Seniors Golf : What 3 things can we do to unleash our ultimate seniors golf swing?

Episode 9: Seniors Golf : What 3 things can we do to unleash our ultimate seniors golf swing?

In this episode Julian Mellor discusses with Golf Shop Radio why senior golf is different to golf when you are in your twenties. Listen in to avoid injury and surprise yourself how easy it might be to enjoy your golf once more

Show notes

This week, [Jo Cameron], [Julian Mellor] and [another person] cover [Golf News, Gol Tips, Effortless Golf].....

Topics discussed:

  1. Senior Golf
  2. Golf Coaching
  3. Play Golf Properly

Links mentioned in this episode:

This podcast is hosted by



Julian Mellor

Julian Mellor

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 We have Julian Miller joining us, and he is on with us to talk proper golfing and senior golf transformations. Julian, good morning. If you can hear us. We we're literally looking forward to understanding what exactly it is you guys do with senior golf transformations. I was really struck by this concept the other day. Yeah.

Speaker 1 00:00:18 And since I'm almost 70, I'm really in interested in this. Julian.

Speaker 2 00:00:22 Good morning guys. How are you?

Speaker 1 00:00:23 Good, good man. I hope you are

Speaker 2 00:00:25 Good. I'm loving the energy. Yeah,

Speaker 0 00:00:28 You gotta

Speaker 2 00:00:28 Have it. Yes. So we we're based in the UK and we specialize in, in coaching senior golfers. Okay. That's not senior citizen golfers. Right. As some people think it is. Sure. But people over 50. Okay. Of of which I'm one of them. Yeah. And we, yeah. We ha we've had a lot of success through our YouTube channel in reaching golfers who are struggling with their golf. Okay. Injuries, lack of distance, lack of accuracy, and not really enjoying their golf swing. Oh yeah. So we've, we've found a way of really helping them.

Speaker 1 00:01:03 Well, I'm, I'm, now I'm really interested because Julian, I used to be a pretty good player. Not, I'm not great, but, you know, a, a two or three handicapper and now I'm 70 years old and, and I just had shoulder surgery and I'm not playing. And when I go out there and hit it, I'm hitting it far less distance and, and so yeah. I'm way interested in what you're about to talk about.

Speaker 2 00:01:22 Oh, cool. So there's three, what we call swing killers. It's things that are commonly said and taught in golf that absolutely cripple golfers swings. Number one, keeping your head down. It's about the worst piece of advice. Yes. Given Yes. Number two, keeping your arms straight. Yeah. That's crazy. We're all told to keep that head nice and straight. And number three is keeping your lead foot pin to the floor. Yeah. All of those are absolute swing killers. Yep. If we, what, what do you think would happen if you keep your arm straight to your physical tension?

Speaker 1 00:01:59 Well, I mean, you, you're gonna look like a robot swinging the golf club, first of all, and the ball's not gonna go very far. It just can't. Yeah. It can't.

Speaker 2 00:02:07 It can't. And if I was to put a percentage of the amount of people who come into me for the first time in terms of how tight they are, I would say 90%, if not 95% of people hold the golf club too tight. Yes. The issue when you start to hold the club too tight is you're gonna lose between seven and 10 miles per hour of club head speed, which is significant in terms of overall distance. So I get people to understand what it feels like to swing the club tension free

Speaker 1 00:02:40 And, and, and release the golf club. Yeah, totally. Well, yeah.

Speaker 2 00:02:44 Yeah. And the release can happen so much easier when you are relaxed. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:02:49 So, Julian, I have to imagine when you're getting a lot of the people that come through and want and, and want to work with you guys, that, that they have a, they have a lot of set in their ways, especially if they're over the age of 50, I would imagine. They've got this idea about their swing. They've got this idea about their, you know, their habits, their, their, their every little minute detail of their golf game. Yeah. And I would imagine that you're dealing with a lot of people that are trying to fix things, but are probably maybe a little set in their ways. How do you go about some of those things and correcting and trying to help, help improve upon what they've been doing for the last, you know, 50 or 60 years?

Speaker 2 00:03:24 So the first thing is I shock them. So I, I always,

Speaker 1 00:03:28 Well, you taking a cattle pro or something,

Speaker 2 00:03:31 Not, not a physical shock. Talking mental shock. So when I asked them, you know, what should I do with my head and my eyes? So I would say 99% would say, keep your eye on the ball. So the first thing I get them to do is hit some shots with their eyes closed. Now, for the people who are listening to this, I encourage you all to have a go with this. And I've literally showed this to thousands and thousands of golfers. Now, how many people when they've closed their eye, do you think have missed the golf ball altogether?

Speaker 1 00:04:02 I would say far less than I would originally think, but maybe 35%.

Speaker 2 00:04:06 35%. Not one person seriously has ever missed the golf ball. Not one, not one. I'm not saying that won't happen this afternoon, today in front of me. That's amazing. Nobody's ever missed the ball field.

Speaker 1 00:04:18 That's amazing. Wow.

Speaker 2 00:04:20 It it's astonishing when you see it now. In fact, I was, I was coaching a guy just this morning here in the UK who'd never done this before, and he gained 15 yards and more importantly, almost hold out serious. And, and he says, that was so good. It's a shame I didn't see it. So, but it it's astonishing what happens.

Speaker 0 00:04:43 So I was about to say, so I would, correct me if I'm wrong here, A lot of what you're being able to do is showcasing a lot of this as well on the internet with like YouTube videos and stuff. Yeah. Tell me a little bit about that, because obviously, you know, it, it YouTube today, you know it to people of prior generations that there's just not been a resource, like being able to pull up a video and be like, I can break some of these things down and have people watch it. And a lot of, there are a lot of visual learners that I imagine really benefit from having those available to be looked at when they need to work on certain things and they can't necessarily go to you.

Speaker 2 00:05:16 Yeah. What the issue that we, we've had and the feedback we get is a lot of people go down down the YouTube rabbit hole, they try to piece bits of this to a bit of that, and, and before they know it, they end up totally confused, totally lost with their golf swings. And that's why we designed an online training that's all structured. So you can learn the golf swing from the very start right through to, to the end in all parts of the games. So we, we have a lot of people who are members all over the world, a great community, but more importantly, the information is really helping golfers improve and not leading to that complexity.

Speaker 0 00:05:58 Right. And obviously, oh, go ahead.

Speaker 2 00:06:02 So, so what we're saying is that if, if you learn the golf swing in a structured way in what we call a transformational way, that's when you can really start to make strides in your golf. Interesting. We've had one guy who's 79 years old. Mm. Just in, in Texas, Michael, who's just watched the videos alone, I've never actually helped him with his golf swing. He, at 79, he halved his handicap from 16 to eight. Wow. Wow. Just through watching, which is astonishing. It is astonishing. Yeah. And there's, there's a, a testimonial on there from Michael, how well he is improved, but those swing killers, they, they really do ruin a lot of golf swings.

Speaker 0 00:06:42 And obviously this show here, we're based in North Carolina and we're talking to a lot of people in a lot of different markets. But you do have an event coming to North Carolina in April, 2025. Can you tell us a little bit about what you have going on there?

Speaker 2 00:06:55 Yeah, we do. So we, we've, we've had, again, we've had a lot of interest from America. We've never actually been over there to help people. So we're coming on Sunday the 13th, which is the final day of the masters. So it starts that evening. We, we do a little presentation and a chat, and then we've got a two day course on the 14th and 15th. We've got another one on the 16th and 17th. And then we have Good Friday whi whi which we're having off. And then we've got a one day course on the 19th. This is a place called Lake June, Alaska. The guys there have been amazing, they're so excited about is coming and, but we have got some spaces available on the 16th and 17th and the one day course on the, on the Saturday the 19th. Okay.

Speaker 0 00:07:41 And this is basically gonna give, you know, this, this is gonna have, if you, if you're finding a place, and like you said you have limited spaces available, you're gonna get the full coaching retreat, you're gonna get meals, accommodation. Where can people go to get the information if they wanna click more and learn a little bit about what they're gonna get with this?

Speaker 2 00:07:58 Yeah. So all the details, if you typed in proper, that'll take you to our website. All the information's on there. So we cover longer and short game coaching. Okay. We also go on the golf course and we help people on the golf course. So it's one thing, getting it right on the, on the practice ground. Right. But it's another thing getting it right when you're actually playing on the golf course. So we we're taking them on there as well. The course is wonderful. The guy's there, the pro there, Fred, he's really helpful. He wants this to be successful and, and we're also using some simulators so we can get some factual feedback from what people are doing that really helps with their learning fast tracks their learning ultimately. Sure. Yeah.

Speaker 0 00:08:45 I was about to say, have you seen a noticeable uptick in people's understanding of their own game when you use simulator stuff? Because I'd imagine there's so much present information that the, you know, a simulator can pick up that maybe even out on the course you're, you're having to kind of, you know, make some rough estimates and things. But with that technology, have you seen anybody really been able to adapt and pick up information off it?

Speaker 2 00:09:06 Yeah. A massive, so as I say to people, simulators don't have an opinion. Right. They just tell you the truth, which some of us don't wanna hear. That's good. Yeah. But a simple example, I had a scratch golfer in just last week who was hitting the ball to the right. He thought his swing path was, was swinging out to win with an open club face. Turned out his swing path was perfectly straight. His club face was open by six degrees when he was hitting it. So to spot that sometimes on camera or just watching the ball flight, you can't always see it. Right. But the, because it's moving so fast.

Speaker 1 00:09:37 Sure, sure. Yeah.

Speaker 2 00:09:39 Wow. Yeah. So it's just factual feedback. But we kind of work on what we call three keys, which is swinging the club tension free. There's nothing nicer when you really learn that properly, what we call a coordinated release. So that's arms body club head working together in a coordinated way. That's awesome. And thi this is gonna be great for you listeners. Six second finish. Hold your finish for six seconds. Why, why do you think I've got six seconds from I

Speaker 1 00:10:07 Don't, I, I don't know. I mean, why?

Speaker 0 00:10:09 Oh yeah, I'm curious. The six seconds.

Speaker 2 00:10:11 Yeah, so it's roughly, unless your name's Rory McElroy, it's roughly about the time it takes for your golf ball to land.

Speaker 0 00:10:19 Okay. Okay.

Speaker 2 00:10:20 So it's in the air roughly for six seconds. Obviously that can, that can change. So

Speaker 1 00:10:24 What's the rationale there though, Julian?

Speaker 2 00:10:26 So the, again, I've asked lots and lots of senior golfers, why, why should, why is the finish important? The finish tells the truth. It's the, it's like the blueprint to your golf swing. So where, let's think about where you should be in your finish show your weight ideally needs to be on your lead foot. Sure. So I'm not saying left foot, 'cause there's a lot of lefthand golfers out there. Where are you facing, where's the club finishing? What does your right knee look like if you're righthand, golfer, the sole of your shoe, kind of how relaxed your shoulders are. It tells so many stories. Right. And, and not that many people. And balance, again, hugely important.

Speaker 1 00:11:08 Oh my gosh, yes.

Speaker 2 00:11:10 No, nobody, they think I fit the golf ball. What does it matter? Well, it, it's a 10 out of 10 for me. Importance. And I would say most people, it's a two or a three. Right. So I've hit a golf ball, it's gone. So what? But it tells everything. If you can nail your finish, what we call stick a finish Right. Then you are gonna be swinging the golf club pretty good.

Speaker 0 00:11:30 Absolutely. Well, well, Julian, we really appreciate the insight. I mean, we just, we just had a few minutes here with you and we're already getting so many of these great key keys and tips and things you've already locked in on and helping people improve their game. And again, it's proper We're send people your way and we really appreciate the time this morning.

Speaker 2 00:11:48 Lovely. If, if you ever, you guys need any more, always happy to chat.

Speaker 0 00:11:52 Absolutely. Thank you.

Speaker 2 00:11:53 Helping golfers. Take care guys. Look at yourselves.

Speaker 0 00:11:55 Thank you very much, Julian.

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