Episode Transcript
Speaker 1 00:00:02 Okay. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:00:02 All good.
Speaker 1 00:00:05 Okay,
Speaker 2 00:00:15 Cool. So we are just about to get ready now for our masterclass. We're gonna call it a masterclass. How we You
Speaker 1 00:00:22 Indeed. Oh yeah,
Speaker 2 00:00:25 That's it. All good. So we've got quite a wide selection of people who are joining. Is that right today Joe?
Speaker 0 00:00:34 It is. We've got a really nice group of people. Yeah, we had nearly 50 people register.
Speaker 2 00:00:39 Wow.
Speaker 1 00:00:40 I know
Speaker 2 00:00:41 There's obviously a lot of people who want to learn more about the game of golf. Hello, Jeff.
Speaker 1 00:00:48 Hi. Jeff's
Speaker 0 00:00:49 Back. Where's Jeff been? Is he back? Are you back in the uk?
Speaker 1 00:00:52 Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:00:53 Excellent. Glad
Speaker 1 00:00:54 I've left that country. Quite frankly.
Speaker 2 00:00:57 It's been Jeff,
Speaker 1 00:00:58 Watch
Speaker 0 00:00:58 It. We've got an international audience.
Speaker 1 00:01:02 Well, I, I suspect most of them don't like it much either, probably. Well,
Speaker 2 00:01:07 So I'm just,
Speaker 0 00:01:08 There's upside and downsides everywhere is Eric.
Speaker 1 00:01:12 That's, that's, you can tell you work for the bbc. That's very diplomatic.
Speaker 0 00:01:17 I don't work for the BBC anymore, but
Speaker 1 00:01:21 I said you used to.
Speaker 0 00:01:22 Yeah, I've had some training from the BBC. You're absolutely right. That's why I don't work from anymore. I'm not very good at towing the live.
Speaker 2 00:01:32 So we, we, it looks like we're gonna have a tremendous amount of people I know joining
Speaker 1 00:01:38 This.
Speaker 0 00:01:38 I'm trying of tick everybody off as they come in,
Speaker 1 00:01:41 Which
Speaker 2 00:01:41 Is wonderful. What I would encourage you to do, if you want to, is to turn your cameras on. So it's always good to put some, some faces to some names because I'll also be asking you to do certain things and it'd be great to be able to actually watch you doing it in real time. Which, which is gonna be interesting. So by all means you can have your microphone on, but, we'll it's great if we can see who you are because it's always, it's always nice. Better than talking to just a name on the screen. Yeah. So I'm really looking forward to, to today. Hello John. How are you?
Speaker 1 00:02:19 I'm pretty good, thanks. Good.
Speaker 2 00:02:20 You're looking good. You're looking sharp.
Speaker 1 00:02:22 Yeah. Sunshine ready for golf.
Speaker 0 00:02:26 It's, look, you're looking very clever with all those books behind you. John, what's your favorite one
Speaker 1 00:02:30 Out? It's wallpaper, actually.
Speaker 2 00:02:34 Well, it's a very clever wallpaper.
Speaker 0 00:02:37 Do you know what John? I've got so many books as well. Like you, mine are in double rows. They are a hundred percent I think when I retire I'm gonna read them all. Is that what happens? Anybody who's retired, do you actually get through all your books or not?
Speaker 2 00:02:50 Dan's going, no.
Speaker 1 00:02:52 Julian's Julian's book.
Speaker 0 00:02:56 Yes, this one Great. Is
Speaker 2 00:02:59 This very famous book. Yeah, no, I've read that. Did you learn anything? That's the most important thing.
Speaker 0 00:03:07 Don't ask him. He'll say he'll give you a, a fully answer. You know that? Yeah,
Speaker 2 00:03:11 No, I
Speaker 0 00:03:11 Did. I did. Oh good, good.
Speaker 2 00:03:14 That's what we like to hear. I'm just, just giving it a couple more minutes just to, to make sure everybody is online. Hi Stan. Good to see you Eric. Great to see you Damien. Very nice to meet you. Even though it's virtually. So we've got John, Patrick, and Steven, Maureen, Neil and Danny already on online, which is wonderful. So we're all looking forward to today.
Speaker 0 00:03:40 Julian, before we start, can we just have an indication of which country you're from? Because we know, well we know Jeff's uk. We know Eric's us, Stan's us. John's disappeared, but he's the uk. Who else we got on? Damian. Where? What country are you in?
Speaker 3 00:03:56 I'm in the uk but I'm Australian.
Speaker 0 00:03:59 Oh, nice. Which one do you prefer? The UK or Australia Diploma Dear.
Speaker 2 00:04:13 Cool. Hello Danny. Nice to virtually meet you.
Speaker 4 00:04:17 Hello sir. Grapevine, Texas.
Speaker 2 00:04:20 Oh, wonderful.
Speaker 0 00:04:21 Oh, Danny, I've been hearing all about Texas. I've been hearing all about Texas. One of our members, Michael Robinson, Robertson, hopefully he is gonna join us. He's in Texas and he was telling me all about it yesterday. He was telling me all about the Mossies and how big they are
Speaker 2 00:04:34 Them. Oh my
Speaker 4 00:04:36 Goodness. The what?
Speaker 0 00:04:37 The mosquitoes.
Speaker 2 00:04:38 Mosquitoes.
Speaker 4 00:04:40 Oh, oh.
Speaker 0 00:04:43 And he and he said, he said something about the rules, you know, like you got whatever the rule was. Julian, can you remember? But don't, don't go in the R 'cause there could be something waiting for you in there that might wanna eat you.
Speaker 4 00:04:53 Yeah, that's that's very possible.
Speaker 2 00:04:56 Roots and Drugs was it or something like that. It was very close.
Speaker 0 00:05:01 It was funny. It's hot as well. Hot there isn't it, obviously, but Right. Who, I'm just trying to keep a track of everybody that's joining. It's quite tricky 'cause there's a lot. It
Speaker 2 00:05:11 Is. We've got, we've got 18 others online so far. And definitely some people who we've never virtually met before. I'll just keep an eye on, on making sure we're letting everybody in. So first off, I'd just like to say a big thank you for taking time out of your day to join us. We've got some members online of proper golfing already and I'm always very grateful that you attend these masterclasses. And for those who haven't kind of met us before, either virtually or in person, just a big welcome to everybody. I'm looking forward to maybe sharing with you some something that will definitely help you with your golf game. But we'll after, we're gonna cover three different parts of, of what I call the way to make a golf swing. But after each part we'll just have a little q and a if you've got some questions.
Speaker 2 00:06:08 So you can drop a message in the chat box below. Joe's gonna keep a, an eye on on that hopefully, if you can't let me know Joe and I'll, I'll happily cover those. So looks, we've got 20 people on now. Just let me make sure everybody's in yet. Everybody's in. So first off, let me again, just a big welcome to everybody. My name's Julian Miller. I've been a PG professional since I was 18 years old. So I've been doing this for far too many years. My used, I used to play a lot of tournament golf. I was okay. Won my fair few, few prize prizes, but my passion has always been coaching golf. I really, really enjoy helping golfers improve. We've just had a, a guy could have any of you ever played at a golf course where you can only play in foursomes formats?
Speaker 2 00:07:01 Yeah, I, it is one of the first times I've ever seen or heard that. So this guy plays in foursomes. He hates letting his partners down and really wanted to improve. So we've had a, I've had a tremendous time helping him today. So that's a little bit about me. I would say now we're, we're mo 100% now senior golfer specialists. That doesn't mean to say you have to be a senior citizen, but we really specialize in helping golfers generally over the age of 50. So we have professionals who come and join us down to people who are just learning to play the game and taking up kind of in their sixties and seventies. But we really specialize in helping senior golfers who take away pain. Pardon? What about the eighties? Yeah, definitely. We definitely have people in the eighties. Yeah, I mean, awesome that, that if you're in your eighties and still playing play golf, just remind me not to play you for money because you look, don't you, you look like you're gonna take my money off me.
Speaker 2 00:08:07 But yeah, there's, when you, when you are a senior golfer, you have to do things differently to these younger ones who are out there and and putting their bodies under a lot of strain. Our bodies change over as we get over the age of 44 is the, is the actual number and we need to manage that and our techniques need to be slightly different to dare we say the modern tour player template type swing. 'cause that's the one that potentially injures us. So that's a little bit about me Joe. So, so Joe's my other half, my better half. Just tell us all a little bit about your role in proper company and who you are
Speaker 0 00:08:51 That, that's quite funny actually because some people I've known us quite a while and they, and they still are. Are are you two actually? Are you together? Together? Yes we are. We're a soon to be married couple and we met in 2007 when I went to learn to play golf. Julian was the pro at a golf club round the corner from where we currently are located at our indoor venue as you see there. And yeah, I went for some lessons and we just hit it off straight away, which was amazing. We were both in our late thirties and both single at the time and yeah, we just, we just got on straight away so we always knew that we wanted to work together. So my background, I'm an engineer by background. I've got then moved from being an engineer into more a technical training role.
Speaker 0 00:09:38 So I, I've worked in the motor industry at Jaguar Land Rover. You'll all be familiar with Jaguar Land Rover, which is literally not very far from our house. So everybody works there. Dunno Julian. And then during that time, well after I left the motor industry, I worked as a self-employed trainer coach. I've worked at universities on their business programs. In 2006, just before we met as well as you might have heard from Jeff, I did some time on the BBC. I ended up on a reality TV show called The Apprentice. So I think in the US there's somebody very well known that does the US version. But it was a bit of a, a bit of an eye-opening for me. 'cause I went from being born in a town in Coventry in the UK it's called The Ghost Town, to being, literally when Julian and I went anywhere, people would ask me for my autograph, which was a bit weird wasn't it Julian?
Speaker 0 00:10:30 So, but after, like I say after we met, basically I've run all sorts of self development learning my, like I say, I'm a training learning specialist. I've also done big events. So I think, you know, my role in proper golfing is that we call me the head of client and membership experience. So I'm completely passionate about, you know, client service, making sure it works well for you. So I'm really working behind the scenes, developing the learning platform. As I say, I'm a learning and training specialist so I wanna make sure that how you learn is integrated into that, you know, so we make sure that we've got the right lessons and methods and all that sort of stuff. And then, yeah, and I organize the trips as well. So we're off to, we're coming over to the states in April. Those I absolutely love doing those people say do not get stressed.
Speaker 0 00:11:19 No, I absolutely love organizing the, the trips that we do. I know some guys online that have been on some of them. I just absolutely adore doing that as well. So yeah, I think we're very, very fortunate that we both do things that we really, really, really enjoy and we compliment each other really well. So, you know, we, we are looking at, we work together obviously on the, the podcasting. We do the YouTubes and you know, this is, this is just our thing. So like I say, we're very fortunate to be able to really enjoy what we do. But yeah, I think we're a good people say that we're a good pair and a good partnership and it is also fun behind the scenes as well. I dunno whether anybody of you ever been in business with your partner, but we've been, we set up the academy two years ago, which is where Julian is now.
Speaker 0 00:12:04 I'm, I'm working at home today. It just works better for the technology. But we set up the open the indoor academy two years ago. 'cause we don't wanna be at a golf club. We don't, we are, our sole role in life is coaching. We are not like, we don't have to look after members of a golf club or we don't have to run a shot. We are solely about co coaching and the holidays. But, but that's, that's all we do. So we are not, and it, and it is, and it's a really beautiful thing to do as me is like head of client services, you know, we can have people come for sessions and you get a nice coffee and you get a nice chat and all that sort of stuff. So there's no rush about it. So we just love it. And we, we live in a place called Royal Ton Spa, which is a beautiful regency town in the center of uk.
Speaker 0 00:12:45 It's literally 10 minutes away from Shakespeare's town at Stratford Aven. So if you're into your castles and you're into your history, if you know you over the ponder, you like that sort of thing. We love having our American visitors over. Well it just gives me great pleasure to show everybody where we live. 'cause it's beautiful, the, you know, it's beautiful, leafy green, historic. It's, it's great. So hopefully next year we're gonna be maybe doing a UK trip for people that wanna come over. But, but yeah, like I say, really what we're gonna do today is talk you through. So two years ago we moved into the academy. The online academy has been going for three years. During lockdown. Julian was busy recording videos when he could, whether there was, you know, golf courses weren't open. He is put this together, this library. And then a year ago we started to really draw everything together.
Speaker 0 00:13:34 So you might have seen Julian on YouTube in relation to something called the easiest swing. He was one of the instigators of a more relaxed way to play golf. You may have seen him being associated with that. What we recognized for the easiest swing is that we needed to add more depth to it because it had a limited framework. So that's why we created the proper golfing methodology, which what Julian's gonna talk about today is the three pin balls, swing tension, free coordinated release, and six second finish. And the reason why, as senior golfers, we don't like to admit it, but things change. You know, our, our body chemistry is changing. Our muscles get shorter or, you know, things body dehydrates, our hormones are changing, you know, testosterones dropping. So there's a lot of things that change and going with them is a lot better than trying to carry on doing the old way of playing. And, and we get loads of people, don't we Julian, the main reasons that people come to us is that they've been on the YouTube rabbit hole and got completely confused. Yeah. That's why we've developed a method. They, they come because they've got injured from lessons somewhere else and, and they come because yeah, they want, they want a, an easier, more relaxed way playing golf. So I think that summarizes it. Julian does it, would you say? Yeah, we,
Speaker 2 00:14:50 Again, again, I think YouTube is a wonderful medium for going to learn some things. But what I know through, through pure experience is you can't put a piece of this method to another piece of a different method to another piece of a different method because they don't work together, they don't coordinate very well. You bring my ear compensated hearing aids. Oh, what was that David?
Speaker 0 00:15:16 No, no, it's David. I think he's, we can just hear him in the background. Oh, okay. Just, just, I'm just reminding everybody, if you're not on mute, we can all hear you. So if you, if you've got dogs barking or people in the background, just put yourself on mute. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:15:28 Again, thanks guys. What I would, what I would like, if possible, if you can, it's always good to see faces. So if you wanted to put your camera on, great. Just so I can see, you don't have to talk, but if you don't want to, by all means keep keep the camera off. That's absolutely fine. Yeah. So, so frustration is a massive issue for golfers inconsistency. That has to be one of the number thing, number one things that people come to us with. I'm inconsistent, what am I doing? I don't know how to play the golf game anymore. And, and that's frustrating if, if you're inconsistent and that ultimately leads to a lack of enjoyment, a lack of fun. And people then go, am I getting too old for this? I'm gonna stop playing. And it doesn't have to be that way at all. Okay, so we're going to do a little experiment Before I, before I get into this, I'm just gonna throw Joe, Joe in one if possible. I'd like you all to stand up. So we're gonna actually stand up. I'm gonna get you to stand up. Eric, you've gotta do this. Okay, let me just admit Stuart. Okay, so what I want you to do, in fact, let me just lower my screen a little bit. I'll come back here. I want you to hold your lead arm out straight. So if your right-handed golf, hold your left arm out.
Speaker 2 00:16:47 Dunno if you can see my feet. And all I want you to do is turn to the right, allow your ankle to move nice and freely and just turn to the right 90 degrees. So you're just gonna go in this direction, nice and relaxed. Okay? How does that feel to do? Does that feel easy to do? Easy, easy. Okay. Now I want you to keep your left arm dead straight and tight and turn to the side. Okay? So you could still go look through the door. Okay? Does that feel as easy, easy. No, not quite. Okay, now I want you to keep your head still and your left arm straight and turn to the side. How does that feel? Painful, fixed, painful. And now I want you to keep your left foot pinned to the floor. I want you to keep your arms straight and your head still. And now turn to the side. How does that feel?
Speaker 5 00:17:50 Uncomfortable? Yeah. Can't
Speaker 2 00:17:52 Turn. Why are we all told to keep your head down? Keep your foot still and keep your arms straight? Why are we all told to do that when it's so flipping difficult to do? It's, it's the thing we're
Speaker 5 00:18:04 16.
Speaker 2 00:18:06 Exactly that. Exactly that. So when, when we do this little experiment with people and you suddenly realize the restrictions in there, it's, it's, it's a very bad way to start to swing the golf club as we, as we really get over the age of 44. So if you just relax your arm, allow your, your eyes to move slightly to the right, let your left foot move, that should feel a whole lot freer. I'm just looking at John Rowland there, who's suddenly allowing his arm to bend with freedom. That's right. That is going to move the golf club quicker than keeping it locked in straight. So if any of your friends tell you to keep your head down, to keep your arms straight and to keep your foot pinned to the floor, run off go. Some say, I don't want to listen to you, I'm gonna listen to what, what the guys at proper golfing have to say. Okay? So that's one of the three of the foundations that we need to work away from. So those things that are commonly said and taught in golf are not factually true. So again, the people who I, who I could see on camera, can we just have a quick show of hands? Who practices?
Speaker 2 00:19:19 Oh, now you're talking there. So there's lots of hands going up there, which is wonderful. Okay? If ever you don't believe me when I say some of these things, I want you to do one thing for me. If you think you have to keep your eye on the golf ball, I want you to go and hit five golf balls, make your normal setup, but then close your eyes and hit the ball with your eyes shut and see what actually happened. Well, I could see what what actually, but do that for me. I think you might be pleasantly surprised at what actually happens. Don't worry about the outcome of it, but just so if people say you've gotta keep your eye on the ball, say close your eyes and do what? Right now I've showed that to literally thousands of golfers and nobody's ever missed the golf ball where, so it might happen when you try it, but so far that's never actually happened.
Speaker 2 00:20:14 Okay, so what we're gonna come back to now, let's talk about the first fundamental of the proper golfing methodology, which is to swing the golf club tension free. So what does tension free mean? Does that mean holding it sloppily where you've got no control? Or does it just mean a huge, oh let me just admit there. Or does it mean a huge reduction in physical tension? So from there, ease off. So again, can you make an imaginary grip for me? So you don't need a golf club. Make your imaginary grip, okay? And hold that grip as tight as you possibly can. Really tight. What? What can you see in my shoulders? Can you see what my shoulders are doing? Hunched, hunched up, right? Were yours doing the same? Yeah. Okay. And now I'm gonna go from a grip tension of 10 down to five. What's just happened to my shoulders?
Speaker 0 00:21:14 Relaxed, drop
Speaker 2 00:21:15 Down, relaxed. Yeah. So now you can move naturally, but if I lock that up, so if you are gripping at any golf club at more than five out of 10, a 10 is the tightest, you can hold it. If you are over five, I'll guarantee your whole body will be two tens. So we can be too loose. There's no question about that. But I actually haven't, I've never got to a stage where I've been too loose. When I used to play a lot of tournament golf, when I, when I held the golf club, I was probably nine out of 10. Might have even been nine and a half thinking that that was going to hit the golf ball further. What we found through study Joe, haven't we, A reduction in physical tension can increase your club head speed by up to 15%. That's between seven and 10 miles an hour.
Speaker 2 00:22:11 Extra club head speed. When you are in a more relaxed state, and again, don't take my word for that, go out, give it a practice. Don't be afraid of, you might think that you're going to let go of the golf club. I've never seen anybody let go of the golf club, but I would encourage you to hit three shots with a tight grip, three shots with a more relaxed grip and see what actually happens to your golf shots. So it should feel nicer, but it should also gain you a little bit more distance, but also accuracy, which is something that we're all wanting. So tension,
Speaker 0 00:22:48 Oh can I, sorry Julian. I was just gonna also add for everybody there that told you, as our body chemistry is changing as senior golfers, if we take tension out of the swing, we are less likely to get injured as well. So if you think about, I'm just, if you, if you wanna get your arm and just put your arm, I'm just gonna ask you to do a little practice for me. If you put your arm out, everybody like that. And if I said to you, you know, I want you to tight it ready, strengthen your arm, and I said to you, I want you to hold that arm straight as long as you can height and tense, you're gonna struggle very quickly. If I said to you, relax your arm and then see how, how, how long you can hold it out there in a relaxed state, you use it a lot less energy. Absolutely. So as a senior golfer, it is about your distance and it's also about your energy being able to play for a lot longer in a more relaxed state. So you're less likely. So there's so much sheer into the golf swing, especially into your lower back and you probably all add back issues over, over the years. But the tighter you are, the tener you are in your arms and in your grit you're more likely to get injured and nobody wants to do that.
Speaker 2 00:23:54 Yeah. So can I just do a, I'm just gonna do a quick demonstration. I'll do two swings, I'll do one holding the golf club at eight out of 10 and then the second one I'm going to be under five and I'll show you how I achieve that. So just one second. There should be a different look to the golf swing. So you see me. Okay, so I'm now at eight out of 10. How does my arm look? How does my shoulder look? Okay, probably looks a little bit tight. Okay. The shot was okay, but that felt like hard work. Okay, now I'm just going to relaxer. The best way I found of reducing physical tension is to create an awareness of it. And the way we do that is to hold it too tight for two seconds. One, two, and then ease off. Can you see the difference in my shoulders when I relax now from here?
Speaker 2 00:24:59 The whole swing felt much more fluid. It definitely felt quicker, but also it took away the extra strain that I was creating in my, my lower back from there. So if you ever, if you're gonna take anything away from today's conversation, and we've got so much information on this, the one thing I would encourage you all to do is make sure you're holding the club at less than five. Five or four would be wonderful. Anything over that, the common number would be between seven and eight. Where the people who come in here for the first time, they normally they start at seven, but more likely they'll be an eight when they're holding it. Reduce intention. Amazing. The effect that ha that has. So on that subject then, has anybody got any questions? I'm just,
Speaker 0 00:25:51 While you all thinking about, while you all thinking about your questions, we were, we're training some of the people, Eric and somebody else to help us with the numbers in America. And so we put together a whole list of the content about how to get attention free swing. So Julian's given you one, but when you start to look into it, you know, there's other ways that tension is created on the golf course and, and you'll have all had this like overthinking too many swing thoughts, pressure or anxiety nerves on the first tee stress from everybody else and you're playing partners. So there's a whole range of things that you, I think what I love about proper golfing is people come to us and they go, Joe, I didn't know I needed that until I was here. So there's a whole long list of ways that you can swing tension free, that that was just one of them. But it's fascinating when you start to look at what tension it really means. That's a great big guide that I've got there on it.
Speaker 2 00:26:51 Think of it a bit like the shocker absorbers to your golf swing. It suddenly enabled you to move so much free, less, less energy, less injury, but more speed. So don't mistake being more relaxed for swinging slower, that doesn't happen. It's the complete opposite. You'll increase clubhead speed and it feels so much nicer. So that would be the one. So is anybody any, any, any queries on, on tension free? So that doesn't mean sloppy, it just means really comfortable. Yeah,
Speaker 0 00:27:23 I dunno whether the, the other research that we found is, as senior golfers, the mental side of the game gets a bit trickier as well, again, because, you know, you might not be playing quite as well as you did before, but the, the brain changes as well as we, as we age. So that's why it does become sometimes more of a mental game where, you know, you do feel more pressure or more nerves or not everybody does, but that's sometimes what happens.
Speaker 2 00:27:47 Yeah, I think there's a, there's certainly when you learn to relax more, there's a calming of the mind. I wouldn't say there's you, you become kind of carefree, but there's like a calmness that comes over you. And this, this will make you all laugh, but it's a hundred percent too true. There's two occasions when you've swung the club with less tension and less effort. Occasion number one, you've hit a golf ball out of bounds, you get another ball, you say, sod it, I'm just hitting this one. And that one flies down the middle going, why didn't I do that first time? Okay. And that's generally because you are in a more relaxed state. The second occasion is if you were trying to play a layup shot. So you, you didn't, you couldn't go for the green, you're just trying to lay up. You didn't put much effort in, you've hit gone, oh my god, that's flown off.
Speaker 2 00:28:34 I'm nearly in the hazard. So again, that's when your body's in a a more relaxed state, it moves much more efficiently. So that I think that second ball off the tee after you've hit one out of bounds, I think we can all say I have the a hundred percent done that one. And it's really recognizing what we've done is we've done a lot of studying. We've, we've really figured out when people do things really well in all sorts of sporting activities, they're generally in a more relaxed state than they are in a tense, frustrated state. So again, if any of you get angry or frustrated on the golf course, in fact one of our neighbors who will probably be sharing a video on relatively soon, he's been known to break quite a few golf clubs in his, his career. I used to have a terrible temper.
Speaker 2 00:29:21 I always thought I was better than I was. Just share with you one quick story. I used to go to a pro called Pete Cowen, who's a very well known tour coach. So Pete taught me to play kind of professional golf and I used to get mad and I took my club in the, in the ground one day having a lesson with him. He looked me straight in the ice, says, Julian, you are not good enough to get angry. Get curious now that that hurt a little bit. 'cause I thought it was good. But that was one of the best lessons I've ever been given. Yeah, get curious. So I would say it's great to become curious about, about the golf swing and not get too frustrated with it. Okay, so the second thing that, that we like to see in a golf swing is what we would call a coordinated release. So what's a coordinated release? So Jeff, I'm just gonna go straight over to you just very quickly, what's a coordinated
Speaker 1 00:30:18 Release? Oh, that's when, when everything moves together.
Speaker 2 00:30:22 Yeah.
Speaker 1 00:30:23 Most notably on the through swing.
Speaker 2 00:30:26 Wonderful. Yeah. Coordinated release. So two things happen. I'm just gonna load this down. Two things happen that create great coordination. Number one, if you're a right-hand golfer, the body turns right and left. And number two, the club swings backwards and forwards. And what we are trying to do is get those things to work together. And now we've got some sort of great coordination. This is gonna lead to consistency. Watch what happens when I keep my head down. So my, now my body stops, the club overtakes my body, then my body follows. That is not an efficient way of moving the golf club. So keeping your head down will kill coordination, but it'll also have a, a detrimental effect to your accuracy. So if I was now swinging towards the camera, if I kept my head down, my golf club swings to the left of my target.
Speaker 2 00:31:29 But if I move together, you see how now it coordinates much better. So understanding co coordination is absolutely key. And I love, the best way that I've found of, of learning coordination is to do an exercise that I'll almost guarantee none of you will do or you'll do it less than 10 times. Now if I said to you, I've done this hundreds of thousands of times, I wouldn't be lying. And I, and the, the best way to start to learn about coordination is to do a half swing. So a half swing is hip height to hip height. Now what you will do, if you ever go onto the range and you video yourself, this will be your half swing. It'll get all the way to here and you'll finish all the way through. But because you have done it at a half speed, you'll mistake that big swing in a half swing.
Speaker 2 00:32:30 So the best way to build this up, this this wonderful coordination is to turn to hip height and turn to hip height. That gets everything moving together. Then we can introduce the risk to three quarters, then we can go all the way to full. Now a lot of people need help when they, when they do that because they think that they're doing it correctly. But 90, I would say 90% of people who do that for the first time don't really coordinate it. They might move their arms to hip height but not match it up with the body, or they might move their body and then the club ends up almost over the shoulder without them even knowing. Eric, I'm looking at you Eric, because we, we, we've obviously been working together for some time now. When you very first started, could, could you coordinate the body in arms when you first started doing half?
Speaker 7 00:33:24 No, especially half I, out of all those swings, whether it's a full swing, a three quarter swing, for me the half swing was the most difficult to do. Most difficult just because it, you you, you do have to be so well coordinated in that. So
Speaker 2 00:33:39 Yeah, it really trains that coordination. Now in terms of distance, if you are hitting the golf ball over 80 yards with a half swing with an a iron or less, you'll be doing it wrong. If you're doing it correctly, the golf ball will go no more than 40 yards. That's all you're looking for. But more importantly, should be going towards your intended target. The only way to start to get that extra distance is you'll, you'll be introducing the risks to start off with. That will make the club go back a little bit further and you'll have a longer follow through. So it's not about distance, it's about quality of movement. And don't think this has gotta be regimental. 'cause this can be a fun thing to do. You could actually do it with some plastic balls in the garden at home. We have, we have some people who are members who have their own indoor facilities and we have some people who, who just go and hit some phone golf balls into an net.
Speaker 2 00:34:35 And we have other people who love to go to the ranger and practice that there's, there's no one way of doing this. But even if you've got nowhere to go and practice this, just get very, very good at doing the half swing first, then introduce the wrists and then turn that into ball swing and you'll get good at this coordination as a percentage. Roughly how many people do you think I see hit golf balls with the weight on their back foot at impact? So hanging what we call hanging back seven GI would say it's gotta be close to 80%. Oh, okay. Of people at impact a lot. Any idea why? Any idea why people tend to hang back when they're hitting the golf ball,
Speaker 7 00:35:31 Keeping their head down,
Speaker 2 00:35:32 Keeping their right head down and
Speaker 8 00:35:38 Back?
Speaker 2 00:35:39 Perfect. Yeah, keep your eye on the back of the ball. I'll watch where it goes for you. Have you said it? No. You, you, you've hit a slice or you've lifted your head up. No, you haven't, you've moved incorrectly. But keeping your eye on the back of the ball. Now the reason I say your eyes and not your head is your eyes control your head and your head controls your body. So again, if you are looking for really good coordination, one of the drills that we get people to do as they're about hit the golf shot to actually look slightly before they've hit it so they look forward. And that enables your body to move beautifully. But if you keep your head down, you won't be able to coordinate your golf swing. Really common to see lots of shots go off to the left or then hold the club face open and it shoots off to the right. So have any of you ever worked on coordination? So I'm gonna look at Peter. So Peter, lovely to meet you. Is it Rand? How, how do you pronounce your surname? Peter
Speaker 8 00:36:40 Randazzo.
Speaker 2 00:36:41 Ah, there you go. And, and have you, is this something you've ever done before?
Speaker 8 00:36:46 Yeah, I actually practice stretching in the morning and I, I've, I've done the, the, you know, the easiest swing of motions and always when I get in trouble I try and come back to the flow of coordination.
Speaker 2 00:37:02 Wonderful. It's a, it is a great way to, to swing a golf club. I'll keep letting Stuart in anybody. He, so yeah, so again, if you've got any questions on this, so we, you know, as we, as we progress, you got any questions, just by all means leave them, leave a little message in the chat, we'll read those. Thank you Going forward. But again, really important to, if you want to play efficient, effortless golf, it's so important to work on coordination and we do that a lot. I'll just show you another little exercise that I get people to do. And again, this is all to do with coordination and it's called the swinging leg exercise, which you may or you may not have seen before, but as you swing back, your foot goes backwards and then forwards. Okay, so I'm gonna hit a shot like that.
Speaker 6 00:37:57 Okay,
Speaker 2 00:37:57 Now that went, that went pretty good. What I see people when they do that little exercise, again, this is all about learning to be, become more coordinated. I see everybody do this and they lean, so they try to get their weight to go forwards, but they end up falling backwards. Any idea why? So you couldn't see my head there, hopefully any idea why people would lean backwards? So I'm gonna demonstrate it now. Hopefully you can just about see it. So everybody keeps their eye on the board. Now I can't transfer my weight forward, but when I did it, start off with, lemme pull again. Can you see that thing? So watch what my head does now. I can get my weight moving forward. So if you ever try that little exercise's called a swinging leg exercise, don't do it and keep your head down because you won't be able to coordinate your golf swing. Yeah. So should we be coordinated with all shots?
Speaker 1 00:39:10 Sure.
Speaker 2 00:39:12 Great, great answer. Absolutely. How many people, what about chipping? Oh, sorry Damien, I can't hear you Damien.
Speaker 3 00:39:21 I said I didn't hear. Oh, should
Speaker 2 00:39:26 I can't, I couldn't quite hear. So even, even with putting or chipping, chipping would be a, a common one, wouldn't it? So when, when we're doing a little chip shot, how many people have the weight going back and the hands flipping forward? You see this so often with people, but even with chipping, there should be a form of coordination going on from there. So it's not just valuable in your full swing, it goes through the whole whole game. Okay, so has anybody got any questions on coordination?
Speaker 1 00:40:00 You are, could you, can you hear me Julian? I can
Speaker 2 00:40:03 Hear you. Yes.
Speaker 1 00:40:05 Do you want sort of say something about coordination in the backswing?
Speaker 2 00:40:09 Yes.
Speaker 1 00:40:10 If you see what I'm getting at,
Speaker 2 00:40:11 I can see exactly where you're going at Jeff. Yeah, that's a wonderful question. What is it again? So if we get good at a half swing, would you say everything is turning?
Speaker 1 00:40:24 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:40:25 Slide it from this way.
Speaker 1 00:40:27 Yeah. Okay.
Speaker 2 00:40:28 What is it? If I do it this way? Yeah,
Speaker 1 00:40:32 It's, it's the only thing moving is the club in nothing else is moving.
Speaker 2 00:40:38 Yeah. So, so if I start the backswing too quickly with my wrist, now everything is outta
Speaker 1 00:40:47 Sync.
Speaker 2 00:40:47 Sync, yeah. So now we're gonna have to stop, wait for the strike and then try and catch up and that will make the whole thing so much harder. Think about a pendulum. Do you see how that's swinging backwards and forwards? Does that look like it's coordinating? Well,
Speaker 1 00:41:07 Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:41:07 Okay. What, what do you think will happen if I swing the grip first?
Speaker 1 00:41:14 Yeah, it'll just,
Speaker 2 00:41:16 So, so if I, in the downswings for instance, so if I pull the grip or they talk about pulling down or creating lag, now I can't really coordinate it very well. So if we start the backswing with the wrist too early, the body doesn't match, match up, then if the body goes too early, the club doesn't match up and that's where we get that inconsistency from. Yeah. And that's when golf becomes a bit of a struggle for everybody. So it's great if we can get it in the back swing. It's wonderful to get it working well through impact and then obviously into that, that nice finish, which we'll talk about in a second. So in fact just hopefully Joe, have you got anything else to say on, on that?
Speaker 0 00:42:01 Well I was gonna say, we're just giving you, given you a break a minute, we started off by saying that most people come to us a because they've been down the YouTube rabbit hole, secondly because they've had injuries and thirdly, because they're losing some distance. So I just wonder in the chat, can you, can you help us identify whether you are one of those just to make sure that we're on the right thing? So can you first answer this question? Have you been down the YouTube rabbit hole and just write in the chat. Yes. Put me a Y in the chat if you've been down the YouTube rabbit hole and got confused. But just a y So Peter has, Steven has, Danny has, yeah. So yeah, Dave, I think, yeah, a lot of people Amp yeah. So yeah, because, well, yeah, thank, thank you. So that really does back up what we're saying just to plug the gaps in terms of our YouTube as well.
Speaker 0 00:43:07 So if you found us on YouTube, Julian's YouTube channel, when he started it in 2015, got really popular because of teaching this new easy relaxed ways play golf, you might have met him during that. What happened was during lockdown, a lot of people were sort of copycatting those ideas and they were, well Julian was actually homeschooling during lockdown, but a lot of those channels took off. So we then tried to be like them and we weren't enjoying it. And more importantly, people like you guys were saying that YouTube is confusing people. So that's why we came off YouTube completely because we didn't, we wanna help authors get better, not confuse everybody. So our new sort of YouTube is not gonna be hints and tips because I was chatting to a guy yesterday and he'd literally, our knew probably be like this, but Eli, about 3000 videos somewhere stashed away on YouTube. So that's why we've got the methodology. So it gives you a process, you know, something to stick to. But that's my first question. Second one was about injury. So again, a lot of our people come to us and say they might have been for lessons somewhere and they've got injured. Can you put a yes in the chat if that's ever happened to you or somebody that you know? So it's a yes if you've ever been injured by a golf lesson, hopefully there won't be many, many. But if you put a yes in there
Speaker 2 00:44:33 It can happen.
Speaker 0 00:44:34 Dan has, yeah, not so, not so many on that one, but good.
Speaker 2 00:44:41 That's good.
Speaker 0 00:44:42 Oh, I suppose I'll add to that, has anybody ever been to pro and they've been compared to like a Rory McElroy or somebody like that, or a Tiger Woods? If you have, because I'm laughing because that just seems the most ridiculous thing for me to people to do. Yeah, I think that's gonna go Yes, yes, yes. People that you know. Yeah, you've been compared on the videos. I've Sorry, who was that
Speaker 2 00:45:09 Battery? About
Speaker 0 00:45:14 Too many. Yeah. My favorite story is about our client whose 73-year-old retired ambulance man, Julian, isn't he on the a paramedic? And yeah, he went and being compared to Roy McElroy and he is like, no, that really hurt. I'm not going back. But, but, so thank you for that. Thank you Julia. No problem.
Speaker 2 00:45:31 I
Speaker 0 00:45:31 Think we're onto the, I'm
Speaker 2 00:45:32 Gonna share with, I'm just gonna share with you guys a person that I've recently started coaching. This was the very, very first time he swung a golf club in front of me. So I didn't know who he was or, or what he was doing. I'm just going to press play. So we're talking about coordination now. Oh, better press play, hadn't I? What do we think to that in terms of coordination? So let me, none, I'm just gonna show on. I like it. Stuart. That's brutal. Look at the start of his backswing. Ready? It will move in a second. There it goes. Yeah, it's picking the club up. Yeah. Okay. Now what you can't see from this video is where his golf club actually went. So he was very, very, instantly his wrists started the backswing. So now he's not coordinated. So now he's having to wait to strike.
Speaker 2 00:46:34 It all got a little bit awkward through impact finish wasn't important whatsoever. But what you, what you can't see from there that I'll showing you. Now, not only did he start the golf club with his, with his wrists, but his golf club was here. Okay. So now everything's in completely the wrong place and it was just full of compensations. Now what happened? He listened to his playing partners who said to him, you are lifting the club up too steep. You need to move the club to the inside. Hmm. So he didn't take any lessons. So his theory was, okay, well if I bring the club around here now to the inside, but didn't realize the effect that that was having on the rest of his golfing. So his playing partners in a way weren't wrong, but the way it was interpreted and the way it was applied was not that great. What do you think his handicap is
Speaker 9 00:47:38 Above 30?
Speaker 2 00:47:40 About 30. That's a good question. Any others?
Speaker 9 00:47:43 No,
Speaker 2 00:47:47 He's been down to 12. Yeah, he's better now. He's off 16. But he was a very, very talented sportsman. So he played lots of racket sports, played some hockey. So he had a great awareness of, of what this was doing. But what he was reliant on and when the reason he came to me, his, his timing wasn't as good. So he is actually 60 years old and he'd lost the timing of this thing of the club face. So now it was all about manipulation and trying to square it up. But when he squared it up, he hit a wonderful golf shot. The ones that he didn't were not that great. In fact, it was quite scary in here 'cause there's a, there's a wall just to the right of me from here and it was bouncing off the wall when, when it was, I mean, to I, I nearly went, got my hard hat and, and put that on. But yeah, it was quite scary sometimes. But because the club was so out of position, there was no way he could coordinate his golf swing. And it was all about compensation. It just made it harder. So we've worked some changes and he's he's already feeling bad. Yes. Stuart?
Speaker 9 00:48:53 So I played golf with a friend of mine and he's hitting it further than he ever hit it before. And I said, what are you doing? And he said, I'm I'm doing this. Yep. And I tried doing that and it didn't work for me. I mean, different things work for different people. You know, when he got to the ball he was, he was doing this, you know, he, he, he, okay,
Speaker 2 00:49:21 Well that, that would be incorrect in what you've said because if he was doing that at the ball, the ball would go a long way left because the club face would be closed. Yeah, well that's squared it up.
Speaker 9 00:49:35 Yeah. His didn't do that, but mine did that mine. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 2 00:49:39 Yours would do Because your body movements better than, than than other people. So, oh, sorry Joe. You were just saying somebody was not, not letting us. No,
Speaker 0 00:49:51 It's, that's fine. We're all good. That's fine. I was just gonna give you a break for a minute. I was just gonna give you a rest so you can have a little break and a glass of water.
Speaker 2 00:49:56 Yeah, absolutely. So, so coordination really, really important, but you have to do it the right way. But when you get it, it's so efficient and so becomes effortless. But
Speaker 9 00:50:08 Also, can I say one more thing about coordination? I shortened my backswing. Yeah. And I never hit it better.
Speaker 2 00:50:20 Yeah, you can, you can. That helps with it.
Speaker 9 00:50:22 I I my coordination by not trying to look like you, you and be up here by, but just taking it back to here but by coordination through was just perfect. That was hitting it.
Speaker 2 00:50:37 That, that, that'll a hundred percent help Stuart. Yeah, so you don't have to have a full swing. Doesn't have to go all the way to here.
Speaker 9 00:50:43 That's why I always try to look like you and that's what you do. But when I, of course I'm a couple years older than you.
Speaker 2 00:50:51 A couple few. Wonderful. So Joe, have you got anything to add to?
Speaker 0 00:50:58 No, I'll just, I'll just say if you, you have a drink of water or take a break, I just need you to share your screen. My screen.
Speaker 2 00:51:05 Okie dokie.
Speaker 0 00:51:06 Just while you have a little rest before we move on to the six second finish.
Speaker 2 00:51:12 Let me, there we go. You should be able to see it now. Joe, can you share me? Hopefully.
Speaker 0 00:51:19 Can everybody see my screen? Can you see it Julian?
Speaker 2 00:51:23 Nope, I can see you. I can see you. Yeah, it's, yeah, it's working.
Speaker 0 00:51:29 Oh yeah. What? So you can see me? Not my screen.
Speaker 2 00:51:32 Can see. You can see. You can see you. Oh, hang on
Speaker 0 00:51:35 There. We're there. We're there. We're there we are.
Speaker 2 00:51:38 What do you mean? You got it? You see it now? Nope. No,
Speaker 0 00:51:43 There
Speaker 2 00:51:45 I can see you. What do you mean by seeing your screen?
Speaker 0 00:51:48 Oh, you should be able to see my screen. Just
Speaker 2 00:51:50 See you.
Speaker 0 00:51:52 Oh, there we're, wait a sec. Bear with technology.
Speaker 2 00:51:55 There we're, yep. Perfect.
Speaker 0 00:51:58 Okay, I'm just gonna say about, 'cause we are talking about, you know, all the, the time that Julian put into the video. So I just wanna show off really his hard work because he doesn't very often, you know, take the credit really for where the credit's due. So these are all the videos during lockdown that he started working together, working on, which have gone over three years. So all our members get access to this training library behind the scenes. So people say, oh yeah, but all the videos are on YouTube. All Julian's videos are not on YouTube. Most of them are in here. You've got lessons on setup, driving fairway words, hybrids, where's the one on chipping 48 lessons on chipping, which just blows my mind. So all our members get access to this. Like I say, really I'm, I'm giving Julian credit for, for doing this.
Speaker 0 00:52:54 The, the other thing that I need that I never think he does enough, gives himself enough credit for is I'm just gonna go to the bottom of all these videos. So every fortnight we do a masterclass just like this for our members. So you can see in there there's 86 lessons. So Julian, over the three years, 86 times as rock top, I'm a live masterclass to do this for our members and we've got some members that have literally joined everyone. So when you're a member of proper golfing every fortnight we do these live masterclasses. So it's a different topic every time and he runs it a bit like he does now. But I just wanted to show you that, just to give you an indication of all the hard work that he's got behind the scenes. And then, and our members as well, they get, which is something that I love watching, is our members area. So we just commenting on different things, different people are putting their stuff in there. So I just wanted to give you a little bit of an insight really into what people get behind the scenes really. 'cause Yeah, he needs a lot of credit for that. 'cause he's done a great job,
Speaker 2 00:54:00 Isn't Yeah.
Speaker 0 00:54:02 So just while you're having a bit drink of water. Yeah.
Speaker 9 00:54:05 I'm glad you reminded me because I haven't been in there for a while.
Speaker 0 00:54:09 Yeah,
Speaker 2 00:54:10 In there, Stuart, you, there's, there's loads of stuff in there now. It's,
Speaker 0 00:54:14 I suppose, I suppose the, the other thing that I'm particularly proud of here as well is that you now, 'cause I know that, you know, I'm a learning and development specialist, as I say. So you get videos, but now you also get an audio, an audio accompaniment to it as well. So if you're not, if you don't wanna sit for an hour and, and watch the live master classes, I'm just spinning down now because if you, this is how you watch the courses, but you'll see that on here, this is the one that we did last week. But you get an audio version with it as well. So you can just plug it in and listen to the audio. And we're also just starting to have a little bit of fun as well with some quizzes. So if that's your thing, you know, you can do the quiz and be on the leaderboard and such like that. But, so we're quite proud really of that and all the stuff that's going on. We've got in a mindset thing as well. We used to write a mindset every week, didn't we? But, so yeah, I just wanted to show off on Julia's behalf really, because he's worked really hard on it.
Speaker 2 00:55:10 Do you wanna stop sharing? Are
Speaker 3 00:55:12 You telling us how to become a member?
Speaker 0 00:55:15 Yeah, I mean if you want me to tell you Yeah, it's really easy. I'll send, I'll send the link afterwards. But the, we've, we've also, we're very, very proud of the fact that we've created, so we've got the, the membership, which I, so people often say, oh I don't wanna do online. We call it the interactive Academy really, because it's like this as, as Eric knows, we have chat, we have the master classes every fortnight. So we've got that level of membership and then lots of people now are deciding to bolt on the one-to-ones with Julian either, you know, in ton or, or face, you know, like with somebody said about 80 year olds. I think it was you Damien, wasn't it? You said 80-year-old Michael in Texas is 79. He told me off for nearly calling him 80. But literally he was so committed to making this thing happen at his age that last summer. He religiously took to the videos and he halved his handicap down to, what was it, eight Julian from, from
Speaker 2 00:56:09 Eight, from 16 down to 8.9.
Speaker 0 00:56:12 He's just, I I've put in the, I put in the members for him today. I spoke to him yesterday. I'm like so inspired by him. He's just mind blowingly brilliant at 78. He halved his handicap. He hasn't been very well, so he wants to get it back on track. But so the, the program that most people do now, so called the master's program, which basically combines all the, you know, the stuff in the background, like I've said with some one-to-ones with Julian, but it gives you a whole year of access. I think at some point Julian might show you the Coach Now app, which is great. You just send in your video his swing. And he's really good at that. But i's, like I say, I wanted to do that because I don't think he gives himself credit for all the hard work and grit determination that it took to do that. 'cause doing video's not that easy. Is it Julia? When the Greek, when the mowers out and the, the grit, all that. It's not that easy, is it?
Speaker 3 00:56:58 What you gonna do about,
Speaker 0 00:57:00 Sorry, Damien,
Speaker 3 00:57:02 Whatcha are you gonna show me about how to become a member?
Speaker 0 00:57:05 Oh, okay. I can show my, can you share your screen again, Julian? On or is it still mine? You
Speaker 2 00:57:11 Should be, it should be on yours. Okay, Joe. Yeah, just bear with me.
Speaker 0 00:57:14 The easy, easiest
Speaker 2 00:57:15 Thing to do because I is is proper golfing.com isn't it? Is the first, yeah. Place to look at. Yeah, I was just going to to show you now, so you can just proper golfing
Speaker 0 00:57:27 Com. Yeah, proper golfing.com. On Is that, can you see the news? I don't do the news, do I? But can you see my screen? Yeah, you can see my screen. It's that one there. So the Join the academy. So like I say, there there's two, there's two levels I suppose really there's the masters is where you get the sessions with Julian and the whole online support for a year. And then the academy is just, is the annual one. So it depends on, it depends on what you're like, but most people are just doing the master's program at the moment 'cause it's, oh yeah. I think Julian, we forgot to say something else that we are so proud about is that, you know, I'm an engineer and we've had some help from our clients that say, well, Julian always used to get people that, you know, to learn golf.
Speaker 0 00:58:09 And he used to go, I know where they're going, but they don't. And it's really important that we point out all the hard work that we put into the proper golfing metrics. Can you get the thing, Julie? 'cause it's really important. Yeah. One second. What? Because I, at the end of the day, when you come for golf improvement, you wanna know where you start and where you're gonna go. And then the measurements in between. And this is, this is so good that he's, that he's developed this system. We call it the proper golfing metrics. If you, you know, if you've been in business or you're an engineer or something, you'll know what it is. But just flash it up. Julian, on, on the,
Speaker 2 00:58:42 You need to stop sharing your screen, Joe.
Speaker 0 00:58:44 Oh, just for you. I mean, if you just show it on the, I
Speaker 2 00:58:46 Dunno if you can see that or not. Can you see that? Yep. Yep. So we've designed a way of measuring a person's golf swing measured against eight different things. So the, the eight I'll, I'll just read them out very quickly. Swing killers. So what's actually killing your golf swing? The setup. We need to make a nice setup that's gonna help with consistency. The backswing, the start of the downswing, really important. The, what we call the release at impact through impact, the finish of the golf swing and the mental state, the mindset that goes with it. And the maximum you could score if you had everything was perfect would be 32. I've measured my swing and I've been very critical of, of my own golf swing. The best I've done is 28. But when, so I scored somebody a, a new person, just yesterday, he started off at eight and he went very quickly up to 20.
Speaker 2 00:59:47 Because some of the things, as you do, one good thing, another good thinking happens somewhere else. But if you don't know where to look, you kind of guessing. So we've taken the guesswork out and it's all measurable now, which is wonderful. The practice plans really help as well. But I just, I, I, I just wanna, before I'm just conscious of the time, I can't believe where time goes. Given a half hour lesson now would be a nightmare for me. I couldn't possibly do it. So I just want to go onto the final thing that I really like to see in, in golf swings, which is the finish. So Damien, right now, how important is the finish to you? We're gonna score it out of 10. So ten's really important one, it doesn't matter.
Speaker 3 01:00:28 What do you mean? In my own swing? Or you mean? Yeah, bigger
Speaker 2 01:00:31 In your ex. So if you were playing a shot down the fourth hole, how important would the finish of the swing be to you? Well,
Speaker 3 01:00:37 It'd be all over the place. Sometimes it's good and sometimes it's crap.
Speaker 2 01:00:41 That's a good way of describing it. So would it be a one or would it be a five or
Speaker 3 01:00:46 A 10? It'd be a, the ball goes relatively straight. It would be a, it would be a four five.
Speaker 2 01:00:52 Yeah. But other than that, probably, probably not important. And I would say that's the same for most golfers. For me it's a 10. It's a 10 out of 10 every single time. Okay. So we've, this should be quite easy to remember. And it's called the six second finish. So we, we want a swing tension free, we want a coordinated release and we should be able to hold the finish for six seconds. So if I just hit one now, so I say I could easily hold that for more than six seconds. Why? Why have I come up with that number? Six seconds. Where's that come from?
Speaker 8 01:01:38 The ball flight Till it lands on the ground. Till it hits the ground
Speaker 2 01:01:43 Perfectly. Yeah. So it's roughly the time it takes for your golf ball to land. Okay. Did any of you, were any of you noticing anything about my finish? So finish calls are truth. So if I just go to here, what do you notice? Balance. Balance? Yeah. Your weight. Your weight is
Speaker 3 01:02:09 On the left side.
Speaker 2 01:02:10 Yeah. So if I did it to camera, let me come back this way. Where am I facing? Talking The target. Yeah. What about my right knee target? Yeah. What about my right foot?
Speaker 3 01:02:28 Right up on the toe?
Speaker 2 01:02:29 Yeah. And where's the sole of my shoe facing?
Speaker 3 01:02:33 Right behind you? Yeah.
Speaker 2 01:02:34 Well, where's the club finished?
Speaker 3 01:02:36 Right over your shoulder.
Speaker 2 01:02:38 Okay. And if I did this with my shoulders, let me just come back here. What do you notice in my shoulder if I do this?
Speaker 3 01:02:48 You've stopped.
Speaker 2 01:02:49 Stopped. Can How about the tension? Tension. Very tense. So if I just come here, so imagine now I've made a swing. So if you are looks a little bit like this, what do you think? Do you think that's correct or could it be better? So the tent, the finish tells us so much information about what's happened before that. So it's, as I say, it's the blueprint to your golf swing. It tells the truth. If you can nail finish, hold it for six seconds in balance, facing your target, you are gonna hit a lot of good golf shots. And it's a part of the swing that so few people ever talk about. It's, it's set up, it's backswing, it's impact, but nobody really talks about the finish of the golf swing. I think it's the most important. It's Stuart. Yes.
Speaker 3 01:03:41 Just as an aside. Yep. If I do that, all my mates are gonna be saying Za. Yep. Za.
Speaker 2 01:03:48 Yep. So I couldn't agree more. And, and I've got a great answer to it and I would totally agree and I would probably call you a poer too if you're doing it on the golf course. But what, what should happen? You should be able to hold it for six seconds. So if we are here, we've nailed it, we can definitely recoil and come back into our posture. But if we're not in a position where we could hold it, then there's something going wrong somewhere else in the golf swing that we often need to identify. So for instance, if you keep your head down too long, you can't, you can't hold your banish your balance. So have any of you had what we call the dreaded walk forward? So if you'd hit a shot, you've hit it and you've, you've suddenly fallen, fallen in this way or fallen backwards, which is even worse.
Speaker 2 01:04:38 So if you're leaning backwards, you're gonna hit behind the ball, top the ball, hit it left, push it, right? So if you are suddenly finishing a six second for six seconds, it's a brilliant way to check your golf swing. It's very difficult to falsify it as well. A lot of people think, ah, I'll be okay, but you'll know if you are in balance or not. I, I could hold mine for a lot longer than than six seconds, but it didn't happen overnight. I used to be a big fan of keeping my eye on the back of the ball. My dad was a big Nicholas fan. He said, you know, just watch Nicholas watch how he it. So I was taught to do that from a very young age and it took me a while to get, get out of it. But when you understand how your eyes affect your head movement, how it affects your body movement, then you can really make strides in, in this wonderful game of golf. So six second finish. If you can hold that, that'd be awesome Joe.
Speaker 0 01:05:36 I was just gonna add, 'cause we are talking about being, you know, us being the go-to place for golfers in the senior section. And the reason, you know, it's important that we talk about balance and the six second finish because you might have noticed we age to talk about it. But you know, as we, as we age, our balance does get affected. We might have had new knees or new hips or you know, one leg doesn't work quite as well as the other one. So it's important. Again, there's a whole list of ways that you can get to that six second finish because things alter as your body ages, you know. So the more you can practice your balance, the better your golf's gonna be. I mean, I know, I know Julia was just saying about his balance, but it used to be totally rubbish, didn't it? Do you remember before you started practicing it you had to do you done hours?
Speaker 2 01:06:22 Really? I don't think was that good Joe,
Speaker 0 01:06:24 You were terrible. You literally have done hours. Aren't you working, you know, working on your balance different ways? Well
Speaker 2 01:06:30 I, I thought mistakenly before I knew started to learn this stuff, I just thought balance was a thing. And if you haven't got it, you can't get it back again. But that's such a fallacy, you know, if you, if you, if you've trained the right muscles, if you practice it so standing on one leg while you keep cleaning your teeth, I'm actually stood on one leg. Now you'll get better at balance. So you can improve your balance, not just through hitting golf balls. In fact, quite often the practice drills that we write people are one minute. So the kettle's boiling. You just waiting for the kettle to boil. You can practice something 20 times in that, in that one minute that's gonna make your golf game better. Not going hitting 20 balls. You can hit what two balls in a minute and yet you could practice a little thing that will make it better 20, 30 times more than going hitting ball. So it's not about, I used to be a big fan of how many golf balls can I hit a day? And thank God I've stopped that. I learned, I've learned a, a tremendous lesson from not doing that and moving much, much or being aware of doing things much better and more efficient. And if you can do a two for one, if you can clean your teeth and improve your balance, that's gotta be a cool thing, isn't it? Yeah.
Speaker 0 01:07:45 I'm just gonna, I was just gonna nip in there Julian, just again while you take a break and have some water. 'cause I know it's hard Worky Swimming Club, but I noticed Stan's with us and you know, I talked to a lot of golfers around the world and you know, the the online thing I think sometimes gets in the way a little bit for us, but I love i i Stan's online at the moment. So Stan's been working with Julianne for, for about a year now and someone say, oh well, you know, I like the face to face. Well I have to, I I mean I I Well Stan, you can, between you and Julian just tell us about what happened last time Julian did you a Zoom lesson 'cause it was fantastic. Do you wanna, either one of you, it was just brilliant, let
Speaker 2 01:08:28 Stan talk for itself.
Speaker 10 01:08:30 Sure. First of all, I will say the virtual lessons have worked out perfectly for me. I have the ability to hit golf balls inside so Julian can watch my swing in real time and give me real feedback. So I was struggling and I sent them an email letting 'em know that I was struggling. And so we get online and he, I show him one of my swings and he immediately identified what a possible issue would be. He gave me a, a simple drill, it's almost embarrassing to mention it. They lift my right heel off the ground and then take a swing. So I did that a few times and started to hit the ball really well. And then I guess about the fifth swing, I hit a seven iron 171 yards, which is ridiculous distance for me in my swing speed. But then I kept doing it and it kept going over 170 yards and my typical seven on was about a a hundred and forty five, a hundred and forty eight yards. And then he had me change clubs to a, a hybrid and the first swing was over 190 yards. I had to show him a picture of the, the TrackMan screen so he would believe what was happening was actually happening. So it is been great. Yeah.
Speaker 0 01:09:57 Yeah. I I loved it. Yeah. Thank you for sharing that, Stan. I think it, like I say, it's really important I think for us to point out that online doesn't necessarily mean like complicated and tech heavy and you know, I'm, I do my best all the time to work people through, you know, like Michael in Texas yesterday, we had a bit of fun with him because he did realize his laptop had got a camera and then he went out and bought one and realized there was, so we had a bit of fun with that and I'll help him book his book his sessions and stuff. So don't let the word online put you off if you're thinking of working with us. 'cause we'll, we'll do our best to, if you've got
Speaker 2 01:10:30 A device I've got the phone can work together. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 0 01:10:34 Now Stan, have you been using Coach Now as well? I can't remember. Do you use the Coach Now app to send in your swings as well? Sometimes or not?
Speaker 10 01:10:41 I do use Coach now. I have sent in swings using it. Typically I will email my actual swing report with all of the data and the video included so Julian can look at multiple swings and see what kind of data each swing is generating to maybe zero in on what, what's going on.
Speaker 2 01:11:03 Yeah.
Speaker 0 01:11:04 Oh, think I just, I just pressed the share button. Sorry, I didn't realize I've done that. Sorry, while Sam was talking about it. Oh, sorry. It's my fault. Can, yeah, can you see that now? This is so just, sorry I didn't, I didn't actually mean to do this, but it's popped up now. This is what we're talking about the Coach Now app. So this is where Stan, I'm just wondering whether, whether we see Stan on here. So Glen's a new member, he's in his garage, but this is the opportunity, it's a really easy to use app. You basically video, you go golf swing, don't you stand, pop it in there and then Julian will either give you some response or send a video back to you. But I'm just flicking through, flicking through. So these guys are all, all in America at the moment, aren't they, Julian? Yeah.
Speaker 2 01:11:45 And although we do,
Speaker 2 01:11:47 The nice thing is we're we're here to help. So, you know, if you get frustrated, let that out as it'll help you get through it and, and, and this works. That, that's the top and bottom of it. You know, I've had, I've been to some fabulous coaches over the years who were very, very knowledgeable, but that's at the age of 40. That's when I thought I was going to get to, gonna have to stop playing golf altogether, had chronic lower back pain, chronic left knee pain, thinking it was my age and never questioned my technique. And when I actually really started to study things, then I could really understand how to make things better. Just had a lovely message there from Peter. When are we coming to the stage? Joe?
Speaker 0 01:12:31 We, I'm just gonna put the link to our American program. It's April, basically it's after the masters. The day
Speaker 2 01:12:37 After the masters It starts, yeah.
Speaker 0 01:12:39 Yeah. So, oh, in fact there's the, I'll find the page and I'll put it in the, in the chat. It's my, it's gone.
Speaker 2 01:12:45 We're doing a two day course the Monday and Tuesday after the masters. Then we're doing another two day course for Wednesday and Thursday, and then we're doing another one on the Saturday. And then sadly we've gotta go and meet Stuart down in Florida. Sadly. That's gonna be wonderful. Yeah. Coming to the States. The second, is it the, the Wednesday and Thursday there's more vacancies I think than
Speaker 0 01:13:10 I just, I was just gonna say, I know Stan's on Stan's online. Stan's joining. This is me for the second program. I'm just trying to find the link, but it keeps clicking into the, I'll email everybody the link anyway, but yeah, it's North Carolina. Yeah. In April.
Speaker 2 01:13:24 Yeah, thank you.
Speaker 0 01:13:26 And there
Speaker 2 01:13:27 It's, and the other, the other thing is, I mean, you, you may have all had lessons and, and there's quite a few people on here who have been able to help. I would like to think golf could be really enjoyable when you know what you're doing. When, when you're working to a plan and, and you're really seeing progress. Golf's a wonderful game to play. And I think when we're playing frustration and, and anger and, and, and, you know, we, we just can't get it round. And you playing partners are telling you, you've lifted your head up all the time. It's like, hang on a minute, there's gotta be a better way. And this, as we all know, there's, there's quite a bit to the golf swing, but if you know what you're doing, it's amazing how quickly you can improve. And it's wonderful being able to measure swings and, and show people how to really get better and not, we've taken the hope out of it now and, and now we can, we can prove it. And, and yeah, I and I, I'm very blessed that Joe Joe's great with me, but she allows me to do what I love doing and, and you kind of take care of the tricky bits.
Speaker 0 01:14:29 Yeah. But like, you know, it's, it's, I put in the members area today. I, I was just sitting there and it is sunny in the UK and I just feel like we, you know, our job, one of our values is about inspiring people. That's what, that's what I love to do is, you know, tell you about stories about my call or people that we have or like Stewart or Stan, you know, our job is to inspire you to, you know, think, okay, what is next? You know, so that's just our thing. And I'm, and I'm over grateful to have the chats with the people that I do. It's just beautiful. It's a really, really nice thing to do with your life. We're very blessed.
Speaker 2 01:15:05 Yeah. And so I would say if anybody's got any questions, you should now have Joe's email. Is it, what's the best email to get you on, Joe, if you've got any
Speaker 0 01:15:13 Questions, I'm just Joe at Proper Golf, I'll put it in there now. I'll put Joe Golf in. Yeah.
Speaker 2 01:15:19 So if you, you know com you can find all our information. Yeah, if you've got any questions, just drop us a message. You know, we're, we, we're always happy to hear from people and, and, and build nice relationships with people. This is, I always say to everybody, this is a two-way street. You guys have a natural golf swing. I have a natural golf swing. My job's to bring it out, it's in there. Let's get it out
Speaker 11 01:15:45 There. I have a little complaint, it's too hard to get in. I, i
Speaker 2 01:15:51 Golfing do com.
Speaker 11 01:15:53 It took me into, into the session today, it took me 20 minutes to all the things I had to fill out or sign or put the passcode in and this code and that code.
Speaker 0 01:16:08 I think Stuart, that I, I'd love to say that we could have a chat with Zoom and tell Zoom off as a Zoom thing. I'm afraid not, not our side of things, but I appreciate your feedback and we'll try and make it a little bit easier. But it's a Zoom, it's a zoom thing really rather than an RN thing to be honest. But anyway, technology. God bless him
Speaker 2 01:16:30 Guys, it's been wonderful to meet you all. Lovely to have a chat, see some, some new faces, lovely to see some enthusiasm and, and hopefully we'll hear from you again soon.
Speaker 0 01:16:40 Yeah. But if you need any more information, my email is in there, joe pop golfing.com. But thank you very much for joining us. Hope you've learned something, you took some away and we inspired you to think about what's next with your golf, but we'll see you again. Oh, I think Dave, you put your hand up.
Speaker 3 01:16:53 I'm only in so Hall, so Oh, perfect. I dunno where your premises
Speaker 2 01:16:59 Are. 20 minutes away from where you're
Speaker 3 01:17:09 Bit,
Speaker 0 01:17:09 Do you know Mallory Court Hotel? It's a quite well known hotel.
Speaker 12 01:17:13 Yeah, right.
Speaker 0 01:17:14 Yeah, it's next to there. So yeah, it's literally next to there. So from Soly Hall it's like 20 minutes. Yeah. Easy, easy to do. Yeah, go there. No, it'd be great to see you Damian. Yeah. Yeah. And Jeff, Jeff comes up with his sandwiches, don't you? From what? P Portsmouth. Brighton, that's it.
Speaker 12 01:17:30 Brighton.
Speaker 0 01:17:32 And we had Matt, Matt who, one of our members from Pennsylvania, he was visiting his son in London. So if you are ever in the uk, London is like literally an hour and 10 minutes away on the train. You get a direct train from Marone, Birmingham airport's 20 minutes Heath throws an hour and a half. So we're really easy to get to. Yeah. And if you are popping over, it's a beautiful place in the world, isn't it? Damien Sully Hall and Warwick Shit's beautiful. And the place in the UK it's a really nice place to live. But yeah, we're easy to get to Damien, so hopefully we'll see you then. But, but yeah, thanks for joining us, everybody.