only, well it, it started out I didn't used to be, I used to have terrible technique. I used to be stand open, open the face, swing across it, lean the yaffle, try, you know, trying to get all that spin and just had no idea how to control the spin on the golf ball and the distance. And thankfully I saw the light and I don't do it that way anymore. So really important for me was to, to set up nice and parallel to my ball, to target line, set up with the shaft nice and straight and use the correct design of the golf club rather than manipulating it and, and holding things open too much. So that, that was an absolute must. I really, I don't just stick to one golf club in the sand. I like a lob wedge, a sand wedge and occasionally like a gap wedge if I've got a longer shot to, to play out there.

Speaker 0 00:42:24 So I tend not to just use one because, you know, if I've got a, a distant shot, a lu wedge might not, might not cut it for me, then if I have to go harder and lose the technique, I might hit that one that either goes in the face or flies over to the side. So it's quite good to vary what club you use in the sand should you need to be. But yeah, get, get, getting good at getting out of, of sand. Really important. So it's, it's difficult. I wanted to, to kind of play this one hole and I want you guys to gimme a quick lesson. So let me just get a go. I'm only going to use one club. The good news is for me it's automatic pudding. So if I get it on the green, it automates my puts. Okay, I'm going the holes 303 yards. What club? I I I can only use one club. Don't make it a driver. What club? What club are you gonna make me use? 303 yards.

Speaker 1 00:43:24 Seven. Seven. Oh

Speaker 0 00:43:27 Get it on in two with a seven.

Speaker 1 00:43:33 Alright. A 60 degree wedge. Oh that's, that's brutal top. How about pitching wedge? Pitching wedge. Yeah. Pitching wedge. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:43:48 So, so that, I'm not kidding. Pitching wedge happy with that. Okay. Trouble on the left. You can't really see, there's trees over here. There's a bulker way over here and to the fairway is 122 yards to get it onto the fairway. So hopefully, oops, lemme get that there. Hopefully we can get it there. The nice thing is in here, it's set up towards our target anyway, so let's see if we can get a wedge in play. Okay. Oh, we're lucky. Okay, so that's just gone 1 21. So leaving me 1 77. Now what do I do? There's a, a little road at 77 yards. I think I can get it over that. A little bunker on the left, which is gonna be about 95 yards to carry that. So what we gonna do Hit it team again, just another one of

Speaker 4 00:44:55 Those front the green

Speaker 1 00:44:59 And your only, your only option is to hit it

Speaker 0 00:45:02 1 77. So if I 1 21 again, what's that? Leaving me in 50? Yeah, 56. Should be able to get it on the green with, let me just come down a little bit more. Should be able to get it on the green from 50. Let's just play it. Well, whoops. Gone over the sand and pretty good strategy. 54 yards left,

Speaker 4 00:45:38 Right?

Speaker 0 00:45:39 Nice straightforward shot. How do we play it?

Speaker 1 00:45:43 Little bump and run. Bump

Speaker 4 00:45:44 And run.

Speaker 0 00:45:45 Bump and run. Yeah. Pins in the middle. Yeah. How far short? So there's a little up slope before the green. How far to, so it's 20, it's 25. Oh no, hang on one second.

Speaker 1 00:46:03 Well if you've got an UPS slope that kind of hurts your bump and run.

Speaker 4 00:46:08 Okay. Yeah. So to

Speaker 0 00:46:12 The front of the green is 40 yards. I can kind of measure on there 14 yards from there to, to the flag. So 40 yard shot.

Speaker 4 00:46:25 Okay, your famous half shot.

Speaker 0 00:46:28 So now I've left it short.

Speaker 4 00:46:30 Oh,

Speaker 0 00:46:32 Now what do we do?

Speaker 4 00:46:35 You've

Speaker 0 00:46:35 Got 25 yards to go.

Speaker 1 00:46:38 How far did that last shot go?

Speaker 0 00:46:41 Carried 21 went 29. So why do you think potentially that came up short? So I've got 50

Speaker 1 00:46:52 The UPS slope, so

Speaker 0 00:46:54 Yeah, the up slope, but my pitching wedge can go too far.

Speaker 4 00:47:01 Yeah. So you, you quit on it.

Speaker 0 00:47:03 So I quit on it, I said exactly what happened. Yeah, yeah. So now that we quit, now I'm create, I've potentially got a double bogey and I was only 50 yards from the green. Yeah. So what's the strategy getting to to, to the towards the green? Was it right? Did I do the right strategy? Two full shots?

Speaker 4 00:47:25 I still think, yeah, I still think so. I think you could have choked down on your pitching wedge and gone for a hot shot and flown the green. Well

Speaker 0 00:47:34 I'm short, you know the truth, I'm short so

Speaker 4 00:47:37 I gone for the green.

Speaker 10 00:47:39 What could have made your third, third shot longer?

Speaker 0 00:47:43 So did I, could I have hit my second shot? A different distance?

Speaker 10 00:47:49 Shorter? Is it a shorter, yeah,

Speaker 4 00:47:51 You could have hit quarter shorter.

Speaker 0 00:47:52 Could, should, could have hit that one shorter and hit a more positive shot onto the green. So, and this, this is why I'm just, again, just trying to make you guys think a little bit. So it's not always the trying to hit it as far as you can, that's going to lower your scores. So you know, now I, I'd have to hit a good shot to try and make a five. Now whether we do or not, or we don't, we just,

Speaker 0 00:48:19 So that one's gone a little bit too far. It's gonna do or to put in, so it's gone 31, it's given me an auto put of 1.86. So I'm 1.9 over par and it's just how it measures it on it. So I just made double bogey and I haven't been in any trouble, but this is where was the strategy, right? That's, that's where I'm trying to make us think a little bit. So maybe if I'd have hit three shots, a hundred yards each, I could have been a bit more positive with the third shot. So it was a third shot that cost me. I

Speaker 4 00:48:52 I would, I would've played it like you did. Yeah. But I, I'm quite confident on hitting 30 yard shots in, 'cause I've practiced those quite a bit. Brilliant. 30, 40 yards, like right down and just do a half swing. Yeah. And I've got confidence in doing that, so I would've blown the green wouldn't have tried to bump.

Speaker 5 00:49:12 So you could have hit a hundred, a hundred and a hundred. Yeah. You could have hit shorter shots of the first two. Yeah.

Speaker 4 00:49:19 Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:49:20 So the fact is it left me an awkward distance. So Matt doesn't like the 60 yard shot. So I've kind of left myself existence and, and therefore I've made double bogey from, from nowhere and I haven't really done a great deal wrong other than my strategy.

Speaker 10 00:49:42 What do you use from a hundred yards normally? But the temptation, the temptation is always to be macho and to hit it as far as you can.

Speaker 0 00:49:50 Absolutely, absolutely Vincent.

Speaker 10 00:49:52 And that's the problem.

Speaker 0 00:49:54 So can I, can I just share this? It's quite a fun story really. So I'm, I'm coaching a 24 handicap golfer and he's a rugby player, so he is quite macho, really likes to hit it as far as as he possibly can. And we're playing a golf course and on this golf course it's actually Stoneley Deer Park. I dunno whether you know that Barry. Yeah. But it's got some ancient trees on it and they're massive. They're absolutely huge for, and it's a par five. He's hit at 2 35 off the t behind this huge tree. I mean the canopy's massive and it's in, it's in full leaf and he's about probably 30 yards from the trunk of the tree. And he pulls out a hybrid. I said his name was Ian. I said, Ian, where are you gonna hit it? He says, well, I'm going through the tree.

Speaker 0 00:50:54 I says, well, they're 80% there. I says, well, okay, that's, that seems a risky strategy to me. I says, would you mind if we play two balls? You, I want you to play one the way I want you to play it and you play it the way you wanna play it. And the long and short of it is he hit his ball into the tree and he lost it and he ended up taking a nine with that golf ball. And I made him play into safety and he made a six. I says, can you see the strategy? He says, yeah, but yours is really boring. So I, I said, I wonder why you're still off 24.

Speaker 13 00:51:35 He

Speaker 0 00:51:35 Could hit it great, you know, distance wise was not the issue, but he just, no, it wasn't an interesting game, doing it the smart way, but sometimes if we wanna shoot good scores, we've gotta play a bit smart. Yeah. So has this kind of made you potentially think a little bit differently about your, your game when very much

Speaker 5 00:51:56 Yes. You know, Julian, you know, get, starting from when you started here about measuring what you need. The the thing that hits me is not doing too much ever.

Speaker 0 00:52:10 Wonderful. Yeah. Wonderful. Yeah.

Speaker 5 00:52:13 Ever.

Speaker 0 00:52:14 You, you just, you don't need to do it as much as you think you do. You know? 'cause I I think we've probably slightly proved it there. I was kind of trying to make a bit of a point, but I, I would've been much more comfortable hitting a, a fuller shot, a hundred yards than a half hearted, 50 yard shot. You know? 'cause if I didn't pull it off, you know, I've made double bogey. If I'm hitting a hundred yards in with a wedge, I'd be quite comfortable with that. I'd probably made a bogey. And, but you have to play your strengths and not your weaknesses. That's, that would be my, my philosophy, you know, and there, there are, oh, let's just come back in. You know, there are, there is quite a lot of content in the library about course management and things like that. And also recovery shots. I think we all need to have a few recovery shots in our back pocket, you know, if we're stuck near trees or we can't actually stand to the ball as a right-handed golfer. If you're being a bunker and the ball's way above your feet, you know, do you play it backwards? You know, having those recovery shots in the back pocket are, are quite important ones that can keep lowering the scores. Have have any of you played shots backwards with a backhanded shot?

Speaker 1 00:53:35 Have

Speaker 0 00:53:35 You all had got that one? Yeah. Tom. Tom, why, why do you stick both hands up there saying you have to do it all the time? No, I'm only kidding. I'm kidding.

Speaker 1 00:53:43 Hands up because I'm in the United States hands up.

Speaker 0 00:53:47 So if I, if I show

Speaker 1 00:53:49 You

Speaker 0 00:53:50 Very quickly for those who've not done this shot before, whoops, let's get it in the right place. So imagine there's a tree here, so a great big tree. My golf balls here so I can't get to it 'cause of the tree. Let's lower this down a little bit, a little bit more. So just turning you back to target and hitting it backwards. Have you, have you all played that shot before?

Speaker 1 00:54:14 Yes. No,

Speaker 0 00:54:16 Literally just hitting it away from, from that. So imagine if the, the sand's there and I can't get in and you know, the, the bunker is way up here, so sometimes we just have to play that little covering. Just a very quick tip on that one. Make sure the shaft is an extension of your arm. Whatever you do, don't do that. So, because that makes it go all weird. But if you just let, let the club be an extension of your arm and just hit it backwards as far, you know, as far as you feel comfortable with great shot to have in the bag. That can save you the odd shot here and there. Yes. Brian,

Speaker 1 00:54:52 What club are you using? Julie?

Speaker 0 00:54:54 That, that was a pitching wedge. What you want, if you are going to do that, do with a big faced golf club. So a sand wedge pitching wedge nine nine, something like that. The bigger the face, the more forgiving it is. If you, if you try it with a, a five, a five iron or something like that, it's got quite a thin head, then that makes it a bit more difficult. So big head bit of loft and don't try to hit it too

Speaker 1 00:55:17 Far

Speaker 0 00:55:19 And and make sure you don't eat it into a hazard. Yeah. Because you're trying to play away from one. Yeah. So, you know, it's really interesting conversation tonight and I, I've hopefully I've got you thinking a bit, but please get out there and do that five club. In fact, I might for, I might forbid Dick and and Derek to do that before we do it when we're away. But I know you too now you've gotta go straight out. I'm gonna do it, aren't you? Yeah. I thought you might. Yeah, I think you'll shoot some good scores.

Speaker 1 00:55:52 Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:55:53 So next time before you go and play, go on Tom, you gonna say

Speaker 1 00:55:57 I I No, go ahead. I I can save my question.

Speaker 0 00:56:00 So before you go and play next time, can you, could you play your course slightly differently to your strengths? That's the question I'm gonna leave you with. Yeah,

Speaker 5 00:56:11 Tomorrow.

Speaker 0 00:56:12 Tomorrow. Wonderful. Where, where are you playing it by the way?

Speaker 5 00:56:15 The course, you know.

Speaker 0 00:56:17 Oh, is it

Speaker 5 00:56:18 That we played on and they redid the course, Julian and the Greens, if you two putt, you're doing great on the, on these greens. They made em undulating and fast.

Speaker 0 00:56:28 Oh really?

Speaker 5 00:56:29 Yes. So,

Speaker 0 00:56:31 Oh right. This, this is my favorite picture from playing that golf course. Dick, we never have this issue in England.

Speaker 5 00:56:41 You

Speaker 0 00:56:42 Wear, you wear the alligators. Alligators.

Speaker 1 00:56:44 Oh yeah,

Speaker 5 00:56:46 That's great.

Speaker 0 00:56:47 We, we don't have that issue over here. We wear the bandits maybe, but not an alligators.

Speaker 5 00:56:54 That was

Speaker 0 00:56:55 So that was Broke Broken Sound Golf Club, is that right?

Speaker 5 00:56:58 That's correct.

Speaker 0 00:57:00 Yeah. God, I remember that. That was in March, 2018.

Speaker 5 00:57:04 Wow. That's Yes. Time flies. Yes. Yeah. Wow. Memories.

Speaker 0 00:57:09 I I love that. I love that course. And, and very first time I ever saw a Toma Hawke steak.

Speaker 5 00:57:18 It didn't last long on your plate. Did you finish it? Did you

Speaker 0 00:57:22 Them all, yeah. Like I I, we can't get them over here. I, well I've never seen them over here, so Yeah. So two, two things and, and, and very nicely here, just one more little thing. You might quite like this.

Speaker 1 00:57:41 Oh,

Speaker 0 00:57:42 So Dick actually did a forward for the book and that was us in, in your golf club, wasn't it? Where we had a,

Speaker 5 00:57:47 You you gotta to come back sometime?

Speaker 0 00:57:49 Oh yeah, definitely. Yeah. Just

Speaker 1 00:57:51 Wait till those royalties start rolling in. Dick.

Speaker 5 00:57:55 I'm, I'm not, they never had one. I'm sorry.

Speaker 0 00:57:58 He's not planning on retiring just yet.

Speaker 5 00:58:01 No, I retired and no royalties because everything I did was the property of the leagues, so

Speaker 0 00:58:09 Oh, lovely, lovely. Wonderful. Great guys. Good. Oh, go on Tom, before we finish,

Speaker 1 00:58:14 Real quick question. Yep. Are you gonna make merchandise available?

Speaker 0 00:58:21 Yeah, we don't quite know what yet, but something we might have some really exciting news for you guys in America coming up that we're thinking of next, next year. So Yes. Might be happening. Something cool might be happening. It's on the cards as they say. Woo. Got a bit of work to do, but it could be very, very interesting. Yeah, we've, we've got a plan stand as they say in England.

Speaker 1 00:58:46 Alright,

Speaker 0 00:58:48 Brilliant.

Speaker 5 00:58:49 Great. Any

Speaker 0 00:58:50 More questions before we finish? All good? No.

Speaker 1 00:58:52 Wonderful.

Speaker 0 00:58:53 So I look forward to hearing your super scores now from next time you go out with five clubs.

Speaker 5 00:58:59 Wonderful.

Speaker 0 00:59:00 We'll see you in a couple of weeks.

Speaker 5 00:59:01 Thank you.

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